Want to become a better public speaker? Here are public speaking tips that will help you!
Want to become a better public speaker? Here are public speaking tips that will help you! In this episode of the Creating a Brand Podcast Alex Sanfilippo interviews professional public speaker, Clay Baird. We'll start off with how he got his start with public speaking. Clay goes on to share 13 game-changing public speaking tips that you're not going to want to miss!
13 Game-Changing Public Speaking Tips:
- Watch the masters
- Look sharp when you’re communicating
- Know your material
- Know your audience
- Don’t give it away
- You have to relax
- Slow your roll
- Include storytelling in your content
- Keep it short and sweet
- Your errors are okay
- Ignore the naysayers
- Stay positive
- Don’t rely on audience response
For full show notes and resources visit: http://creatingabrand.com/13-game-changing-public-speaking-tips-from-clay-baird