David Bowie and Bing Crosby have been singing this song to us for many years. And for many years, Kristin, her Aunt, and her cool older cousin Laura have made Christmas cookies while listening to this and many other Christmas songs. Kristin remembers being in her Aunt's kitchen, mixing the ingredients, baking the cookies and icing the cookies. She was so honored the day her Aunt trusted her to put names on the stocking cookies. To this day Kristin still does the stockings and will not let her kids touch 'em LOL!! Kristin and Laura (in TX) recently made their cookies remotely and shared pictures. Kristin used her Kitchen Aid stand mixer willed to her from her Aunt. And of course, SHE got the recipe cards too! She loves when the memories creep up on her and she gets to remember her Aunt.
See the full show notes to download the recipes!