RUMNAROK IS STILL UPON US! But first, some patch notes! Join Micah and Kyle as they discuss Dragon's Dogma 2, the Xbox leak, the Division 3, and more! Find out what Micah knows that the other podcast hosts will not! End Music by: Dead Wrong
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Check out our band, The Infinity Cinema : https://www.youtube.com/@theinfinitycinema8927
Check out our D&D Podcast, The Guild of Inspiration : https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theguildofinspiration
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NO MERCH! Store Frontier destroyed our online store, so be mad at them about it for now until we find another Merch Store location. :D
GO TO PATREON TO SUPPORT US!... and get episodes early I guess. : https://www.patreon.com/themetalgamerspodcast