On the thirty- third episode of ATFT, my friends philosopher pirate Daniel Carbonell- Sifontes and filmmaker/ video editor Max McBride join me on the third edition of the “fan- favorite” ATFT segment, #FilmTwitter Trends! Later in the episode, ATFT regular writer/ director Samy El- Kamel joins the conversation as a surprise guest! This episode is explicit with some sporadic spoilers.
Towards the end of last year, there was this trend going around #FilmTwitter (with the platform now called X) where someone would post a decade and list their favorite film each year of that decade. Nearly every decade became a trend at this time and it became a fun thing to think about and then answer. I told Daniel about this trend which led to us three recording the 90s version back in March. Listen to Episode 17 to hear our 90s favorites! We enjoyed recording it so much that we decided to take on the next decade: the 2000s. It is the decade in which we grew up in so there are some nostalgic, core favorites from childhood along with more serious films we discovered when we got older. That being said, we have many similar favorites but also a lot of different picks.
Both Daniel and Max have been guests on ATFT several times each but this is both of their second times on the “wide release” of this podcast! This episode was originally around 2 hours and 20 minutes so this conversation was definitely trimmed down. Daniel is currently in grad school in Denver and has long been an excellent photographer. Max is currently developing a short film and has a YouTube channel where he posts short films and documentaries as well as videos focused on his interests such as Dungeons and Dragons. He is expected to release an important video soon so be sure to subscribe to his channel by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/@maxleevideo/featured. Also be sure to follow Daniel’s photography Instagram @allmynegativesarehere. This episode was recorded on May 13, 2024.
In this episode, Daniel, Max, and I go through our list of 2000s film favorites and discuss them briefly as well as talking about other 2000s films. Daniel and Max especially more often had similar 2000s favorites, connecting over big franchises like Spy Kids and Star Trek. One franchise we all continuously revel in discussing: Harry Potter. A few of the significant, widely well- recieved films discussed were The Pianist, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and There Will Be Blood. Some short tangents include whether we prefer watching films alone or with others, the optimal movie length (in which I roll my eyes), and celebrity crushes. All this and more on the latest episode of All the Film Things!
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