How to learn and grow more, personally and professionally so you can succeed more.
How Millionaires Learn, Grow and Achieve More with Steve Cunningham
The goal of reading books is not just to read the book. It’s to learn something from it. In order to learn it – You have to pull actionable steps out of the book and apply them to your life/business. Putting what you learn into ACTION is the most important part of reading and learning. Just expanding your knowledge or checking another book off a list is meaningless.
You have to learn how to unlearn what you’ve learned.
The real world doesn’t care how much you know; it cares about how much you can do. Learning is not how to pass a test, it’s to change a long-term behavior.
7 stages of growth:
- Set a goal.
- Set a learning goal.
- Acquire the knowledge.
- Putting it into action.
- Create a behavior.
- How do you continue this behavior in the future.
- How do I help the people that I’m leading to achieve the same and change their long-term behavior in the future.
In addition, Steve went on to explain how to get other team-members to learn and take initiative to improve themselves. There are very specific ways to do this if you wish to be effective.
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For full show notes and links to books referenced in this episode visit: https://creatingabrand.com/how-millionaires-learn-grow-and-achieve-more-with-steve-cunningham