What song does a successful female CEO resonate with? Yep, "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton. This is a movie Lisa Woodruff, CEO of Organize 365, saw when she was younger and it imprinted the idea of a successful woman on Wall Street working 9 to 5. And, yes, we reminisced over some of those classic 80's movies. But as she became a teacher and then a mom, she realized a couple of things. Women work way more than just 9 to 5. And sometimes you work your 9 to 5 so you can go home to work on your true passion, that thing you are uniquely created to do. She has slowly been developing and refining her business and systems to now offer Organize 365 to other hard-working women so that they can calm the overwhelm. You gotta hear everything she had to say about this song relating to her business and life. She shared a ton of realizations and inspiration you just may need to hear.
Lisa has been growing her business over the last 12 years and identified 3 seasons of 9 to 5 and what each one looked like. Within Organize 365, Lisa has offered an impactful conference, if you will, called Embrace. Embrace is an opportunity for women to self-reflect and discover what they are uniquely created to do in this long life as we discussed. Lisa used this song at Embrace. Just like Dolly Parton, she's successful, driven, down to earth, doesn't take herself too seriously, and offers a lot of grace to women through her business and podcast.