The Legend from Jacksonville, FL...Mr. Al Pete...CEO of Mr. Peterson's Neighborhood Podcast Network, shared a song with me about life. "All in a Day" is a song that Al can relate to being a man that has experienced life as a young father, as a man with grown with his dreams, and has had his priorities change. He has put systems in place that allow him to look at the big picture but has managed to stay humble and realize the example he sets from far away onlookers. And this song happens to speak to all of that!
All in a Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyfA9GEKx7o
Al's Original Song: The Golden Life
Al's Social Instagram/Twitter: @mralpete @mpnmanagement
Websites: https://mralpete.com https://mpn-llc.com
Al's Podcasts: Clear Visions, The Groove Suite Podcast, and Flowers for the Culture Podcast
Fifine Mircrophone: https://fifinemircrophone.com?aff=553
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This podcast Produced by VirtuallyYou! (www.virtuallyyouva.com)
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