As a Master Software Craftsman at RoleModel Software, Ken Auer leads some of the most talented software craftsmen in the creation of sustainable software systems. For over four decades, Ken has applied his craft as a leader of high-performance development teams. He founded RoleModel Software in 1997. Join our 🔥 Facebook Group to meet other listeners of the podcast:

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  • Carole, from Malaysia, decided to become a Patreon member because she likes Austin’s style of interview and good questioning. And most importantly, she learned a lot from the podcast. If you like to become a member, you can sign up at:
  • Paul's favorite interviews are the “Failed” ones… which he finds awkward and super-entertaining. If you want to hear them check out Patreon Episode #2 & #17. Sign-up to listen to them here:
  • Juan is our first Patreon member from Bolivia, South America. Being a member allows Juan to become a part of the group calls and ask questions to past guests. If you want to be a part of our group calls, please visit:


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*** For Show Notes, Key Points, Contact Info, Resources Mentioned, & the Fabulous 4 Questions on this episode visit our website: Ken Auer Interview. ***

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