If you're part of a startup or even just have a side hustle, you may be missing out on these tax-saving benefits for entrepreneurs!
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Chris Kolnicky (CPA on the Go) about Tax-saving tips for entrepreneurs.
Alex and Chris answer these questions:
When should you start working with a CPA?
How much does it cost to work with a CPA?
What separates a business from a hobby?
What are some of the best ways to manage your books?
How is it going to save us money by tracking all our expenses?
Can Online business owners write off an office or space in their home?
They also go over specific tips on ways to keep track of expenses and to save money.
For full show notes visit: https://creatingabrand.com/tax-saving-tips-for-entrepreneurs-with-business-cpa-chris-kolnicky