What little girl wouldn't want a concert by her fav boy band at her birthday party? Vanessa shared her birthday memory with the song "It's Gonna Be Me." Vanessa's older sister pulled together 5 high school, guy friends, to pose as the band NSYNC to perform at Vanessa's elementary NSYNC-themed birthday party.
But as Vanessa has gotten older she still defers to this song to remind her that in the end it's gonna be her! Don't doubt that if this song is on in Vanessa's car, she's moving and singing along. This has become one of those songs that always get thrown into her playlists and she couldn't ever skip it. She HAS to sing along!!
Vanessa has done some modeling and has had to endure some pretty tough treatment. Vanessa knows some of that harsh treatment was to make her better but some of it was just poor treatment. She could have had it break her OR it could have made her thicker skinned which is exactly what it did.
She is now choosing to make a podcast to share some of the self-love she has learned along the way. She wants others to be able to "self soothe" too. She wants to empower others to love themselves and take care of themselves. What should her podcast title be?