One commonly shared concern for all retirees and pre-retirees I've spoken to over the years: "Never be a burden on your loved ones."

As we all go through the aging process, the potential need for extended care is more and more at the forefront.

However, many pre-retirees and retirees fail to prepare for this because financial advisors focus more on selling products instead of real planning.

In episode 17, Harley Gordon joined us to discuss the consequences of not planning for extended care.

In this 3 part series (episodes 22-24), we will talk about the three ways to pay for extended care expenses:

Part 1 - Traditional Long-term Care Insurance

Part 2 - Hybrid Long-term Care Insurance

Part 3 - Self-funding extended care costs

In parts 1 and 2, I had the pleasure of speaking with Peter Ciravalo and Rodney Mogen from BC Brokerage. Peter and Rodney have a wealth of product knowledge but with a financial planning mindset.

I hope you enjoy this episode's 3-part series.

Here are a few links we referenced in the show.

Genworth Cost of Care

BC Brokerage Website

Peter's LinkedIn

Rodney's LinkedIn