Living a life of interdependence with others will cause your business to grow and your life to improve.
Without other people, it's tough to get things done in life. In this episode of the Creating a Brand Podcast, Maxwell Ivey talks about the vital role that interdependence plays in your business and your life. If you want to succeed more, you need more people (a team) around you.
The Vital Role That Interdependence Plays in Your Business
Maxwell talks about how we should not be afraid to ask people for help or to ask questions on topics we don't understand. If you do not ask, you do not have.
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo and Maxwell Ivey share their story and how interdependence has led to significant advantages in their lives and business.
If you're creating a brand and you're doing it entirely on your own, this episode is for you. It's going to help you understand how to ask for help and build a team around what you're creating.
You will always go further with help from others, then you will on your own. When you're fighting to overcome difficulty, when someone is helping you up, it's still going to be much easier. Help from others is the vital role that interdependence plays in your business!
For full show notes visit creatingabrandpodcast.com