SUMMARY: Jeremy Examines the content of the flash drive from Dr. Patel and learns that the video originally seen in Episode 2, A Conspicuous Suspect where we first see the Grinner was incomplete.  

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CONTENT WARNINGS: Profanity, references to prostitution and drugs


  • This episode was written by Jeremy Enfinger with Nathan Lunsford as Detective Anderson and Amanda Lunsford as Brianne Scanlon
  • Sound effects and music by Zapsplat
  • Episode Music, “Intro VI”, “We Will See You Soon”, “Dream Atmos 2” and “Eyelashes Have Left My Head” by Cody Ditzenberger


ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:


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