Let's dive into some Marren Morris song lyrics. I'm talking about how music makes you feel like you just had a religious experience AND another song about relationship foundations. Join Me!
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** Full Transcript
Thank you for joining me for another episode of memories with a beat. Today it's just going to be you and I. And I want to talk about Marrenn Morris, and some of her songs. Now you may not you're trying to go through your memory like who is Marren Morris? Well she came out with "My Church" in 2016, followed by "The Middle" in 2018, "I could use a love song," "Girl", and "The Bones" in 2019. So those are some songs that may kind of make you go oh yeah I know who that is. I'm going to go over "My Church" and "The Bones."
I just love that song. "My Church," that's how I feel about music in general. I just feel like it's an escape. It's almost like a spiritual experience. When the day is not going right, I remember when the boys were really little and I would just be struggling. I had changed all the diapers, I had given them snacks, you know, whatever it was and they were either still arguing or they were still crabby or whatever. And I was like you know what? We're going to put some music on. We're going to shake out the grumpies. And so I still continued to do that. Now even though my kids are quite a bit older, and just enjoy music and let it really change the mood of whatever is going on. So much to the point, even when I'm really stressed out and I just don't know what to do with life, you know I know that's my cue to put on some Christian music and just start counting my blessings and it really does uplift my spirit and put me in a better mood. And let me face the day a little bit differently.
So, some of the lyrics from "My church," she starts out saying that you know she's not this amazing perfect person. "I've cussed on a Sunday. I've cheated and I've lied. I've fallen down from grace, a few too many times, but I find my holy redemption, when I put this car in drive. Roll the windows down and turn up the dial." And man, if that doesn't just express like some kind of freedom, or just an awesome release. You know you put down those windows, turn the radio up, and you know you just find holy redemption singin along those songs on the radio. It's just such a feel good experience. Then she goes on to say, "Can I get a Hallelujah? Can I get an Amen? Feels like the Holy Ghost running through Ya, when I play that highway FM. I find soul revival, singing every single verse. Yeah, I guess that's my church." So, I mean I relate to that 100%, I do feel like the Holy Ghost is running through me. And it doesn't matter if I'm listening to Christian music or if I'm listening to country music or a couple feel good songs from just like you know adult boring radio. I just really love music and I love how clever those lyrics are. That's another thing I really enjoy about music just how clever people can put things down into words and make sense of things. Okay, so then she goes on to say "When Hank brings the sermon and Cash leads the choir." And that part always kind of makes me laugh and I always, when I sing Cash leads the choir, I always sing it in a different tonality with my voice just because I can think of Johnny Cash and his guitar and some of his other songs. So I can't help myself but I have to sing it a different way. But I can just imagine those two with their guitars, and she's singing along with them. Really she's got the radio turned up you know and they're singing those songs. So I think that that's just super cool. and then she says gets my cold cold heart burning hotter than a ring of fire. So how cool is that that those verses. She then goes ba