Welcome to CACO’s Episode 5 - "Black Eye"
They say the best adventures are ones had with friends. To venture into the unknown with a trusted companion by your side can be the greatest joy. But it can also be the greatest folly, as even the truest of friends can lead one astray in a moment of weakness or misguided intent. Though one must truly look inward to determine if it is their friends who led them astray or their own misguided trust.
Justin Rorer as David
Jessica Racaniello as Gabrielle
Kory Torjussen as Avery
Brenda Lloyd as Christine
Scott McLean as Richard
Krysta Levy as Emma
Matt Haynes as Jake
Heidi McGehee as Dead Teen 1
CG Frieder as Dead Teen 2
Austin Welles as Felix...I mean...The Cops
Jessica Lloyd as The Bluetooth Speaker
Daran Hollie as The YouTuber
and Matthew Vigo as The Collector
This week's episode was adapted from the short story School 4 by Jason Barnes
To learn more about the cast in this episode, follow the You've Reached Somewhere team on Instagram @YouveReachedSomewhere.
You can (please do) follow us on Instagram and TikTok @thecacopodcast for more content and information on live events.
Music and sound design for this series is by the incredibly talented Matthew Vigo of DeftStroke Sound.
You can follow him on Instagram @deftstrokesound, on TikTok @deftstrokesound, and on facebook as DeftStroke Sound.
Story written by the wonderful human being Bri Lloyd.
This series is based out of Jacksonville, Florida, and features an all-Florida cast.