Welcome to another episode of The Planning for Retirement Podcast. I'm your host, Kevin Lao!
2020-2023 brought about legitimate market volatility, the first we've experienced since The Great Recession of 2008. I thought I would share some common mistakes I've personally seen retirees make over the last few years to highlight the importance of having a disciplined, unemotional, repeatable, investment process.
I'll also highlight some of the key metrics we are watching in 2024 and how we are currently managing risk in portfolios.
Here are some of the links I referenced in the show:
- Follow me on Facebook (I posted both the Consumer Confidence and the Periodic Table of Returns charts on my Facebook page because they weren't linking properly in the show notes).
- Economic Trends in Equity Markets
- What do the markets do after rate cuts are over?
- What do the markets do when there is a Presidential election?
- 2004 - 2023 Periodic Table of Returns
- Magnificent 7 vs. the market
I always love to hear from you all, so never hesitate to email me directly; at [email protected]
If you are interested in working with me 1x1, we are currently on a waiting list for Q2 2024. If you have saved between 2 million - 5 million in retirement assets, you're looking to maximize spending, minimize taxes, and maximize your financial legacy to your children, you are in our target demographic.
Visit our website to learn more: