The little known way to get more paying clients through clearly doing what you're already best at.
In this episode of the Creating a Brand Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Wes Gay on the topic of gaining more paying clients. Wes shares the framework for earning more paying clients that WORKS.
The Framework for Earning More Paying Clients
Wes shares his vast knowledge of customer acquisition. He has a background in marketing and his StoryBrand Certified Guide status.
We cover using storytelling in your business (and how that works) along with always seeking to provide value. The goal for every business owner needs to be to add value. When you add value, you earn customers.
Are you clear with what you want for your potential customers? Is it easy to understand and follow so they can become a paying customer? Or is it confusing and complicated? Clarity is key!
Wes drops some wisdom bombs on us in this interview! These are points that will lead to you earning more paying clients. If you’re looking to gain more clients and grow your business, this interview is for you.
For full show notes visit creatingabrandpodcast.com