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The world desperately needs unification because when we when we are united then who can really
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stand against us right? And this is something that today's character felt very strongly about.
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They sought to unite their nation and to create order in a lawless land but somewhere along the
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way they lost sight of the true goal and on the season finale for this season I'll be looking at
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the woman who sought to create an empire out of chaos and that of course is the great uniter Kuvira.
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Hey what's going on guys my name is Nate and you're listening to the Otaku Liberation
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a show where we help you break free from the chains that are holding you back in your life
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by connecting some biblical principles with themes from your favorite anime.
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And without further ado let's get right on into it. So Kuvira Kuvira Kuvira. Kuvira is
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honestly probably one of my favorite villains just in general because she was cool calm collected
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the entire time and she she didn't let anything or anyone get in her way and had the skills to
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back up and back it up right? But what she fought for is something that I think truly has been
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lost in the world and that's unity and I mean even amongst us believers there seems to be all this
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kind of discourse and you know how we should worship the Lord how we should you know read the
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bible and all these different things. Everyone has an opinion and that creates such deep division that
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is honestly just kind of sad it really is. And this is what Kuvira saw in the in the Earth Kingdom
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right? Because if you guys remember last episode with with Amon. Amon actually killed the Earth
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Queen you know he killed the Earth Queen and the Earth Kingdom just fell into chaos right after that
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because the I guess the social divide between the the rich and the poor was torn down with the
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Earth Queen and that just just let the flood gates open and you know and all hell broke loose
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and that kind of sets up Kuvira's motivations because her motive was actually the unification
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of the Earth Kingdom and she felt like that the Earth Kingdom needs a ruler right? Every nation
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needs somebody in charge you know whether you agree or disagree. I think if we're left to our
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own devices and everyone again has their own opinion then we're looking at chaos because no
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one knows who to follow because everybody wants to to be a leader and Kuvira actually wanted Suyin.
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Suyin Beifong wanted to toss daughters to step up as ruler of the nation but Suyin she just refused
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she preferred to lead Zhaofu the the metal city instead of the entire nation which on one hand I
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can I can get you know somebody asking you for a position or recommending you for a position that
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you didn't ask for right? You didn't want this you don't want the responsibility and the headache
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and everything else that comes with it and I get it 100% and I know there are things I just really
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dislike because people have forced it on me like I didn't like I didn't ask for this right? I didn't
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ask for this nor do I want it so so the answer is no but unfortunately sometimes when that happens
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then it creates a a worse outcome than no one was was ready for. In this case actually created a
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rift between both Kuvira and Suyin and pushed Kuvira towards becoming the great uniter as she
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will later be known as and for me it kind of reminds me of a saying I think I actually once
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heard from one of my old co-workers and he told me that if those who can lead if they can lead
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like they have the ability to and they have the actual skill set to do it if they choose not to
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then those who can't lead will and basically what it's saying is that is hey sometimes the roles you
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are called to aren't the ones that you want it's just maybe you're the right person for the job
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even though you don't want the job in the first place because if you leave it vacant there's
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somebody who's not as qualified who you know may not just be you know as as radical as Kuvira was
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right in whatever situation or whatever example you want to use maybe they're just not as good
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right and not necessarily bad they're just not as good but the case still remains the same that
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you were probably the best choice for and you didn't want to step up which again no one can
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really fault you for it can't fault anybody for it because same type of way if I don't want to do it
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I'm not going to do it but in that case in this case it led to the the creation of a dictator
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right now to be fair had Suyin become the ruler of the earth kingdom then maybe Kuvira would not
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have ever gotten the power right but honestly knowing Kuvira and how ambitious how ambitious
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she was there's really no telling there's no way we could possibly know how things would have turned
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out it had Suyin taking power you know it could have been another like another Unala type thing
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which was try to start a coup or even a man to start an entire revolution so just to say that
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Suyin being in charge would have fixed everything I don't think it's that black and white but what
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is that black and white is actually Kuvira's method through how she united everything because
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it was very no nonsense I mean because she used a military force and to kind of give a little
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background on Kuvira herself right so before becoming the great uniter Kuvira was actually
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the head of Zhaofu security and kind of mentioned earlier that Zhaofu is the metal city of the metal
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clan so if you remember Avatar the last airbender Toph Beifong she actually created metal bending
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because before her there was no such thing no one even thought it was possible and after the series
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Toph actually starts a metal bending academy where she trains other earth benders who have the
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I guess the talent for it in the ways of metal bending and in course throughout the year that
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she got older or whatnot she taught her kids obviously and raised them and eventually founded
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Zhaofu the metal city and pretty much every citizen there is a metal bender right and they're
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super advanced and all the technology and things like that they're even more advanced in some ways
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than even Republic City so it's a little bit of a history lesson but back to Kuvira so Kuvira was
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actually the again the head of security there so she was you know not the top top dog because
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technically that's Suyin as their I guess more or less matriarch right but Kuvira was really
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high up there and not only she have a prestigious title again she has the skills to back it up she
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was an accomplished metal bender and had a very strategic mind about her you know she was she
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wasn't a dummy right she she didn't get this type of promotion that you see sometimes people get
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even though they're not qualified for it this wasn't the case with her she was very much deserve
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the the recognition that she received and even shows even more so during her her tenure as the
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de facto leader of the Earth Kingdom now known as the Earth Pannbier under her rule and is actually
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during this campaign that Kuvira kind of flexes her military muscles because she would actually
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petition the different areas within the Earth Kingdom that were kind of their own more or less
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like city states type things she would petition them and basically the offer was either you join
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her cause and you and you unite with everybody else or or you suffer the consequences which would
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include but weren't limited to you know refusal of aid so like supplies you know food water
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clothing all these type of things or protection against bandits because you know there there were
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there were bandits at this time just running around pillaging people and Kuvira would offer
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her protection only if you joined you you joined the cause right and if you didn't then no well
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you're on your own so that was one kind of punishment the next one was imprisonment in
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work or re-education camps for people who didn't play ball right they she would throw them in these
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camps where they would more or less have time to think about her offer instead and decide if they
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want to join up or not and of course the the pretty much the penultimate right is this death
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right you just straight up threaten to kill you if you didn't if you didn't join join in and and I
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don't know about you but those are pretty convincing tactics I may say I don't I don't think I wanted to
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die or something like this right but again everyone has their own morals and their own thing that the
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hill that they'll die on right and she would make it literal and honestly it just wouldn't stop there
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she would even go on to develop weapons of mass destruction so she could have even more power and
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again if you've been listening throughout the season it's the same MO right it's something that
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starts off as a noble cause just turns into yet another power grab of some sort right started
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off with Amon with his idea of equality started off great but then it just turned into him more
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or less when the overthrow of the government right then went to Unalaq who starts off with trying to
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unify the the living and spirit world to get get the world its spirituality back more or less
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and then it just turned to him wanting again wanting to be the the chief of both water tribes
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and eventually I guess the whole world at some point it turned into that and then my mom was a
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little different because he didn't seek power for herself at all and honestly I think he was the one
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who stuck truest to his ideals throughout the whole thing I mean he was after chaos and he
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did it so and then we have Kuvira now with the guise of unification and unity for the earth
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kingdom but in reality she just wants to be a dictator so it's again again that's the whole
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reason why I wanted to do this season because it's the ideas are great it's just the execution is
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terrible and I just know for me for myself that I can take a lot a lot from it because as I've said
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multiple times in previous episodes and previous seasons is that I'm a tendency to be obsessive
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and and over whatever it is that I'm working on in that moment of time and I can easily easily
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forget about everything else around me so I have to intentionally take a step back to then you know
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taking some air and realize okay then you really just realize and realign myself to make sure that
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I'm still working towards the goal that I should be or have I veered off way off to the right you
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know I'm saying and that's just something for me yeah maybe different for you or maybe you don't
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have this problem right maybe you know exactly what you're doing at every moment in time and then
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that's the case hit me up because I know because I know I need some help but for Kuvira is yeah she
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she doesn't think what she's doing is wrong and she's just gonna do it anyway and again people
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like Kuvira yeah who amassed all this power and started just you know started committing all these
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horrendous things is honestly just the result of the right people refusing to take action and now
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everyone is left with the consequences of that and I know you might think is that it's unfair that
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you know you let's just say you or for an example you are the right person for this scenario but
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now you have to basically take on a mantle take on a role that you didn't want because someone else
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who's worse off may come and take it right I understand it's not it's not fair because it's
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not and honestly I really wish it was but unfortunately sometimes it's just how it is
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sometimes it's really how it is you sometimes you got to step up and be the leader that people need
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because you don't want you don't want what's going to happen if you don't right for your own sanity
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if nothing else so I just kind of want to encourage you you know to think back throughout your own
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life and think about think back to a time where you could have done something but didn't and
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then ended up being a worse off situation you know it doesn't have to be you know dictator trying to
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rule the world type of bad but just kind of think about it but despite all of these things
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crazy enough Kuvira's basically reign of terror actually ended up with the exact result of her
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ambition which was in fact the the unification of the earth kingdom which is you know just like all
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the rest of the characters in this season her ambition actually came true in a way the earth
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kingdom was in fact united and actually had some order established to it versus just being this
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lawless land this lawless wasteland that was just everyone for themselves and people were worse off
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than they were before but even though Kuvira was a dictator she was this powerful overlord for a
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time she actually accomplished what she set out to do then the result of it is it was actually good
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you know as I say it didn't blow up really in her face or anyone else's face when after the dust
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settled now I know there were casualties and a lot of pain and stuff involved throughout the whole
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process but the end result is better than what it was before and that's something I just really
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admire about all of these characters from from Korra herself all the way now to Kuvira is that
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you know though their methods may not have been the the best I think they were just
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in the end of the day it all came came out okay it came out good it came out even better than what
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it was before and I know for us as Christians man it's the way it is right it's the way God does
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because oftentimes he'll create the most amazing blessings out of our biggest screw-ups the biggest
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messes we can possibly think we may be like man I don't know how I'm gonna get out of this and God
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says bet and he'll he'll work a miracle and honestly it's it's something I've learned to
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one thank God right thank God for it and except accepted for what it is but just to not beat myself
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up as much you know just from just from me personally speaking to not come down so hard on
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myself when I screw up something because it came from a good heart right again execution might have
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been bad and now I gotta clean up the mess but I know at the end of the day God's gonna make it
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all right case in point just the last last week or so I don't know how many conversations I've had
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with somebody whether it's my boss my girlfriend or whoever where I'm saying one thing but they're
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hearing another because whether it's the way they took it the way I said it both who knows now is
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a mess now we're like now we're fighting and I'm like what are we doing here I'm just confused
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I was trying to share a joke or my thoughts and it just kind of went left and I mean that happens
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right our intentions are good our intentions of what we're trying to do are good but somehow
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some way along the way because we're all human and none of us can read minds I think you know
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I'm mob all right I'm not mob as much as I I wish I was sometimes but we can easily just muck up
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some stuff and just thank God that he he has our back and he'll fix it no matter what and he'll
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make it great it's just something I look forward to so that's just a little bit of encouragement
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I want to leave you guys with it's just that hey no matter how bad you messed it up trust me
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God will make it work and you'll look back on it and laugh and cry but it's going to be it's just
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going to be great so so tell me if you like this episode by leaving a comment or review share it
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with your friends or family who whoever you think really needs to hear this message and honestly
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this is the end and a new beginning so I kind of alluded to this I know on last episode that had
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an announcement and it's really more of a kind of a shift shift and focus and so for me for those
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who don't know who haven't been you know yes listening I guess I don't know if maybe you're
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new here right if you're new welcome but I started a YouTube channel where I think I can get more
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I don't know what the word is maybe more convey more information more of these things more of
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these ideas in my mind out on that platform than I can't hear for the way I structured and things
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like that but don't worry don't worry doesn't mean I'm going anywhere it's just now I'm going to go
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from a weekly podcast to a to a monthly one so a monthly one that's about an hour long
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and don't worry it's still gonna be the same same content same type of stuff it's just gonna be in
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a little different of a format though the way it's gonna work is I'm gonna do a live stream
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which again I'll let you if you guys follow follow me on Instagram of course YouTube and if you use
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threads I guess on me there as well but I'll be posting when I do the live streams and then for
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those who can't make it of course I'll post it up here on the podcast as well but it's been more
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the same thing just talking about anime and faith and how these characters have shaped my life
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and the things I've learned from it and and how we can honestly help some of you out you know who
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knows and and I'll also be looking to invite some guests on the show too so you can get a different
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perspective from time to time besides my own because sometimes I feel like I'm just kind of
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rambling on the mic but I really do think that other people can give some really good perspective
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so I just want to thank you all for supporting me on this journey and the different shapes it's
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taken on I mean hey I'm looking now it's almost been a year since the start of this whole idea
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and it's evolved so much even in that little bit of time so hey thank you for rocking with me this
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whole time and and just look forward to all the new content new things that are going to coming out
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so don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel the liberated otaku which is what I'm rebranding
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it to now is instead of the otaku liberation the liberated otaku and yeah that again thank you guys
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so much and always remember you aren't a main character of your story and that story doesn't
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end until he says so all right be blessed