I'm excited to have Brady Slack, the proud owner of High Country Finance based in Utah, join for this fascinating topic. At first, I was planning to steer Brady in two directions with regards to tax planning opportunities for business owners and W2 employees. But, we ended up mainly focusing on using real estate as a nontraditional retirement planning vehicle, and the tax efficiency of leveraging this asset class.
Just a word to the wise, investing in Real Estate is NOT as easy as it sounds. Many of these expert investors have been through ups and downs, and Brady talks about the need to be experienced in order to be successful in this market.
We also talked about a few charitable giving ideas for all taxpayers.
I hope you enjoy this episode!
Here are the details on how to connect with Brady and his team.
Website - Highcountryfinance.com
Instagram - @thebradyslack
Brady's podcast - Slackin' Off
If you are interested in learning more about how to work with me 1x1, visit my website: www.imaginefinancialsecurity.com
-Kevin Lao