When you think about your current and prior work performance, would you consider yourself to be a key player in the organization? If you’re working for yourself in a startup and you’re the only player, ask yourself the question this way, would you hire someone with your same work ethic? In today’s episode, I am bringing on Liz Wiseman. Liz is the CEO of the Wiseman Group and the best-selling author of multiple books, including the book we’ll talk about in this episode titled Impact Players. She was formally an Executive at Oracle Corporation and the Vice President at Oracle University. She’s easily one of the most accomplished business professionals I’ve ever talked to. In our conversation, Liz explains how each of us can become an Impact Player, which will help us to stand out in our line of work, and it will also benefit the organization that we’re part of, even if it’s our own. Here is my conversation with the extremely accomplished, Liz Wiseman!
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