Terra Vlach had very humble beginnings in Louisiana. She wanted better for herself. So when her husband had the idea to try You Tube, she said "Ok...I'm happy we can do this together and with our children!" They have become You Tube sensations with alot of hard work and dedication. She so clearly identifies with the song Fancy by Reba McEntire with her life mirroring Fancy's! No matter what her status is, I am happy to call her friend!
Terra's Family's You Tube Channel "Smelly Belly TV": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_r3trI6eIaptK0zTdhAEqg
Fancy by Reba McEntire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zplc4Ienkws
Current Favorite Artist: Tyler Childers
Fifine Mircrophone: https://fifinemircrophone.com?aff=553
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This podcast Produced by VirtuallyYou! (www.virtuallyyouva.com)
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