What if a highly structured, disciplined approach could revolutionize your health? What if it could be as simple as incorporating two hours of exercise per week into your routine? This week's MedEvidence Monday Minute, Dr. Michael Koren shares how scheduling and structure can be life-changing in both healthcare and daily life. He sheds light on the transformative power of exercise, and how incorporating it into your daily routine can do a world of good.

Dr. Koren doesn't stop at personal habits, he takes us on a journey into the world of clinical trials, showing us how a structured, scheduled approach can lead to better results and commitment from participants. He emphasizes the importance of the 'apples to apples' comparison for reliable results in these trials, ensuring the same protocols are followed, no matter where the study takes place. He also gives us a peek into the challenges of navigating the increasingly complex realm of healthcare information in our digital age. Join the conversation and discover how structure can lead to a healthier, more informed life.

Recording Date: December 4, 2023

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Music: Storyblocks - Corporate Inspired

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