Who remembers Vonray the band? I'm so thankful Jay Franze introduced them to me, and now to you! Jay remembers going to see their shows in the early 90's, when he was in the prime of his life. Jay used to live in Orlando when he was starting out in his music producing career and can remember grabbing a beer with friends and listening to their sets. One of the songs they often sang was Drinker's Hour.
Jay spent many years on the production end of music in Nashville. But how did he get from Orlando to Nashville? It's an pretting inspiring story of fate "granting wishes" for Jay. He was always a fan first but became friends with Vaughan and Dave Rhea and have stayed in touch. Jay has a podcast interviewing his guests about what goes on "backstage" of the industry. He had The brothers on to talk about their experience in the music industry. And I was flattered to be invited onto Jay's show as a co host to talk to Dave about THIS song Drinker's Hour. I hope you'll check it out, see below for a listening link in the full show notes.