Do you know the group Bony M? Haven't heard of that group in a while, eh? Don't ya know? I made a new Canadian friend, Tammy Johnston, who quickly replied to a FB post about holiday music. Turns out Tammy loves all things Christmas but does not believe in God. And that's ok...she shared "Mary's Boy Child" with us all. She fell in love with this song when she was a child. When she got a little older, she realized it was a "religious" song but the memories and feelings attached to it made her love it still. Her mom would always turn up the radio and they'd dance!! Funny to think we were all dependent on the radio to some extent "back then". She brought up a great point though...the radio, dictating what you will hear next, offers a certain element of surprise! I had never heard this song so it is new to me this year. Check out the playlist on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube to see if you remember it too or need to add it to your playlist this holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!