Having a good relationship and having knowledge in your industry is key to success. In this episode, Tracy welcomes Billy Wagner, an industry leader and owner of Brightway Insurance, to discuss how having a daily routine can help teams and organizations organize and focus on goals. He also discusses how he built Bright Way Insurance into a 50-million-dollar franchise, and how coaching and mentorship are key to his success. Billy also shares the various resources that have helped shape the way he structures his routines. Tune in as these will help build trust between you and your team members and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.
[00:01 - 13:11] Opening Segment
- Introducing Billy to the show
- Brief background
- The importance of owning your morning
- Being motivated by accomplishments
- Organizing meetings in the family and giving the children the opportunity to lead
- Dealing with problems collaboratively
[13:12 - 29:03] Getting Traction in Real Estate and Managing Your Team
- Focusing on relationships and adding value to clients
- The 21-step hiring process
- Focusing on validation, growth, and opportunity
- Maintaining stability in their income
- Growth makes people happy
- Having levels of compensation
- The importance of having a process in place for hiring, and how it is important to have specialists in each field to ensure that the right people are hired.
- The importance of training and having an agenda every day
[29:04 - 39:01] Building a Culture of Consistency
- Having a mindset of never-ending improvement
- The way you phrase things plays a big role
- Billy shares his center of influence
- Making a good impression to let people know you value them
[39:02 - 66:00] Personal and Team Growth
- Insuring Your Peace of Mind by Billy Wagner
- Business Masterclass by Billy Wagner
- Billy’s biggest mistake and what he has learned from it
- Putting testimonials of your team in your ads
- Executive belonging
- Making team members feel special and valued
- Having meetings that are built on accountability
[66:01 - 71:58] Closing Segment
- See the links below to connect with Billy
- Final words
“If you start opening your emails first thing in the morning, you’re losing because you’re reacting to everyone else’s priorities.” - Billy Wagner
“People are happiest when they grow.” - Billy Wagner
“The difference between ’contact’ and ‘contract’ is the letter ‘R’. And that letter ‘R’ stands for ‘relationships.” - Billy Wagner
Connect with Billy through LinkedIn, or visit www.BrightWay.com.
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