Marriage is considered an essential part of life. Money is part of that. Recently, society has lamented the cost of being single. But sometimes the costs aren’t financial. And there’s a move—especially among those who identify as women—to eschew marriage.
* The marriage age has risen over time, especially since Miranda got married.
* CNBC gathers information about how money issues can stress a marriage and lead to divorce.
* We discuss the expense of marriage, and you can find information about that from the Wall Street Journal and Fidelity.
* Here’s some information about the tax benefits of marriage.
* What you need to know about married filing separately.
* Disability is a different issue. We discuss divorce to qualify for disability benefits and whether you could lose SSI benefits if you get married.
* Research on women and heterosexual marriages/relationships:
* Unmarried, childless women are happiest people of all, expert says
* Gender gaps in sharing household responsibilities
* More Pew Research Center on women doing more around the house
* Married women with children spend more time on housework than single moms
* Is Marriage a Bad Deal for Women?
* Women and divorce:
* Why women file for divorce more than men
* Miranda wrote about how women no longer have to settle for someone who doesn’t contribute to housework or support in non-monetary ways.
* Sarah shares about ending one relationship and finding her husband when more financially stable.
* Financial aspects of divorce:
* How Does Divorce Impact My Business?
* Our friend Kate Dore’s article about hiding assets in crypto
* Prenuptial agreements:
* Erin Lowry on Miss Be Helpful
* We have resources on managing household finances if you aren’t married and dealing with family issues when unmarried.
* Being single is fine:
* Miranda writes about enjoying being single
* TIME on single people being happy
* University of California on unwedded bliss
Our financial resource
Check out a guide to managing divorce and your finances from Britannica Money. It breaks down what you need to think about as you’re financially decoupling.
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