From deciding the rental apartment you would love to stay in, the floor, proximity to your job to the cost of it all, renting can be a daunting task. Still and all, Justin Pogue shares with us how you can confidently rent out your next property and get better value for your rental dollar. He shares effective reduction strategies you can pick up to ease your rental search for a property. Connect with host, Patrina Dixon +Instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmymoney_/ +Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013355082005 +Twitter https://twitter.com/itsmymoney_ +YouTube https://youtube.com/c/It%E2%80%99sMyMoneywithPatrinaDixon +Pinterest https://pin.it/5x8rOTp +Website http://www.itsmymoneyjournal.info/ +The “Master Becoming an Affiliate” course Master Being an Affiliate Connect with guest, Justin Pogue +Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rentalsecrets/ +Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rentalsecrets/ +Twitter https://twitter.com/RentalSecret +LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/justincpogue/ +The Book: Rental Secrets https://rentalsecrets.net/the-book/