This is the first band, Talking Heads, that Rob Kassees remembers claiming as his. And this is one of the first songs, This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody), that Rob remembers standing out to him. Remember back in the day there wasn't instant access to your favorite songs. He liked getting the greatest hits of bands so he could really see what they were like. Soon he and his core group of friends were hooked on Talking Heads too. They all loved the artistic music style as well as their videos on MTV. Talking Heads were really taking advantage of the new platform. Do you remember seeing Talking Heads on MTV?
Listen as Rob explains that time in his life as well as him and his buddies reconnecing in California, forming a band, longing for is wife while listening to this song far away from home, and his current podcast where he got to dissect this song with his buddies.