Watch It In Theaters or Wait For Streaming? Captain America: Brave New World - Movie Review - The Short Box Podcast Ep. 449
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Yo, Short Box Nation, hello again, welcome back. It's another Wednesday, another new pod. And as always, thanks for pressing play today. Try to say that 10 times fast. If you're new, welcome to the show. My name is Badr and this is the Short Box Podcast, the comic book talk show that brings you the best conversations about your favorite comics with the people that put their blood, sweat, and tears into making them. And occasionally, that extends to talking about comic book movies that show love to the medium of comics, that are inspired by comics, that wouldn't be here.
if not for comic books. This is episode 449, and today we'll be talking about the latest Captain America movie, AKA Captain America Brave New World. This is the fourth entry in the Captain America series, the 35th overall MCU film at that. If you haven't watched the movie, or if you plan on watching it later this week and you don't want it spoiled, might I recommend saving this episode for later and maybe checking out last week's episode or the interview I did with Jeff Parker. There's plenty of episodes to play. If you haven't...
watched Captain America Brave New World. Now, I did bring some friends along for this movie review because what type of show would the short box be without some co-hosts and friends? My first co-host, you heard him last week with me and Ed talking about the latest comic book news and whether Marvel was using AI or what the fall of diamond meant for the overall comic book industry. Ladies and gents, I'm proud to welcome back once again Chris Hacker from the Oblivion Bar pod on this week's short box. What up, Chris? How you doing, buddy? Yo, yo, yo.
Last week, Marvel definitely used AI on those posters. Down with diamonds, they are terrible. And look out for those tariffs. Happy to be here to talk about Captain America, Brave New World. That's a great summation of last week's episode, Chris. All right, and rounding out this Holy Trinity of nerds, we can't talk about a movie that stars Harrison Ford without the biggest Harrison Ford fan you'll ever meet.
She's been on the show quite a few times when I do these MCU movie reviews and things like that. You've definitely heard her voice before. She's a returning guest as well. But you haven't met her like this before, alright? You knew her as Blythe Brumley. But I'm proud to welcome the first appearance of my now wife, the big brain, Blythe Milligan! Woo! Yeah! Yeah, look at that smile. Just on the cheek to cheek. She's so happy to be here.
Very tired, very tired. And very tired. Long travel week and you know, just pulling it together for you to go see a movie and then I got roped into a podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
for those for our Jack's peeps. And it was our first time going to a Brazilian steakhouse. I don't know why I decided to do it before the movie, but it sounded like a good idea at the moment. The food was great, but I will say the itis started creeping in by the middle of the movie. And yes, we are rather a little tired today. Me and Blythe literally just got out of the movie, maybe not even an hour ago. So it's pretty fresh on our minds. Chris, I believe that you went to go watch what? Opening night Thursday, right?
Yeah, I saw it on Thursday preview night. It was the AMC fan event that they usually have on these Thursdays. It's got a little key chain and a t-shirt, which is pretty cool. Oh, you actually got stuff this time? Yeah. They handed me a t-shirt and a key chain. I was like, wow, OK, cool. I mean, I see these movies every first Thursday that they come out. They're struggling now. They're like, yo, thank you for showing up. If that's not foreshadowing for my eventual thoughts on this movie, we'll get to it. But yeah, it was actually a pretty cool surprise. And I wish Marvel did that more often.
You know how they were able to afford that shirt and keychain is from all the years of you already giving them your money. It's finally coming back around. I want to go ahead and get our opening statements out the way. Overall, what's our temperature on the movie? How do we feel coming out of it? Blythe, I'm going to go to you. How do you feel coming out of the theater just a couple of minutes ago? How is this movie set for you so far? I think it's just been kind of a, that was fine.
Now, onto the next. I don't know how to describe sort of my state of like sort of Marvel fandom. Like nothing leaves me sort of wanting more or wanting to dive into it. There are other shows or other things that I'm watching right now where the second it's over, I can't wait to go and see if there's a bunch of YouTube videos. Sorry. Yes, that exactly. I can't wait to go and see if there's a bunch of YouTube videos, you know, Reddit threads, things like that. And I remember when my.
When I used to do that with a Marvel movie and it just hasn't happened in a while. Did I think it was bad? No. I thought it was actually better than... I thought it was going to be terrible with all the reshoots and all the drama building around it and just the cloud that lives over the MCU as of this moment. But I didn't have a bad time. It was a fine time. A fine time? What was better, the Brazilian steakhouse or the movie?
She's like, no comment, no comment. Harrison Ford, that's their answer. Third answer. He was very good. All right. Chris, how would you describe your overall opinion on the movie now that a couple days has passed and separated from it? I don't want to come off hyperbolic. I don't often get overly in my emotions about these things because I separate the comics and the movies. If I care about Silver Surfer in the comics, you got to make me care about Silver Surfer in the movies and so on. So what I'm about to say, don't think that this is like
Everything is the best. Everything is the worst over at the Oblivion Bar. I try to come at this with as much nuance and tact as possible, because these are pieces of work that many people worked on and it's hard. Making movie, making art is hard. That being said, yuck. This movie is an atrocity. I hated this movie on a level that I have never disliked. There are only a couple of superhero movies that I've disliked more than this movie, and I'm not even talking about.
Electra I'm not talking about like Fantastic Four from 2000 and whatever the odds I'm talking like You know this barely beat out Madame Webb and Zack Snyder's Justice League for me it is it is in my opinion that much of a Mess in a lot of ways. I don't think I could audibly gasp loud enough at this Chris. You tend to be very Very positive and I've always given you credit for like always trying to find the good in in a movie whether it be good or bad
So this is rather surprising. And I guess, I mean, you know, how could you not follow up and ask what exactly rubbed you the wrong way? Well, I think the clear cuts of the reshoots is maybe the most glaring issue. I think from scene to scene, whether it's these incredibly green screen reshoots that you see with Giancarlo Esposito or, you know, the submarines, you know, see the ship fighting there at Tiamat Island about three fourths of the way through the movie where
Sam and Joaquin look like cartoon characters. They look like PS3 level graphics. If I can give one brief CGI kudos, Harrison Ford's Hulk looks great. I'm imagining that they've probably been working on that CGI and that scene since Harrison Ford agreed to be in the movie. That looked all pretty good. But
I think I don't want to at any point, I do not want to compare anything to do with Chris Evans and his trilogy To this because I'm so happy that Anthony Mackie is Captain America. He's earned it the character earned it He's earned it as like an actor. He is at this point a veteran in the universe But if I could just make a small slight comparison is that when you this movie is so so much trying to be like Winter Soldier it's trying to sort of show you what Sam Wilson's Captain America has been up to since Steve passed him
the shield and since he accepted that role in previously Falcon and Winter Soldier and now Captain America and Winter Soldier. So, in that opening scene with Giancarlo Esposito and him infiltrating the surface society's base, the wild difference between Steve Rogers jumping out of a plane and just full on annihilating an entire crew of people on a ship compared to Sam who granted is but a man, he has only no serum for him.
It all just looks a little half baked for me and it just kind of Very slowly from there never got better. Nothing about it ever got better for me. It's a thriller without any thrill It's a superhero movie without any fun superheroing and I hated it Need I say more? I guess I could probably just be quiet for the rest of you Go in the corner now Joke aside. I I did not think about that. I didn't think about the comparison between the opening scene of Winter Soldier 2
Brave New World and you're right there is it'd be a hard press not to you know call them like basically twins I'm even up to instead of Chris Evans fighting Batroc. You've got Anthony Mackie fighting Some equivalent of that guy. Sidewinder. Sidewinder. Thank you so much. As Z-List villain as you can fucking get Let me quickly look up Marvel Wiki Did you like the Red Hulk? Like what do you recall?
in terms of Red Hulk in the comics or when Sam Wilson became Captain America in the comics, were you reading Marvel at the time? Were you a fan of those stories? I really only have one instance that I can think of where I've read the Red Hulk in comics. It's Daniel Way and Steve Dillon's Thunderbolt series where it's Red Hulk putting together a team of... It's funny because it's Thunderbolt Ross putting together a team of the Thunderbolts.
They just fully went into it because back in the 80s when the Thunderbolts was created, it wasn't created as like a pastiche of the Thunderbolt name. But they just did that in the 2000s with Daniel Way and it's pretty fun. It's Red Hulk and Electra, Punisher, Deadpool, Wolverine. It's all the anti-heroes that you like and know. They all have red and black variations to their suits. Red Hulk has the aviators on. He's got the black mustache. It's just Thaddeus with...
like in Red Hulk form. So it's all fun. It's all like very over glorified, violent, and espionage-esque, all those things. When Red Hulk first premiered in the comics, I was working at the comic shop, the now defunct Universal Super Heroes, RIP. You know, it was one of those silly things where I think a lot of us looked at it like, all right, Marvel's not even trying at this point. You know, they're jumping the shark. I have fond memories looking back. I think in the moment I was a little critical, you know, I was a little silly.
But it was kind of like just like you said, it was like a fun comic book series. You know, it was like this Red Hulk character. You didn't know who he was, but you had a killer line up with like Jeff Loeb and Ed McGinnis, you know, Jeff Parker, who I had an interview a couple of weeks ago, had some great things to say about that series. But overall, he was a fun character. So I was looking forward to their depiction of Red Hulk in the movie. And I felt like, I think you both have said it, but Harrison Ford was a great pick. And overall, he looked pretty good. CGI, you know, I think.
sometimes a little distracting and then damn sure made you work for that reveal. I think I clocked it at like an hour and a half perfectly is when we got the Red Hulk. And as cool as that scene was, I don't know if it was enough to save the rest of that movie, but I will give Harrison Ford and Red Hulk a lot of credit in terms of like kind of delivering on that. Like I'm going to go to you since we just mentioned Harrison Ford, your ears just perked up. You're all of a sudden awake.
Thoughts on your man Harrison Ford's performance? Because you were a little hesitant. Actually, I think it's safe to say you're always hesitant when Harrison Ford is betraying anyone other than a good guy. I was kind of rooting for him at times. I'm like, leave him alone. Especially when he wants to see his daughter. He just wants to watch or walk along the cherry blossom trees. And I thought he needed a softer mattress when he was in jail. And just, you know, I felt bad for him. Now, mind you.
I think you got to remember that he's all the shit that Ross has done up to this point, right? Like all the manipulation. He was a real son of a bitch. Yeah. Just being like the Avengers biggest haters, right? Damn, they're splitting the team apart. And then you learn all this other, you know, incriminating shit against him, right? Like he basically held, um, my God, it wasn't a master. Oh, the leader. The leader. Thank you so much. Samuel Stearns. Samuel Stern. Thank you. He damn near has has a prisoner. The extra manipulation.
There was no reason for me to root for him, but god damn it, Harrison Ford has some of these softest eyes when he's just sad. You're like, aw. It's a, it's a manipulation tactic by the casting, you know, well, obviously it makes sense to cast Harrison Ford in any role that he wants to do for as long as he wants to do them. Uh, but he, I think it's pretty apparent in the same way that like going forward when, and maybe this is a me thing, but like when you cast Chris Evans in a role,
I'm going to enjoy him in that role, whether it's good, bad, or otherwise, because I like him a lot as an actor. Miles Teller, good example of that as well. But Harrison Ford, and you know, I'm probably not as big a fan as you are, but I definitely have been a fan my entire life. I went through a very, very deep and strong 90s, like dad rock Harrison Ford action phase here recently where I was watching, you know, clear and present danger and fugitive and
a lot of the other like Jack Ryan inspired Harrison Ford movies. So this seeing Harrison Ford back in like a thriller setting was on the surface, really appetizing. And I was excited for that, but bothered to go on what you were saying there to get Red Hulk at the very last bit of the movie. It just at that point I was out. Like I usually don't go to the bathroom in these movies. I try to hold it as long as I can, even though I'm just
downing Vanilla Coke the entire movie. But it was right around the time where that ship battle at Tiamat had passed and I saw Bucky on screen and I go, I know what Bucky's gonna do here. He's just basically gonna say, Steve gave me the shield for a reason and you should go do it. They'll do a quip and then Sam will be inspired. Is that what happened? Is that what happened when I missed it? You know, he absolutely was inspired by that quip. Yeah, and it's just like, at that time I ran to the bathroom, came back and.
Harrison Ford, we all finally got to see what we wanted from him. When you have a character like Thaddeus Ross, again, who we've seen sporadically throughout the MCU, of course, previously played by William Hur, who tragically passed away in 2022 with, I think it was prostate cancer he passed away with. I mean, he passed away in March 22, 2022. The movie was announced later in July during San Diego Comic-Con. So he passed away right before, you know, the movie could even be announced.
Or even like our production started, you know? I think them bringing Harrison Ford on was like one hell of a hell Mary pass. But he initially, but he did show interest. He was like trying to get into the MCU, MCU. And I think, you know, forcing the opportunity opened up in his. Yeah. And when he's obviously in Black Widow and I think even in that moment. And I mean this respectfully, he looks sick. And this is in 2020. So it would have been crazy to get him in.
this movie and all the things. But point being is that Harrison Ford stepped into this really well. It just felt kind of like a little bit of a tease to get him in this movie. And I don't know what he's about. Like I know he's sad about he and Betty's relationship sort of falling out, but that's 100% his fault. And I don't know what his policies are as a president. Like what's his tax reform policy? What's his abortion policy? I don't know anything about him outside of him wanting to
all of a sudden bring folks together. Like his tagline is together. He didn't have any policies. He wanted my probability, which that was fucking wild. Yeah. Yeah. You know, that's what I'm saying is that it just felt, it did feel like such a weird jump, you know, for him to all of a sudden be president and having all of this incriminating things in his past. No one wanted to do a thorough check. Well, I guess he pulls the string. I mean, you know, he did work in that department. Well, and also I think he's following the trend of all of us old white dudes eventually where we're pieces of shit for 60 years.
And then the last 10 years, right before we're about to die, we go, oh crap, maybe I should have some empathy really quick and hope people forgive me before I die. That's what he did here. I think they call that your president era. That's called it. Yeah. Trump should learn a thing or two, not to get political, but he should take a pin out of that hat. You know, I got to say the first, I'd say first 30 minutes, I think from the opening shot of Sam
We ask getting to see Carl Lumbly and Isaiah Bradley them going to the the White House, you know Danny Ramirez I thought what played fantastic off of Anthony Mackie and Carl Lumbly them going to the White House that whole scene of watching You know, Isaiah Bradley like lose it was epic, you know, and Anthony Mackie talking him down I'm trying to pinpoint where it Jumped the shark for me or just kind of like made me feel like it was meandering. I'm not quite sure yet But I thought in the first opening
Like I said, 30 minutes. I was like, okay, I see what they were saying about this being a thriller, a political grounded thriller, you know, you're not sure who to trust. I mean, the way the cameras, you know, the center of photography was shot, you know, very claustrophobic, tight shots, the music was was on it. I'm just trying to figure out where it lost me. I think this movie would have really benefited from maybe like one other Avenger, maybe that may have helped these things a little bit because I think Sam
always, at least in my experience, has always benefited from having at least one other person to bounce off of. And while I think Joaquin Torres is like a really fun character and he's really, he brings like a certain energy to this team, I just don't think he's there quite yet. I mean, I'm thinking again, a Winter Soldier you had, you had, you know, Black Widow, you had Chris Evans and Steve Rogers, you had Nick Fury, you had Winter Soldier eventually, like you had all these characters to sort of different perspectives throughout the film. And this film, all we really had was Harrison Ford's
President Thaddeus Ross, Sam Wilson, and Joaquin. So yeah, and then again, it was the opening scene where I was kind of like, this doesn't look great. And the scenes you were talking about there brought her about where they discuss adamantium for the first time with President Thunderbolt Ross. That looks great. And there are scenes in this movie where there are hard cuts where Julius Onon, who I think is the director of this, you could tell he's got a good eye behind the camera. But again, it's interspliced
crazy green screen, blurred background. They did it six weeks ago and they got it. They pushed a VFX artist to the brink of death to get it done before this movie came out. Like all that was so obvious to me. Let me ask this for the both of you. When you hear reshoots, is it, have we been trained at this point to hear reshoots and automatically correlate that to, oh, this movie might be bad?
Because my understanding is that reshoots in Hollywood, you know, especially big budget movies is a common thing. Is it is there a negative connotation when it comes to that word when we when we apply it to MCU films? Like does it is it always maybe an indicator of maybe a sub horror quality? When Disney does it? Yes, in my opinion, because I think that they're just so dysfunctional as a company right now that any time.
they put their budget behind something, it ends up looking the same. Star Wars has this very same problem too, where a lot, except for Andor, a lot of their shows all look the same. They all feel written by the same people, and it just feels like the suits have gotten involved from the jump, and there's so much in fighting that happens that I think that it's very difficult for a creative team.
to really flourish unless they can fly under the radar. Like Mandalorian did the first season, like Andor did the first season, God help us what they've gotten involved with on the second season of Andor. We'll wait to find out about that. But everything that the suits have gotten involved with, in my opinion, with Disney has tainted it to the point where there's so much creative, just stifling that's going on by budgets, by budget cuts, by ideas, is probably ideas more than anything.
And then the ideas just sort of infiltrate later on and later on and to the point where they have to they're forced to continuously do these reshoots. And then they have a budget of a movie for 500 million dollars. And then if they don't make that at the box office, then it's automatically considered a failure. And so I just think from the business line from the top line down, Disney is just they they're a company that has kind of lost their way. And it's going to take a lot to right the ship. I don't think I automatically apply a negative connotation.
But it does make me want to seek out what exactly, and if there's any specifics here. And for this movie in particular, I kind of put together a very rough timeline or some bullet points about some of the key reshoots and some of the rescheduling and kind of shuffling they had to do. And Chris, if I miss anything, I assume, if I know you, you've also dived into this topic as well. So maybe this is helpful for anyone that is also wondering like, what did they reshoot? Why did this movie take so long? So very quick digest.
This movie was originally announced as San Diego Comic Con in 2022, with the title being Captain America New World Order. That was obviously changed due to some of the negative connotations around that word, you know, with the conspiracy theory ties and then also anti-Semitism connotations as well. So that original title was scrapped for Brave New World, which I do agree. I think the director or someone on the team said, you know, this new title is a little more optimistic, but we want to go ahead and bring into the MCU.
which is all great. You also had the writer's strike in May, 2023. So that was smack dab in the middle of production. I think they started production in November. So pretty much smack dab in the middle of production. We had the writer's strike. And then they also had to deal with, I think some complications and criticism when they announced that Sabra, that character was gonna be in the movie who was played by Shira Haas. She was a Ruth Batserif in this movie. I think there was a lot of criticism about.
boycotting that idea, you know, also with the Hamas and Israel war going on at the same time, you know, just the movie came under fire for that. The Catalyst 4 said reshoots, and I know I'm kind of out of order, I apologize. The film didn't test well in early screenings, I guess, right before it was supposed to be stick to that July 2024 release. I guess in the early screenings, it just didn't test well. And they decided from what I read on the Wiki that
They cut out and reshot three major sequences. They don't really go into detail, but that included adding Giancarlo's character after the fact. So he wasn't even supposed to be in said movie. They, I guess, decided to bring him in to ground the movie a little more to make it. I'm shocked. I was my shocked face. The film's wiki, if you just go to the production section, is huge, but a little fun fact, if you wanna save yourself some time. Giancarlo replaces Seth Rollins.
Famous wrestler was supposed to be in this movie and I guess he was supposed to play Giancarlo's assassin character. Well, actually he was supposed to play Copperhead, which is another character in the Serpent Society. Yeah, there was supposed to be him and then there's also going to be a female, another Serpent Society member who I can't think off the top of my head who it was. But to build off what you're saying there, Botter too, it's interesting. I don't know if you guys caught this at the end of the film or yeah, yeah, it was at the end of the film during the credits. They list five screenplay writers for this movie. Oh, wow. Five, okay. Two.
sometimes gives you a side eye. You're like, Oh, this movie might be bad too. There are five. Okay. And I'm gonna name them here. You've got Rob Edwards, Malcolm Spellman, Dallon Masson, director Julius Onan and Peter Glanz. But there's also a Matthew Orton who is credited as a writer for additional reshoots. So technically there's six writers for this film. Hearing back what I just read, it feels like it's, this movie is a very reactionary movie. You know, like the decisions to do some of these reshoots.
And some of these changes, you know, go from something as small as like the title to something as major as like these three action sequences adding an extra villain and it doesn't feel like this movie had a very Maybe clear goal from the get-go or or if they did they damn sure didn't stick by it because I'm so curious what the original movie was Pre-shoots and I mean obviously I don't think we'll ever see that unless they maybe release a director's cut or you know something like that but I guess when you hear about the the roller coaster ride that
that was this movie, that was the pre and post production. Did it feel like a movie that was extensively reshot? Did anything not make sense or cohesive to you? 100%, it's night and day between shots. And I wanna build off what Blythe was saying earlier. I agree with you to a certain extent about like how Marvel is sipping its own Kool-Aid. It's a snake eating its own tail to a certain extent with the just cavalier of folks that know dick about comics just continuing to get involved, put their hands in the stuff that doesn't.
that they don't need to be involved with. And it's clear as day. It's really annoying. And I think where it really got me where I, again, I sort of just completely turned myself off this movie was I want to say it was right after I think it's Carl Lumbi's, Isaiah Bradley gets caught in the movie and we get introduced to, and you sort of spoke on her a little bit earlier when we were talking about some of the conflict happening overseas.
you have Shira Haase's character in this who was supposed to be Sabra, initially an Israeli mutant character. I think she's a mutant, I'm pretty sure. Wall to wall didn't work for me from top to bottom. First of all, the optics of it all, she's about 4'11", first of all. She cannot act her way through a paper bag. And again, that has nothing to do with her Israeliness, her femaleness, none of that. It's just that her part in this movie, she
Again, from her participation with the Israeli army to the fact that she's not a great actor, all of that should have been... If Marvel and Disney are going to get their hands all up in this movie, cutting her out of this movie should have been probably priority number one. That would have just made things just way better. And I think also there's a scene, I love to hear your guys' thoughts on this, where Harrison Ford's Thunderbolt Ross is talking to his daughter, who have not been on screen together yet in this universe, Liv Tyler's Betty Ross.
And then in that scene, did you guys notice that like that mirrored no actual phone conversation in reality? It was like Harrison Ford bleeding his heart out to his daughter and Betty Roche is going like, okay, all right, I got to go. Maybe we'll get together. Like she said no more than like six words to him in that conversation. She was just there for the paycheck, Chris. Harrison too. He did say during the press,
What does it like to recreate the Hulk's movements and picture yourself as this big red Hulk guy? And Harrison Ford does his grumpy old madness. He leans in without saying a word for 10 seconds and goes, it's for the money. He literally said that on the press junket. Which yeah, we get it. Planes are expensive, Harrison. We all know that you're a big pilot and you have about 15 years of the current mind you're living in. Well, I think-
Him and Samuel L. Jackson, I believe, have a little bit of a rivalry on who is the highest paid actor of all time. And so they, I think Harrison has openly talked, and Samuel L. Jackson have openly talked about taking roles just so they can edge each other out in whatever cinematic universe that they're involved in. So they both did Star Wars, obviously, and both now MCU. Can I say that on the topic Liv Taylor? Tyler. Liv Tyler, sorry.
is so her part is so minuscule. I had to scroll to the bottom, the very bottom of the IMDB. The priest is named before Liv Tyler on the IMDB, which I want to say I felt like it was a waste, man, especially towards the end that Sam is able to calm Ross down by giving him yet another speech, even though that first speech you tried to give him didn't work. I found it a little interesting that the second time in the shorter version worked.
But it's like, why not have Betsy Ross like involved in helping him come? Like wouldn't that make the most sense for him to see his daughter, see him as this monster and you know, whether it be run away or just transformed back. I thought that was such a wasted effort. And I guess tying this back to Anthony Mackie, nothing really stands out with him as Captain America, but as Sam Wilson, which I guess you could debate he's, he is Captain America. I mean he is Captain America, so he's always playing Captain America, but you know, I love any time that he is just,
connecting with someone else. Like when he's talking to Isaiah Bradley behind bars, or even like telling him like, dude, please, you gotta like, don't escalate this any further. But that scene where he's talking to him behind bars, behind the glass, was really powerful. The way it was shot, the things he was saying, the promise he was making him, and then also seeing Sam Wilson's connection, right? Like how many times was he, he had a connect or a friend that he knew. Oh man, I mean, in the opening scene, that one Navy SEAL, oh man, you remembered my whatever brother, he's in the Air Force.
You know, there's something so magnetic and charismatic about Anthony Mackie and he plays Sam Wilson so well. I just don't know if this was the movie to like really put him on the map as as Captain America. I'd say that Falcon and Wonder Soldier did a better job at like elevating him and giving him that gravitas. I don't know if this was the movie that Sam Wilson, Captain America, deserved. I mean, there were some cool moments, but overall, I just don't know if this is like.
the ones who were like really put them on the map and like give him that that I don't know that just that solidification. Am I crazy for thinking that? I agree. You guys again, I've been trashing this movie for the last 40 minutes. So I agree 100%. And Anthony, can I say that I was trying to pay attention to like maybe that the alright, how does how does this Captain America like move in and fight different than like Chris Evans? Obviously, he's going to get a lot of comparisons to Chris Evans, Captain America. And I will say that
This Sam Wilson is not afraid to whoop your ass. All right, he is. He will whoop your ass. He will use knives. He will use a battery acid fumes against you. I do like that this one is willing to fight a little more dirty and rougher because he has to, you know? And I gotta say like the story plot of, you know, him always kind of question, you know, it's something interesting to see a superhero question his abilities in a world of gods and super humans and.
You know, he has the option right there to use the super soldier serum, but he's sticking, you know, like he takes that, that pride in what he represents. And it was cool to have like Bucky remind him that. And, you know, you could say that, you know, they've already had the discussion and, you know, the same topic or, you know, internal dialogue and Falcon and Winter Soldier, but I like it. That is something that he's always got to remind himself of like, damn, I could make my life so much easier, but it would be taking the easy way out. So I will give.
props to Anthony Mackie, which is being fucking fantastic. When Anthony Mackie's character was talking to Red Hulk and the sun was going down below them, did you guys think that he was gonna try the Scarlett Johansson line? I was waiting for it. I was like, oh, they got this scene. This scene was perfect too. Go ahead and add Blythe Milligan to that list of writers right there. That is a missed opportunity, especially because it would fall right in line with like Marvel's
tendency to break any serious moment of like a funny quip or something like that. Yeah, and also the scenes between Harrison Ford and Anthony Mackie were also really good. The tension, the battle and ideology, you know, kind of like the ego contest. I thought anytime Anthony Mackie was on the scene with anyone, he just elevated the other person's performance. So I do got to give him credit as just taking the lead on this one for sure. All right, I want to go through some of these other characters. We've already talked Anthony Mackie.
We already talked Harrison Ford as Ross and Red Hulk. Danny Ramirez as Joaquin Torres, the new Falcon. What did you guys think? Because I got to say, I found him a little annoying at times. But you know, he's just like a young dude. That's what it is. It's like I'm looking at a younger version of myself. I'm like, oh, wow. Yeah, that is pretty annoying to always have to say the last thing. But I thought Danny killed it at that last scene where he's in the hospital bed and having just that moment.
with Sam Wilson, like I wanted to be you. I thought that was excellent. Any thoughts on Danny Ramirez in Falcon? Yeah, I like Danny Ramirez as an actor. He was great in Top Gun Maverick. He's a diehard Miami Hurricanes fan, SMI. So we've got that connected. He shows up in the U uniform there and the gym. But him as Joaquin Torres. And again, I like him. Yeah, I liked him a lot in Falcon and Winter Soldier. I liked him in this. He is a bit annoying. I think what they tried to do was integrate a little bit of his personality from the comics. The only difference is that
Danny Ramirez is 35 in this movie, 30, maybe 30-ish. In the comics, he's 17. So him being annoying in the comics makes a lot of sense. Him being a little like way too energetic and a little too brass, I guess, is just a little on edge for me. I think hopefully he'll get used to it. I think that was kind of the charm of Anthony Mackie when he was Falcon, right? Because he just sort of took the role and ran with it and was willing to do whatever Steve needed him to do. And I think when we see Joaquin Torres again.
I think that's where we'll be at with Falcon. Well said. And actually, the more I think about, I think I might've pinpointed where I was like, huh, I don't know if I like this anymore. Which brings us, let's talk a little bit about Tim Blake Nelson playing Samuel Stearns, AKA the leader, which I thought the leader, he would've made a good villain, all right? Like an idea and concept, you know, this mastermind that's been abused by Ross that is coming back for revenge. I liked the idea. I-
I didn't like the execution at all. I thought it was almost too distracting, just how poor he looked. Like just, you know, just the overall look. I mean, I get it that he's supposed to maybe, you know, obviously look horrendous and, you know, get an elicited emotion out of you, but I thought it could have looked better. It's like, why not lean in all the way into the comic book accuracy and give us like, you know, large fucking cranium or something like that. You're already halfway there. Yeah, like the acute head, like just, it just, like he looks like a mega mine almost.
But but I and I agree with you I think and I mean this respectfully like with a better director with a better team I think that they could have done something really interesting with the leader because they're just showing him in broad daylight And they're doing this and you guys tell me if you captured this or not They're doing this weird slow zoom on him every time he's in on camera They're like now ugly is it look how ugly like it's like they couldn't give me one Dutch angle He's I think they should have just kept him in the shadows like very similar how he was introduced in the film
like that until maybe like the very end where you see him on the raft. And that's like the best look we get of him. I almost thought that his inclusion was part of the reshoots. I almost believed more so that Giancarlo Esposito Sidewinder belonged the whole time because he just kind of fit the overall movie. They were going for like grounded political thriller. I thought he fit a little better. Obviously, you know, it's still superhero movie. We want, you know, a kind of a big bombastic villain as well. I just felt like.
He felt a little short and Chris, you said something that I got noted here, but he was always in the daylight. And I just failed to believe that this guy was able to walk up to a Navy SEAL training facility, take out the head guy and no one says anything about the hooded mysterious green ugly guy walking on base. I just- We've all tried to get into a military base before. It is difficult. It just felt too convenient that he had
all the strings pulled and everything figured out, but he didn't come off like a threat to me. And that's, I think, when I got lost, is that it just felt too convenient and things were just going too smooth for him. And all of that, but part of his plan just wasn't, I don't know, his motivation didn't quite get me hooked. And obviously the look kind of pulled me away. Moving on though, I guess let's quickly talk about Giancarlo Esposito, who played Sidewinder. Any thoughts, any openings, any scenes that stick out to you?
I wish there were more of them, to be honest. What a waste of Giancarlo Esposito. Bummer, yes. To have him and Harrison maybe fighting, playing off of each other, I think that that would have been something really cool to see. Yeah, I mean, once you guys mentioned that he was part of the reshoots, thinking back on all of his scenes, yeah, you could definitely tell that he just felt like an outlier. Yeah, he was, I mean, he, Giancarlo Esposito, you know? I would have bet you $100, I was like, oh, he's definitely coming back at the end.
When things feel like it's going smooth, he's going to come back at the end, either shoot Ross or, you know, shoot Captain America again, one or the other. And they kind of fell flat with him. I mean, I think the last thing he says to Sam is like, when I break out, you know, you're a dead man or something to that effect and nothing from him. I want, I didn't want more Giancarlo. Yeah. I'm just bummed that Hollywood keeps doing this to him. They keep putting, they use him as like a bandaid for movies that don't work and he deserves better.
Uh, he like nothing, nothing about this role as Sidewinder was his fault. I think, uh, I would have loved it's actually, it's the biggest bummer of all this is that I think he would have made it incredible professor X at some point down the road when we get an X-Men movie, but sorry, you're, you're, you're Sidewinder for 10 minutes in a bad movie. Giancarlo. Sorry about you, you know? So yeah, it's just a bummer. This movie was chock full of people. They just showed up for the check. There was like, how much that bang? Yeah, I got to, I could do a reshoot today. Yeah. All right. Um,
We kind of went through, I guess was there anyone else from the cast that you guys want to talk about or mention? I do feel like I want to mention that Carl Lumbly, who played Isaiah Bradley, will never not pull on my heartstrings. I swear to God. He's great. When he was like, I can't go back in there, Sam. I was like, don't let him go back in there, Sam. He keeps running. Yeah, he's great. When he goes berserk in the White House, like I said, that scene, I was like, oh, we in it now. Like, why is he doing this? And to see like how he moves.
I kind of want to see him in person because he's so fucking big and kind of like lumbers and you know, because he's older. But the scene where he fucking just runs off of the edge of the White House little balcony, you know, crushes the structure, lands and keeps it running. And I think, sorry, Sam Wilson runs and he's also like, I can't do that. He's got to take the stairs. You know, like those subtle cues, little moments like that, which were far and few between.
Yeah, we're great in this movie, but back to you Chris, what were you saying? Yeah, well, just very quickly about Carl Lumbi and Isaiah Bradley. He is, well, he was the best part about Falcon and Winter Soldier, in my opinion, and he's the best part of this movie. And I think more of him would be cool down the road. I don't know if they're going to continue to use him. Cause I think his role in this series thus far lends itself to what I think is going to be a storyline they're going to eventually surpass with Sam Wilson as Captain America, which is that like, you know,
The country, the role of Captain America, all of this has been built off the back of minorities in the shadows without anyone giving them any recognition and just using them willy-nilly. And I think this is excellently shown. If you don't like this for whatever reason, it's excellently shown in the comic book mini-series, Truth, Red, White and Black by Robert Morales and Kyle Baker. It's basically the backstory of Isaiah Bradley and what his character is based off of in the TV series, but also in this movie.
But I want to ask you really quickly, am I off base? Because you guys didn't really comment on this. I'm just curious with, you know, Shira Haas and her involvement in this movie, like, am I by myself here when I say that her inclusion was pretty bad and that I just didn't enjoy any of it? She was too little, I thought. I believe that when she was younger, she had a sickness that stunted her growth. Still, you know, was able to join the IDF, became an actress, so overcame adversity in her own way. In real life, she did that? Yeah, all that.
I didn't know that. I think this script did her no justice. I think them kind of like, you know, no pun intended, clipping her wings and not letting her become. Sabra was who she was supposed to be? Sabra, yeah. Sabra, sorry. Sabra. It's a shame because then she just became kind of like, you know, your typical, I won't say clueless, because she had a pretty good grasp of the situation. But for the most part, she just became like, you know, nameless secret agent that, you know, wasn't. She was a plot mover. Yeah, a plot mover. Thank you so much. A plot device.
The things I got to say about her character are due to her. I think she acted the best she could with the script she got. And I think with Marvel trying to placate, obviously navigate the PR realm and with all the things going on, I think she just got shortchanged. She got the short end of the stick. That's unfortunate. I wonder if she would have accepted that role, if she would have known what was gonna happen to her character. I'm sure for her, it was supposed to be a big deal to represent Sabra, her being Israeli herself, just to be like this typical.
random agent that had a pretty cool jacket in the middle of the movie. Had a crush on Bucky too. Which I mean, who wouldn't, you know, who wouldn't? We all do. We're all, we're all, we're all Savra in that moment. Moving on. I want to go ahead and talk about our scores for anyone that's into rotten tomato scores or is curious at the time of this recording, which is Sunday. The rotten tomato score is for this movie, Cat America, Brave New World is sitting at 51% on the tomato meter.
80% on the popcorn meter. You know how I feel about this. I don't ever take these too hard, but it is fun to look at them and- So the tomato meter means they hate it. The tomato meter is the critic score. You know, 247 reviews from critics and the popcorn meter is more so for like, you know, regular Joes that have an account on here and can write their own reviews. That'd be where we would go if we put a review in. Okay, okay. Which I've seen, I feel like this is a trend we see in a lot of superhero movies where-
And sometimes it's even reversed too. I think the reverse is true here, where if the critics hate it, fans are a little more favorable. And I think the vice versa is true as well. But I want to hear your personal score on here. What would you score on from 1 to 100? And then where does this movie sit in terms of your favorite Captain America movies? I think we've stated this is the fourth entry in the Captain America saga. And does this movie crack?
even crack your top five or top 10 MCU films. Chris, you want to take that first? What are we ranking this out of? Let's just use the tomato meter score. One to a hundred. I'm going to give it a 45. I'm going to give it a 35% out of out of out of a hundred. It is a distant fourth of the Captain America movies. It probably goes Winter Soldier, Civil War, you know, First Avenger and then this.
So, and then it is top five. It's well, it's bottom five. It's the worst. It's my least favorite MCU film ever. It officially surpassed or fell behind, I guess you should say with The Incredible Hulk being third to last, Quantumania being second to last and now this. So yeah, not great everybody. If you wanna read a good Captain America, Sam Wilson Captain America book, go read Nick Spencer's run. I heard the new.
Evan Narcisse, Greg Pak series is pretty good. And as I said earlier, if you want to read a good Thunderbolt Ross story, go read the Thunderbolts Daniel Way, Steve Dillon series. You know what, Chris? This is a prime example of the book was better. I do think I mean, you just named what three stories that you could go to for a better Captain America Sam Wilson, Red Hulk story. I mean, I think I'll also add that Captain America truth if you want to read more about Isaiah Bradley. I think the first.
series of Hulk that introduced the Red Hulk, Jeff Loeb and Ed McGinnis, is so much fun. I mean, it's bonkers. It's a little silly at times, but it's a lot of fun. Actually, Blythe, you want to take it? What about you? What's your score? What's your ranking here? Gosh, if I was doing out of 10, which I guess, you know, the same thing out of 100, I was going to say like a six and a half out of 10. But then if I'm doing out of 100, then that's like a failing grade. And I don't want to give it like a failing grade. No, that's right. You should do that actually.
D's still get degrees. That'd be like a D. No, that's a F. 70 and above. Was a D? I thought D was 60 to 70. I think it depends on where you're at in the US. Yeah, true. Because depending on your grading scale. We are from the same area of the US. 60, 69 is a D. I thought that was F. I thought anything under 70 is F.
I don't want to like usurp this conversation, but like the fact that we have to make that specification about whether it's an F or a D is the bigger problem. I would say if I were giving it a letter grade C minus D plus, I don't know that I would watch it again. You know, it's one of those.
So for a lot of Marvel movies for me, I have them on. If they're like on TNT or whatever, playing over the weekend, I'll turn it on and I'll have it on in the background. I'll work on the computer during commercial breaks. It's fun like background noise. For a lot of, I would say probably the last five years of MCU movies, I don't know that any of them are like background quality. Guardians of the Galaxy volume three is I think really the only candidate I can think of really. Maybe Spider-Man No Way Home. You would put that sad ass movie, Guardians of the Galaxy 3.
It's funny until the end. Not much, a lot. Yeah. Well, they have started playing the Black Widow movie. And I have watched that and I'm like, okay, it wasn't as bad as I thought. And I'm like, okay. This is fine. Yeah. And I think that that's what this movie, it's fine. This movie and I guess I'll jump here and give my score. This movie is as serviceable as it can possibly be done, which I think is a shame considering that it's been seven months since the last MCU film. And this is like the first, I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong. It's definitely not the first attempt to get back.
on the road that is the main storyline. But for a movie that stars Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Giancarlo Esposito, Tim Blake Nelson, Life is Showing Me a headline that reads, Captain America box office, Brave New World opens to bullish 100 mil in US, 192 globally. That's not bad. Yeah. We were talking about this a little bit before the recording bought it that like it was only projected to get about 85 to 90 million.
on a good weekend, that would have made it a bigger box office opening weekend than Winter Soldier and it hitting a hundred million is a big deal. I have stopped caring about that because I am not a, I did not invest in this movie. So the return on investment does not mean shit to me. Disney cares. Which I guess, you know, if we're talking about overall, this could impact other movies that are trying to, anyways, but back to what I was saying for a movie that's got Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Giancarlo Esposito, Tim Blake Nelson, it deserved to be way better than it, than, you know, than what we got.
And if I had to give it a score, I think I'd be right there with life. It is a it passes, you know, you're given it's still walking up on graduation day to receive its degree. But the principal is looking at him like you just barely got by, buddy. All right. You almost had to get a GED. And then as far as my Catholic America rankings, my list goes Winter Soldier, Civil War. I'm going to go ahead and cheat and say Falcon of Winter Soldier is line number three. All right. If I'm thrown in the TV show.
And then I'll say First Avenger and this comes in on the fifth spot. Cause I, you know, that's what I'm saying is that I just felt like we had such a, a better characterization. I think that Sam really got his shine in that series and I was really hoping to see his first big cinematic movie. There would have been something better. And I'm so curious now what the original movie was. And if, if, if we can really blame it on the, the totality of these reshoots and it just kind of going off track.
A part of me says, yes, because that's a lot of my issues of it, is that it just seems to just go off track and nothing really had weight to it. And they were just doing, you know, paint by the numbers at a certain point. Before we close out, that's ultimately my biggest problem with this movie, among the many things I've already talked about throughout this last hour, is that it doesn't have anything interesting to say about Captain America, which I think of all the characters, that should be the one that you should have a solid pillar of an idea to talk about. And Aaron and I had this big debate about it on our, during our review of it where
Aaron had these multiple different sprouts of ideas about like, um, trying to turn over a new leaf with president Ford and you've got her, here's president Harrison Ford from, from air force one, get off my plane. Uh, no. And then you got like, you know, Sam Wilson again having his imposter syndrome, all the things I'm like that, not that's all been said before and better in Falcon and Winter soldier and other MCU films, all that. And I totally see, uh, Aaron's point.
Because I was thinking about some of these themes of like, you know, self doubt, uh, you know, uh, overcoming your past and, you know, turning a new leaf. But in terms, at least the turning the new leaf part, I just don't think, uh, president Ross or that character was the one to show that considering just how much dirt was on his hands. I just don't know if there was any really getting that point across using him as that vehicle. But to your point, Anthony Mackie, I think embodies the other aspects of
the other themes of the movie really well. But I mean, it does at some point feel like, you know, it's kind of regurgitating. And I wanted to add one more thing. Chris, you said something about The Incredible Hulk. I really liked The Incredible Hulk movie. That is like one of my favorites. And it was interesting to see them reference that, which I feel like does get swept underneath the rug, right? Like it's a movie that people kind of forget was technically the first MCU film. You know, I mean, talk about a roller coaster of-
pre-production drama and all that. I mean, Edward Norton and I mean, you could do your own research about that movie. But I did find it interesting that they were trying to call back to that movie. But at the same time, I am starting to feel kind of tired of the self-reference. It's almost getting to a point where they're painting themselves into a corner with the story. And it's also feeling like very self-cannibalization is going on where it's like, we can't just tell an original story without, you know, very messy.
old references in Easter eggs. It's just the last statement so long. Well, I was gonna say the end credit was probably. Oh, the end credit is by far one of the worst end credits. What end credit? Like we have a multiverse in X-Men. Okay, we've known that for five years now. Like what are we doing here? Yeah, that was possibly the worst end credit in all of the. Yeah, it was the worst in my opinion. I honestly had a, I almost was gonna tell you, let's just go home so I can set up the equipment early and we'll just watch it on a grainy YouTube video.
but also no fanfare. That right there was the biggest egregious. Where was the Marvel fanfare? I look forward to that every movie. Yeah, that's a good point. All right, let's end on a positive note. Let's look at the future. All right, will we get another Captain America movie with Mackie in the role? Who knows, but we can count on seeing Anthony Mackie reprise his role as Sam Wilson, Captain America, and donning the shield again in the next two Avenger films they got coming up, Avengers Doomsday, which is slated for 2026, and Avengers Secret Wars slated for 2027.
I think they've started shooting for the Doomsday movie. I fully expect none of these, them coming out on these, you know, these dates or years, I'm expecting to push them out as well and probably also do a lot of reshoots because that seems to be the course, but we don't have to wait nearly as long for another MCU film. Like I said, in the beginning, this was a seven year gap between the last MCU film got we got, which was, well, Deadpool and Wolverine between this one.
We've only got to wait until May for the next MCU film, which is Thunderbolts. Wait, wait, wait. What about the Scar Joe and Jurassic Park? Oh, okay, okay, okay. Let's do one last little round right here. Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up, but we're talking about big franchises and Marvel stars. And I should have asked this in the beginning, but what was the most exciting movie trailer that you saw during your viewing? I count.
Uh, we got to see one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Actually, I'm going to name these. All right, Chris, tell me if your list was the same or any different. Here's the trailers that we got to see. First and foremost, I obviously was pissed off that I made a note here. Too many damn ads. Did we always get this many ads during the movie trailers? I got an Eminem commercial. I got a Disney commercial. And then I got an all state commercial during the trailers. Like, what the fuck? Can I not escape fucking ads?
for one afternoon or evening anyways. Depends on how much they're paying. Okay. This episode is brought to you by. Big shout out to our sponsors, Gotham City, Limit, Collective Con, and Global Comics. All right, the trailers that me and my wife watched during our viewing, Karate Kid Legends, Ballerina, the new John Wick. You missed one. Twisted Metal, which also stars Anthony Mackie. Okay, Twisted Metal. Which is a TV show.
Yes, I think that was before the trailer started. I thought it was going to be a movie. Karate Kid Legends, Ballerina, Last Breath, aka this is what Shang-Chi has been up to in between movies, How to Train Your Dragon, the live action movie, Jurassic World Rebirth, aka Tomb Raider meets Skull Island, Mission Impossible Final Reckoning, we got a trailer for that Novocaine movie, which was literally a 22nd trailer. Jack Quaid.
We got a trailer for the amateur, AKA iRobot, the last form. That's with Remy Malik, right? I thought that looked good. And then we got our trailer for Thunderbolts. And then we got a commercial for Diet Coke, god damn it. No Superman? No Superman. That would have been appropriate for this one, right? I had Superman, and that's my answer. I had a Superman trailer, I had a Fantastic Four trailer, I had a Jurassic Park trailer. Oh, you got all the good shit. Yeah, and it was an iMatch, which was incredible. Did you get any commercials?
No commercials. Maybe that's it. Well, he went to AMC. We went to Cinemark. Yeah. Superman trailer looks incredible. You cannot mess with my excitement with Superman. Like this is so my game right here. And I bet you it looks so good on the big screen. Yeah. And Fantastic Four was a very close second. All right. I think my favorite trailer, actually let me think about it. Blythe, you take it. What was your favorite trailer? Jurassic World. I love all of them. Not love is a strong word. I love the first one. And then of course, you know, the other ones are, you know,
descending quality, but this one actually looks pretty good. I like the fact that they got scarlet drains And I feel like she would not sign on to a bullshit Jurassic Park movie And so that gives me hope that gives me faith I'm always willing to go back to sort of the you know the land of the dinosaurs and I have Heard that they're also another drastic Movie in the works. It's more of like a horror I'd say thank you be said about Mahershala Lee like he refuses to make the blade movie because Marvel keeps handing him shitty scripts, so
Instead, he's making Jurassic Park movies and more power to him. Oh, nice. I'm kind of stuck between two I I think that last breath movie looks very interesting, but it could also just be my Woody Woody Allison, Woody Allison who the fuck is that my Woody Allen bias? Speaking I will watch anything with with Woody. No, Woody Harrelson. What do you hear? What is wow? Not Woody Allen. Yeah, that would be sorry Let me say that again last breath with Woody Harrelson
Peaks my interest because I will basically watch anything with Woody Harrelson. And I will say, as someone who's never watched How to Train Your Dragon, any of the animated movies, I am only curious about the live action because I think I will just probably watch the animated movie knowing the track record that is it a Disney movie? No, it's Universal. Well, yeah, it's DreamWorks. But here's the thing, everybody. Quick soapbox and I'm done, OK? I hate this so much, OK? I'm in my hate.
I'm in a new era right now. I'm in my, my, uh, my angry old man phase because those first three trill, the trilogy of animated films are classics. They're masterpieces. All three of them are incredible. And we just got the third one two years ago. Like, can we give it a moment? Can we give it 10, 10 years is all I ask. Like, let's let Jay Barashaw at least get to 50 before we reboot this whole thing. And it doesn't look bad. That's the crazy part is that this doesn't look bad. Toothless looks great, but it's just like,
I just watched the first one a couple days ago on Netflix and it's just great. If I could just suggest to everyone listening and to both of you, if you haven't seen those original animated films, they are near perfect. They're really good. I've actually, I've never watched them, but with the new park opening Epic Universe, they have an entire land that's dedicated to how to train your dragon. When I first heard of that, I thought, well, wow, that's really strange. But talking to other people, they love these movies.
that they had so much passion behind saying how much they loved it that it made me think, oh, I definitely want to watch it. And then seeing the live action one, I said, oh, that what timing like that's a great marketing ploy on how to train your dragon with Epic Universe opening up in May. And then you have this this movie coming out over the summer. So it's great marketing, but it definitely makes me want to watch all of them. I think we we got a full episode. So with that being said, let's turn the tables on the listeners. If you have
an opinion, whether it be differing or the same. If you want to echo what we said or challenge what we said about the new Captain America Brave New World movie, I would love to hear from our listeners. I would love to hear from you. You could email us at thes or even text us fan mail or your thoughts on this episode and what we had to discuss. There is a link in the show notes. You could literally text me directly your thoughts, and I'll read it in a future episode. I'll have links to Oblivion Bar as well as Chris and Aaron's review.
of the movie as well. I'm curious to see how our opinions here differ. And obviously big shout outs to the wifey, Life Milligan, making her first appearance debut here on the short box. Are you going to link to my logistics podcast? And for those of you nerds out there who are into logistics. You want to learn about drones and logistics. I will have a link to Life Show, which if we're being real between a comic book podcast and a logistics podcast, one of them is out here making money.
and talking about a serious industry. Well, the other one is shitting on a Captain America movie. Never thought I'd see the day. Anyways, listeners, thanks so much for tuning in and hanging out. Come back next week for a special episode, right? We're hitting episode 450. If I don't name this one episode 449, it means I'm stalling because I got something big planned for episode 450. So please stay tuned and come back. But besides that, take care of yourselves. Peace.
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and continue to make mine and yours short box. I'll catch you soon. Peace.