Yvette Angelique, MA-TLA, is a poet, teaching artist, and proven culture change strategist. Yvette recently launched a digital poetry chapbook book, Something Old, New, Borrowed, and The Blues (2020), and poetry chapbook Shut Eyes See (2018). She orchestrated storytelling performances— storytelling performances--See the Girl Monologues, and Europa: Zora Neale Hurston, Carlos Santana, and Me. Her poems, essays, and epistolary creations appear in book chapters, anthologies, and journals. Her writing explores the intricacies of race, gender, and family and how a personal art practice for healing can lead to arts activism. She completed her graduate work in Creative Writing at the University of Denver and in Transformative Language Arts: Writing for Personal and Social Change at Goddard College. The Bradford Literary Agency represents Yvette and her work.