Speaker 1:
Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment.
Speaker 2:
Wait for it Gaming. Wait for it Anime PLUS ULTRA.
Speaker 3:
Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered, and all you gotta do is wait for it. This is the Wait For it Podcast.
Speaker 4:
Hey everyone, welcome back to the Wait For it Podcast. I am your co-host, Phil Barrera, aka Phil the Filipino.
Speaker 1:
And I'm your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty, and for this month's edition of what Did I Miss, phil, you surprised me with our biggest episode yet and I'm very excited to recap the month of February in pop culture and beyond.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, last month, eric, he went into Canva and created a beautiful new layout for this specific episode and I thought to myself boy, he is going to be mad in February because I've had this guest lineup put together for a few months now and have been very excited and circled my calendar waiting for this for this evening to bring in the co-host energy rendition of what Did I Miss? It is, I usually say you can wait till like towards the end of the episode to watch the video version of this on YouTube, but you should probably watch this episode on YouTube just to kind of get the full experience. But, uh, you can also again switch over when it comes to the game that Dylan fucking spoiled, uh, in the pre-show. So let's introduce all of our guests. Dylan last Eli from Super Packer Pros, how are you doing here this evening? Thank you so much for taking the time and it's good to see you. How are you tonight?
Speaker 2:
I'm doing wonderful. I'm just like loving. I'm just surrounded by co-host love and energy. And there's nowhere else on earth I'd doing wonderful. I'm just like loving. I'm just surrounded by co-host love. There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be. So. I'm so excited to talk and hang out with some wonderful, wonderful, plentiful co-hosts and bring just unmitigated chaos that only we can muster.
Speaker 4:
Yes, the chaotic energy will run strong all throughout this episode. Next up, we have Kate from Game of Growns also returning. What did I miss, kate? How are you doing tonight?
Speaker 5:
I'm doing so well. I'm so excited for this. I've been eagerly anticipating this recording for about a month and a half when you planned it, so it's uh, this is. This is a treat.
Speaker 4:
I'm so excited yeah, very much looking forward to it as well, and dylan's here. So eric, um no, I've been on between eric and I. We've been on um friendly neighborhood gamers like 18 times in the last three months. So I really owe it to d Dylan to give him a chance to introduce himself and say hello, dylan, how are you doing here tonight? You were like you were having like serious work related stuff before this and now I'm just shitting on you. So how are you? It's good to see you.
Speaker 3:
Oh no, I'm having fun you know, if there's one thing us co-hosts can do, it is introduce some chaos and ruin your surprises. So you know like that's. That's what we do best, so I'm excited to be here for it.
Speaker 4:
It is what we signed up for. So I'm very excited to jump into the February edition of what Did I Miss If you are new to the podcast, as I always tell people, wild episode to start off with, but we appreciate you being here. And what did I miss is, as Eric alluded to, is just an opportunity for all of us and for Eric and I and our guests, to talk about any pop culture stories of note that we may, that you may have missed in the previous 30 days, and give you guys, give each of our guests, an opportunity to present a specific story. And then we play a game at the end of the episode, and this month we will be debuting a new game. So no Jeopardy this month, but if you're a Weight Watcher, you know what that game is already. But we'll tell you more about how to become one of those Weight Watchers a little bit later.
Speaker 1:
But, eric, is there anything else we need to go over with our guest or our audience before we bring in, of course, the star of the show and your favorite part here, our audience, before we bring in of course, the star of the show and your favorite part, uh, here, no, no, I think it kind of explains itself going over as much as we can, uh, and we'll save a discord roundup if you're not a part of our discord. We go over pop culture news with all of our community throughout the month and, uh, talk a lot of shit. So, uh, definitely join in there. But speaking of talking to shit, this wheel right, this wheel is a option that we instilled into this edition of what Did I Miss when we revived it last year. And sure could we just, like civil adults, decide who's going to go, and would that probably make things smoother? It would, and does it now look even more convoluted with an additional guest than normal?
Speaker 1:
Yes, yes, there's a lot of names here, but we are going to do this. So what I'm going to ask is for our guests they'll come off of mute and we're going to simply do a countdown Three, two, one. And you guys are going to say it along with me Spin that wheel. So, guys are going to say it along with me Spin that wheel. So I'm going to count us down and, in that same cadence, we're going to say spin that wheel. Dylan, kate Eli, are you guys ready?
Speaker 5:
Speaker 1:
All right, here we go.
Speaker 2:
All right.
Speaker 1:
Let's do that we're going to try this. We're going to do it in three, two, one. Spin that wheel. Honestly not that bad for five seconds. All right, all right, all right.
Speaker 5:
All right.
Speaker 4:
All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right way.
Speaker 3:
I appreciate that you could have just like for that wheel. You could have just put five names in and just spun like a wheel that had just five names in it, but you, you put 15 names.
Speaker 4:
Listen, dylan, not my first wheel.
Speaker 5:
Okay, it also stopped being color-c that many, which I was like. That's my brain. I don't like it.
Speaker 4:
All right, dylan. What did we miss in February 2025?
Speaker 3:
Well, so since my podcast that I co-host on is mainly about video games, I figured we could talk just a little bit about the PlayStation state of play. That happened this February. I know, phil and Eric, you guys are pretty big PlayStation guys. Kate, eli, I don't know if you're PlayStation or whatever, I'm not, I lean more Xbox, but it's always cool to see it's always cool to see, in my opinion, kind of what's coming out. So we got a bunch of news on kind of a bunch of like upcoming stuff that most of it's coming out sometime this year in this PlayStation showcase.
Speaker 4:
Did you guys, did anyone else get a chance to watch it or look?
Speaker 3:
at it. I saw, yeah, I saw a couple of things. Um, I didn't get to watch a lot, but yeah, I've seen a few, okay, um, so I figured I would just kind of shout out some of the the big stuff that I looked cool to me, uh, at first. I'll preface this by saying there was nothing that I saw, where I'm like, oh man, I got to rush out and buy a PlayStation 5. So they did not announce like Bloodborne 2 or anything, but they did. Let us know that. You know, it would not be a PlayStation event if they didn't talk about yet another game that they're remastering.
Speaker 3:
Uh, so they are remastering days gone, uh, which is my, the, the host of your friendly neighborhood gamers, one of his favorite games. Uh, of the playstation side of things, um, basically, you are. It's a cross between sons of anarchy and the walking dead. Um, so, um, so that's pretty cool. That's coming out. Um, they announced a the Borderlands 4 release date. It's coming out in September. Is there any? Are you guys big Borderlands who picked up Borderlands in our, our fantasy league? Somebody picked it up.
Speaker 3:
Eric did.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, that was, that was me begrudging.
Speaker 4:
Oh, eric, you meet it again. You meet it again. Somehow Did you hit your space bar, our host. Energy is just rubbing off. It's just rubbing off, you should have just let him go.
Speaker 1:
No, I'd be like huh, I'd just be like pretend to listen. Yeah, just nod and nod along. That's crazy. That is crazy. And before I get us too, off course, I did put in a bid. But, dylan, it was like a pity bid, it was like I want to, I want to show that I bid for it, but I think you guys are going to really fight for it and spend a lot of money. So I bid five bucks and when I ended up with it I was like, oh, cool, this I guess we we might be fighting in the bids to counter this week um, but I did see some nods from eli and kate uh of you know sounds like you guys like some borderlands.
Speaker 3:
Are you excited for borderlands 4 or?
Speaker 2:
um, I, I wasn't crazy. Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games. I wasn't crazy about Borderlands 3. I never finished it, so I'm curious to see what route they go and if the writing will be better. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, that is very much the same camp I am in. What about you, Kate?
Speaker 5:
I was trying to do the space bar thing but it was just double clicking for some reason. I have briefly played Borderlands one um, I am not very good at that kind of game and I so I'm a big like watching my husband play borderlands fan, um. But I love the aesthetic and I like a lot of the writing and I like the you know the storyline behind it. It's just it's, it's a, it's such a good vibe in general that I enjoy it. So it's the kind of thing where, obviously, like, as you know, as game series go on, sometimes it's like, oh, they're just still making these, but it's, you know, it's. It's one that I haven't like, none of them have been like, oh, this is the worst thing I've ever seen. So I don't know, know, I think it'll, I think it'll be exciting, I'm interested.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, yeah, I'm hopeful that, like, sometimes it's fun to just have a goofy fun game that you're not taking too seriously, and I, if anything, I think Borderlands 4 can maybe be that this year, um, you know. So I I'm interested to see how it, how it, how it does. Um, we also got a release date for metal gear solid delta snake eater, which is like the remake of some metal gear game. I don't know, I'm not a big kojima fan, so I'll try this one maybe. But um, they they showed off like a lot of single player stuff. It looked like, uh, like tides of annihilation, which looks like it's some sort of magical knights of the round table king arthur thing set in a post-apocalyptic england, um, so that looked kind of cool. Um, I'm not sure that one's coming out this year, um, but they also showed off the uh hell is us lost, soul aside uh, a bunch of that kind of stuff. Um, we did get, uh, a split fiction trailer which I know a bunch of people are excited about. Um, so that is joseph ferris's new game.
Speaker 3:
The guy who did a way out it takes two brothers, I think is the other game that he did, um, so that one's gonna be a lot of fun. It looks like, um, I'm excited for split fiction. Um, it it is like a co-op game. So if you have people that like co-op games, that looks like a really cool one. Um, and then the other one that kind of stood out to me, uh, was the super massive games uh, directive 80, 20. Um. So super massive games, uh, directive 80, 20. Um, so super massive games. They're the ones that make sort of cheesy B movie horror. Choose your own adventure games, um, so they're the ones that did until dawn, um, way back in the day. They're the ones that have done the quarry, if you guys have heard about that Um, and they also, like those are kind of their big premiere ones. In between, those they release usually about once a year, like a shorter, smaller, less polished experience. Um, so they've, uh, they've been making those. They're all kind of interconnected in a way, but like different stories.
Speaker 3:
It's like an anthology series basically. So this one is a like futuristic sci-fi one that I think looked really cool and at least on uh, as, like the friendly neighborhood gamers, we have kind of a tradition where every hallow Halloween will play through like a one of these games, basically um to uh, number one, just talk about it, get an episode out of it. But also because like it's fun to like pass the controller around. Everybody gets kind of like assigned a character and, uh, you know, like Andrew's wife, uh, my sister and like some of these people that aren't like big video game players, all of a sudden find themselves having to like control a character and try not to get them brutally murdered in like the first act or something like that. Um, and so it's it's fun seeing how the story changes as we go and how our decisions kind of impact that.
Speaker 3:
So that's, that's the one that I walked away from this showcase, like looking forward to the most personally. Um, and I would say, right behind that, you know, we got some more monster hunter news and we got some uh lies of p dlc news. Those look cool. But the, the thing that I hadn't seen before was the, the super massive directive 8020. Um. So bam.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, my question is when I and I posed this to eric, like once it was announced, like who is who in 2025? Hasn't already played days gone? That really wanted to first off. There's already like a ps5 like upgrade available for for free. They kind of like made it run better in 2024 and or whenever it was. So I'm like, what is the purpose of that? Like I, I thought that maybe it's to test the waters to see if they can go ahead and launch a sequel, which eric and I also did an episode on days gone a few months back and it was not our bag, it was not for us so and Andrew was not very happy about that.
Speaker 1:
And context. We played at least 10 hours of the game, so it's not like Phil will typically sometimes drop a game within an hour or two. So, to his credit and to me as well, toxic behavior. We both did put quite a dent into it and I think, phil, you liked it a lot more than I did.
Speaker 4:
yeah, I, because I, I thought that they were. I could see why portions of it was like really, really popular. But as far as like the, especially in the early game, um, in terms of the dialogue and the story structure, I was like man this dragging and it did it so much that I didn't want to play it anymore Once we hit that 10 hour mark. So, um, and it's an, I played it enough. I feel like to know that I don't want to revisit that world. Uh, but I think a lot of I mean, but I also think there's no, it's not a bad thing for days gone to to exist. You know, like why not? Why not just have more single player experiences? And it's, it's getting a huge kind of resurgence in the last couple years too.
Speaker 3:
So, yeah, it is one of those things that I do wonder because we talked about it on on that episode of our show that you were on where it's like when, when you cancel like 17 games or something like that that you had in development, maybe this is what was left, is the remaster of days gone, like, and that's, that's the best they're like rubber around in the storage shed.
Speaker 4:
They picked up a taste like oh yeah, I forgot, I have this. It was probably like already remastered. They just like threw it away yeah, we don't want this oh yeah, well, now we don't have anything else, so I guess we need something so yeah, something like that. Um, yeah, you like hate any of those other games on playstation, are you guys even? Do you guys even own playstation? Does anybody any playstations in either household? We're in.
Speaker 5:
We're in xbox and nintendo and pc family. Um, we literally do not own a playstation. I was just thinking. I was like we literally have all of them except PlayStation.
Speaker 4:
I just have a PC that my friend sold me ridiculously cheap it's the way to go, man, with it being more accessible than ever to get a gaming PC, it's 100% the way to go. I told Eric later last year we picked the perfect time to get into PC gaming still on my PlayStation a lot earlier than later last year. Like we picked the perfect time to get into pc gaming. So, um, still on my playstation a lot, but, um, I could see that evening evening out even more in 2025. But, yeah, overall, eric, I don't know how you felt, but I felt like it was kind of like a relatively underwhelming state of play. I definitely want to play snake eater. I've never played a metal gear game and that one is the one I've always wanted to play. So, as far as the you know them, uh, remaking it very excited about that, um, and then Borderlands, borderlands. I know like people hated the fans of Borderlands hated Borderlands 3. That's the only one I've ever beaten, um, so I enjoyed it, but, um, I I'm also not excited for Borderlands 4.
Speaker 1:
So yeah, no, I mean I think it will do just fine. Um, which is why I didn't bid a lot in the fantasy critically, a couple of games that I was involved in as far as picking up in our league and games people might want to look out for, that didn't get as much of attention as the big hitters. The Midnight Walk is a dark fantasy adventure game. It looks really, really cool, very much in a stop motion, like of what South of Midnight's trying to do this year Obviously a much different style of game, but they're similar in that way. Shinobi, art of Vengeance it's a 2D action platform. It's a revival, I believe as well, which seemed pretty cool.
Speaker 1:
Lost Soul Aside, as you mentioned, dylan as well, and then one that I'm excited about. I don't know how it will score, because these games don't typically score very high, but Five Nights at Freddy's, secret of the Mimic. My son has been huge into Five Nights at Freddy's, so now I know the lore and I want to know what's going to happen. So that's a personal pick of mine, that kind of flew under the radar. But overall I do agree with Dylan's first statement to kind of kick this all off like none of this made me if I didn't already have a playstation. I like I wouldn't tell kate, go buy one, go eli, go get days gone remastered.
Speaker 4:
Here I come baby and again.
Speaker 1:
No, no, I don't want to get into days gone, hate, I don't want to do. We have a whole episode where you can hear us rip that game to shreds, which we don't want to do it. We have a whole episode where you can hear us rip that game to shreds, which we don't like doing, but that game, I do believe, deserves it.
Speaker 4:
Deserves a remaster or deserves to be ripped to shreds.
Speaker 1:
Deserves to be ripped to shreds. Okay, it also does deserve a remaster, because the issues with that game some of them are just so fucking stupid to have in a game. They're so dumb. So, from the dialogue to the choppiness of some of the gameplay, you know there is a better version of that game that could exist. Maybe that's the remaster. I won't know because I won't be playing it.
Speaker 5:
So it deserves better. But someone else deserves that better version and not you.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, I don't want that when you get out of a relationship they get into another one.
Speaker 1:
You're like I hope you're happy, but I want nothing to do with it.
Speaker 2:
I love this for you and not me.
Speaker 5:
I thought you were going to lead it to.
Speaker 2:
This deserves to get remade so a new generation can make fun of it.
Speaker 4:
Speaker 5:
I don't want to have someone out there spend $60.
Speaker 4:
No, I don't want to have that much hate spread over generations. It's okay, we can hate it right now Generational hate.
Speaker 1:
Honestly, it, living on that long pisses me off more the thought of it, so let's not do that.
Speaker 4:
Yeah Well, we'll see what else PlayStation has planned for us down the line. But uh, again, just to plug the episode that I did with friendly neighborhood gamers recently. Um, we're a little worried about the current state of the console generation, so if you want to check that out, you certainly can. Eric, let's get back into it here. All right, four people left now, instead of the usual three.
Speaker 5:
It's color coded again, yay.
Speaker 1:
Oh, there we go Well guys, we're going to go ahead and jump into it. You guys know the drill. We're going to all, after a countdown of three, two, one, say spin that wheel. It went pretty good the first time. Let's see how it goes this time. We're going to do it in three, two, one.
Speaker 2:
Spin that wheel. We're doing pretty good on those.
Speaker 4:
It's not bad, not bad, not bad.
Speaker 1:
Oh, oh, my oh.
Speaker 4:
Let me find a story.
Speaker 2:
Let's see, you didn't do your homework, come on. You forgot't do your homework, come on.
Speaker 5:
You forgot to take up the homework.
Speaker 4:
You're about to bring up spring. Were you the person that told the teacher? No, it was definitely.
Speaker 5:
Dylan, I was the teacher. No, that's the thing, and it's crazy again.
Speaker 1:
While Phil finds a story to go back to the co-host thing, phil knows all of you so he can cater a story that you would all know and still didn't do it. Where I, the second, I saw all three of you. I was like fuck, I've got to find a different story.
Speaker 5:
You're going to pick who you're pandering to now. Yeah, it's not fun.
Speaker 2:
Oh damn, Like spring training, scores are crazy.
Speaker 4:
And I just zone out visually so the four nations in hockey, right? All right, do I want the interesting one or the stupid one? Do interesting Well interesting also has a stupid part to it as well. Let's talk about that, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:
So, let's do this. I think he knows the answer.
Speaker 4:
Well, interesting, also has a stupid part to it as well.
Speaker 4:
Both interesting and stupid. Let's talk about that. Yeah, huh, yeah. So let's do this. So, god. So there is a movie coming out, directed by Martin Scorsese, and you know, obviously Scorsese is in it. So it's going to involve Leonardo DiCaprio, emily Blunt Awesome get. And Dwayne Johnson. So obviously Scorsese is in it. So it's going to involve Leonardo DiCaprio, emily Blunt Awesome Get. And Dwayne Johnson Dwayne the rock Johnson. One of these things is not like the other. I almost picked this, and it is set to be a cross between good fellas meets the departed in a crime drama. Uh, the hot package in town is a pitch for a Martin Scorsese directed, untitled drama that would star Dwayne Johnson, leonardo DiCaprio and Emily Blunt. The thumbnail description imagine Robert De Niro's Jimmy, jimmy, the Gent character from Goodfellas, but as a ruthless Hawaiian crime boss based on a real figure. Wow, which one of those three characters is going to play? The Hawaiian crime boss?
Speaker 5:
Is it Emily Blunt? Emily Blunt's range is phenomenal.
Speaker 4:
Or is it going to be Emma Stone?
Speaker 1:
Or have they not casted it and it's Scarlett Johansson, scarlett Johansson.
Speaker 4:
But as a ruthless Hawaiian crime boss based on a real figure who battled encroaching rivals for control of organized crime in Hawaii. It's going to be written by Nick Bilton. The film focuses on a turbulent time on the island paradise when an aspiring mob boss battled rival crime factions to wrestle control of the underworld of the Hawaiian islands. And it was a bloody battle, the kind of terrain Scorsese covered in both Goodfellas and the Departed. Yeah, this, I mean Scorsese Di scorsese, caprio blunt, sign me up again. How, who, how did he get involved with this?
Speaker 4:
I have for years dating back to the origins of this podcast. This has changed now because he has been in, I think, a good movie since then. But my whole thing for the longest time was that Dwayne Johnson had never been in a good movie as the lead and I did not count. Moana, moana did not count, but I think recently I came around because what is it? Jumanji's pretty good. And then maybe there was like one other one that was like okay, but it's probably not. And I he's okay in Fast and the Furious. You know he like does his part or whatever, but that was my whole thing. So, first off, goodfellas meets the Departed Sounds awesome, that sounds fantastic. But, kate, I'll throw it to you first what do you think about this, because it seems like this was on your radar as well. What do you think about two thirds of this? And then the other part.
Speaker 5:
I think that I like a lot of genre movies. I love. I love the departed. I think it's so good. I watched it in film school. I was insufferable about insufferable about it. I love it, I. And I like the idea of someone sort of broadening the genre of sort of the you know the typical gangster movie and you know bringing in different nationalities heaven forbid. And you know like diversifying a cast a little bit more, like the newer ideas that Scorsese has had have been what if it's my same guys, but we CGI'd them young and I'm like that's not really groundbreaking, that's. I know this guy I want to cast him again, like it's, I don't know. I feel like I feel like this is an interesting bananas take, but I feel like it needs to be an entirely new set of eyes that needs to, that needs to tackle this and maybe, maybe not Scorsese, that's my take.
Speaker 4:
Interesting, interesting. Eli, what do you think about this uh pairing of people.
Speaker 2:
I love Scorsese. Uh, behind the scenes he does a lot with like world cinema, um, and you know I love that he does his own thing. But when you said, oh, so the part of meets the goodfellas, you thought that sounded awesome. My first thought was, oh boy, a crime drama mixed with a crime drama, you know like I, you know what we're good with this cookies and cream, ice cream, chocolate syrup.
Speaker 2:
And it's like, like the Scorsese crime dramas are so good, but how many times can you have a dude, you know, start from nothing, get wealth? We saw him destroy his life and you know we cut that over and over again. I would love this movie if it changed out the formula, but I just have this gut feeling we're just gonna see another rise and fall kind of story arc that we've seen so many times in these crime dramas, and I would love it if Scorsese changed it up a little bit. Having the Rock in, hopefully we see more of his range. Yeah, like Kate said, bringing it into Hawaii, a change of scenery would be really exciting. But I just have a feeling in my gut of like, oh boy, he's coming up in the world. Oh no, what's going to happen?
Speaker 4:
Oh, it all comes tumbling down you know, Eric, I can just picture Dwayne being in this meeting and being like, unless I can take my shirt off, I am not going to do it.
Speaker 1:
Well, listen, I mean, he is wearing a body suit for the live action. Moana so maybe he's taking a turn and he's going to go out of his comfort zone. I'm with Eli If we're, and the man is 50 and in his said in his ways, I mean his recent film is going to hit that fucking eyebrow raise in the trailer?
Speaker 1:
I fucking know no for sure For sure he's dead in his ways, and he is absolutely. With his recent filmography it doesn't seem like it's slowing down. He is trying to make mass appeal movies, so this casting is really odd. But not when you find out he's going to lead this film. And that worries me because whenever he leads the film he tends to take over and throw on that rock charm that he thinks he has. And I think he has to know but maybe he's blind to it that audiences are just not loving this, like they're not enjoying that appeal that he thinks he has.
Speaker 1:
And yeah, if you want to get more modern audiences or general audiences to see the a Martin Scorsese film, I guess that's the approach you go with. But unless he's going to pull out a performance that we've honestly yet to see from him in the past decade or longer, then I don't even know. Cause, phil, I don't always. I didn't always agree with you that the rock didn't have a good movie, because I enjoyed like his earlier work, like films like the Rundown and I'm a big, walking, tall guy. I like that movie a lot more than most people. But there was a turn. There was a turn where he just stopped doing those more serious roles and I think that started with, like the Game Plan and Tooth Fairy.
Speaker 4:
He had that 3 or 4 movie Disney run.
Speaker 1:
The Race to Witch Mountain. Yeah, and you know he was funny in Get Smart, but that was an elite role he is so good in those comedic roles.
Speaker 4:
He is so good.
Speaker 2:
I'm so interested in seeing him work with Scorsese, specifically because Scorsese is one of the like he's like on the Mount Rushmore directors American directors and like I'm just so curious to see what Scorsese does with him, that curiosity trumps whatever like doubts I have. I just want to see what happens.
Speaker 5:
I think that's it. I think that's it. I don't. I think hearing Dwayne Johnson written by Martin Scorsese, I think, is really interesting. All I can hear is Dwayne Johnson talking like he said ooh what if I said this and the director's like, yeah, alright, I guess you say that and he just kind of squishes his own stuff in there.
Speaker 5:
I feel like I really don't know if there's a role where I'm like, okay, no, you are acting and like performing someone else's version of who this character is. And I think that if he actually goes all in and doesn't make it the you know, the quirky eyebrow, whatever you know, some bitch, whatever he wants to call someone, which I don't think flows to that dialogue, but also whatever he wants to call someone, which I don't think flows with that dialogue, but also, is he going to have his, like I have?
Speaker 4:
to beat everyone in a fight clause in this Right Like. Is that still a thing, dylan? Let's get you in here. What are your thoughts on this?
Speaker 3:
Yeah, well, no, I agree with what you guys are saying. You know, like number one, I think that the Rock, the roles I've enjoyed him in have been the comedic ones. Like I think he does a lot better in those roles like Jumanji or something like that, when it is a little bit sillier and goofier. This doesn't sound like that, I would assume, but like what Kate was saying, you know it's. I think I've seen this a lot with other actors where, like I wouldn't have necessarily pictured them in some sort of a role but then like they got into like a Tarantino movie or a, you know, christopher Nolan movie or something like that and they follow it like it's one of the best performances they've ever had.
Speaker 3:
You know, um, and I I think scorsese is kind of up there in that tier of like oh, I'm just so honored to work with this director that I'm not gonna push back on direction. You know I don't think I'm better than this director, but I am curious to see, like some of the stipulations that it's been, you know, thrown out that the rock has in his contracts, like are those going to be? Like you guys were kind of talking earlier about the standard typical crime drama, you know storyline of starts from nothing, builds up their criminal empire and then the end of the movie is usually like, oh, no, crime didn't pay after all. Uh, uh, you know, and like it's going to be hard to do if he can't lose. Like Scarface would have been a totally different movie If Scarface didn't die at the end. You know, like so.
Speaker 4:
Hey, shout out to the Scarface video game. Uh, that explores that alternate reality and it is incredible. That's an.
Speaker 5:
If he just like deflected bullets instead, if they just like pinged off his chest that's a very different movie.
Speaker 4:
Was Black Adam always in Scarface?
Speaker 2:
Okay, wait. Would you guys be more or less interested in this movie if Dwayne the Rock Johnson wore the Maui bodysuit?
Speaker 5:
I would 100%.
Speaker 4:
See it then, fucking, sign me up. Oh my God, I'm back on board Might be more interesting.
Speaker 1:
I I definitely. I think once, once we learn through the grapevine or leading up to the film, is this a martin scorsese film or a duane the rock johnson film? I think that will tell us everything we need to know, because I'm sure we could all imagine, with our our like uh, perspectives or perceptions of them as people or actors, if Martin Scorsese and like Robert De Niro or Leonardo DiCaprio working there's probably some dialogue back and forth of how to work a scene. Now insert the rock there and think of what he's. You know, I'm not, I'm not feeling. I feel like I should be raising my eyebrow here. I feel like I should be doing some type of pose, like you could just imagine the ridiculous conversations he's probably happening and I think, from an image perspective, that's what he's just not getting, is it's kind of cringe?
Speaker 4:
I wonder and I don't know if anybody else other than Eric and I have any wrestling fandom in their background but Eric, I wonder how much of this cause we know he has a huge ego. How much of this is about the fact that John Cena and Dave Bautista, specifically, have lapped him when it comes to acting?
Speaker 1:
Oh no, he's definitely insecure about it. I think that is no question, and I think again recently it doesn't appear like he's making a change. But outside of the Moana movie, I mean moving forward. I mean he is doing not only this but also a film called the Smashing Machine, which I believe he's going to be doing like a mixed martial arts UFC fighter, mark Kerr from the UFC. So that's another film. There are a couple of films like that that he could be getting into that have more of a serious tone, but neck and neck with that upcoming on IMDb here. Just going to read it out to you Moana San Andreas 2.
Speaker 4:
Oh, my God.
Speaker 1:
Don't forget about any Fast and Furious film Spoilers he's coming back, he's back. Uh, hi duane, and uh, last but not least, don't forget about monster jam. So again, do you?
Speaker 4:
yes, say more about that oh, that'll be eric, eric will be the eric loves monster jam so he will be there. He'll be there opening night I.
Speaker 1:
I hate you. So yeah, that is happening. So yeah, look forward to that. So again, I just said try to give him some credit. And then I read like four again just garbage ass movies that he's going to be a part of. Except for Fast and the Furious, for Phil Woo, everyone else thinks it's garbage Shit. Dude, I love that.
Speaker 5:
I love those. God. I marathoned all of those in like a month a couple years ago. They're so dumb.
Speaker 4:
I remember a couple years ago I saw I think it was Fast 9, which is my least favorite. Fast 9 was really bad, but I saw it in theaters because they also played a Jurassic World Dominion trailer before it. But I saw it and I brought a friend who doesn't normally see these Fast and Furious movies and I can't remember what happened in the movie. It was Josh, by the way, eric, and at one point he just looks at me and he goes Phil, I fucking hate you so much right now.
Speaker 5:
Trying to explain that they go to space. At some point someone was like you're a liar and I was like, no, you gotta watch this. Yeah, ludacris and Tyrese.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, chris Bridges, tyrese. Yeah, they went to space. Oh man, can't wait for that to come out in 2028 because they're so far behind on that movie. Anyway, eric, let's bring in some other action.
Speaker 5:
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:
Let's go Someone with more range, which is the wheel. Yeah, the wheel, yeah, which I am now realizing looks a lot larger at this point in the episode, because once we've done two stories.
Speaker 4:
There's usually only two people left.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, weird, let's go ahead and jump into it and we're going to count down. We're going to go three, two, one.
Speaker 4:
Spin that wheel. That one was really bad.
Speaker 1:
Why are?
Speaker 2:
we going so slow. I know Choppy, choppy Every time you need a metronome. Whoa what the fuck Does it lag? Oh, it lags so hard.
Speaker 4:
Yeah the wheel's slow too. Oh, it lags.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 4:
All right Kate.
Speaker 5:
I knew I was talking trash. What did we miss in february 2025? What you got, oh gosh. Um, so I had, I had a couple things. One of them is not really. It's not really new, it's just people still being mad about it. Um, I guess the one that I? I have one that's very short and stupid. Do we? We do a section that's like runners up at the?
Speaker 1:
end of this. Yeah, we did Like a rapid fire, something Okay cool.
Speaker 5:
Then I'll talk about that one later. So I wanted to talk about Chapel Rowan's Grammy acceptance speech and the effect that it's actually had. So in her I'm trying to find my tabs. I got too many tabs open on my computer. There it is In her acceptance speech. For what was it? Was it Best Album?
Speaker 4:
Best New Artist. That was it.
Speaker 5:
So she won Best New Artist in the 2025 Grammys and specifically in her acceptance speech, she brought up the conversation about, you know, musicians and artists getting a living wage in health care, especially for newer artists. And you know, especially I know, as you know, someone in their late 30s who has grown up seeing a lot of artists and then learning after the fact oh no, this person was horribly taken advantage of or did not make money for most of their career and stuff. It's something that I feel like more people are aware of, but it's also something that I feel like a lot of people are like oh, we're aware of it and we fixed it. So, you know, she actually, you know, took that platform and pointed out that it's something that the I mean the health care system needs help anyways, but especially in the arts, it's something that is not really a given. It's not, you know, a nine to five that has benefits. So, using that platform to highlight that that change needs to happen within the industry Immediately, some people were like, oh, you just sort of pushing back.
Speaker 5:
I know there was one, like one specific columnist, who was just like, oh well, you should, you know, maybe put your money where your mouth is and like, actually do something. And she's like I have done something, like I am donating money, um, but I think last week a universal music group, actually um, started a partnership with the mental health alliance to um actually specifically, uh, raise money for mental health awareness for musicians within the industry. Um, granted, it's one record label right now. It's, you know, just mental health. It's, you know, not, not really it's not the whole thing, but it's absolutely a start and the fact that it's happening within less than a month, it's.
Speaker 5:
It's exciting to see that you know changes are actually happening and it's not like, well, next year when we, you know, we'll get around to whatever it's like. It's nice to see that at least you know, and especially one of the larger record labels is actually making that change. That hopefully, it's you know, a larger record label making that change and putting that, you know, putting that value back into their artists, is something that smaller record labels will see and say, okay, well, one, this is sustainable, we could afford to do this because, you know, we're smaller but we don't have all of the artists that Universal has. But also just seeing that it is something that is, you know, powerful and valuable and benefits everyone who is, you know, working for them. So it was something that I was really excited to see, like I, you know, I love her music, I like her a lot, but it's, you know, seeing that that platform being used and then an actual direct effect happening because of it. So, yeah, it was something I was really excited to see this month.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, I'm not, I don't really listen to Chapel Road outside of the hits, but in terms of just, again she stands on business like she, she goes out there, she represents herself. She's really part of this kind of like this, this new wave, where again, I'm not necessarily the demographic, but we're talking about Chapel Roan, sabrina Carpenter, dochi for years, so now she's back on the come up, which has been really great. Um, so, yeah, to see to again, to see that direct change immediately happen. Uh, it is fantastic. Eric, I know you've definitely jumped on the, uh, the music train as far as Chapel Rowan, but also, again, just her as a person, always rooting for I feel like she is kind of like the, the person that Swifties think Taylor Swift is as far as what she does. Chapel Roan's again out here standing on business.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, no, she's great. Her album is great. I highly recommend giving it a listen. If you like the hits, you're going to like the album. It's really pretty straightforward.
Speaker 1:
But you know, the thing about Chapel Roan is that her story is really relevant because, I mean, she got signed when she was 17. She's like 27. It's been like a decade before she really made it big. So I mean, she struggled to find a job. When she's talking about not having health care, that is something she specifically went through. So it's not like.
Speaker 1:
You know, if a Taylor Swift said this and she's had a decade of success, you'd be like why would you just be saying this now? Like Chaperone had her first opportunity to say it and said it with her chest. So I mean, again, great, great for her. I'm glad she stood on business with some of the donations and calling out the person who put in that column for the Hollywood Reporter. That was really funny. But again, she's not afraid to tackle some of those bigger conversations and you know, it's just a shame that right now it looks like it's a single artist.
Speaker 1:
I'd love to see more of a group or more of a effort from the industry and artists from the industry to kind of band together Because, I mean, these things are happening across the board. You know, with things like AI and film and in gaming, there are strikes being built around that. Nothing is different in the music industry as far as some of the faults and some of the weaknesses within the industry and people get taken advantage of all the time. There are so many artists that don't get this big break. So I think it's just really really cool to see and will something happen? That is absolutely the question. But money typically talks and the music industry makes a ton of money.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, dylan, what do you think about this far? Are you, are you diving in any of Chapel Rowan's music, or just a fan? Oh yeah her, oh yeah, she's great, she is fantastic.
Speaker 3:
So, uh, I, I tend to listen to more podcasts than music, but she was one of the artists that I listened to, uh, last year, because, like how could you not, honestly? Um, but I, I, I do remember like it's been years at this point, but like finding out sort of that like realization, probably in like my early 20s, of just kind of like, oh, like, most bands that I'm going to see are like not making money off of like ticket sales or anything. They're making money off of merch. They don't have health care. They don't have like it's a struggle, and like, for every you know taylor, swift or whoever out there that's a billionaire, now that you know if she gets sick, she can afford the best healthcare.
Speaker 3:
There's a bunch of other people, like so many other artists out there, that are, you know, barely scraping by. They can be, you know, a huge artist for like 30 years and not be able to like pay for stuff you know not not really have. You know, though, though I think it's easy to think, like, when we like an artist, that, oh well, they must, you know, that's their job they must be doing well, because I know them, you know, and that's just not the case and it's so. I I think it's great to be using the voice. Uh, I think it's good that at least as of now, it doesn't seem like she got colin kaepernick, you know where. It's just kind of like how dare you speak about something you know? Uh, you're just here to entertain me, uh sort of thing. So I like there definitely are those voices, but I mean it's chapel rune like those voices are way less loud about her than about someone like Colin Kaepernick, but there's also sort of that.
Speaker 3:
Uh, I think like it's nice to see something happening you know and and just kind of hoping that like maybe this is a sign that like these, these music labels and stuff are realizing like hey, like we're not going to have artists that come, you know, like if I'm an artist and signing on to umg doesn't get me health care, doesn't get me, you know, control over my, like they're just gonna take all the profits from my ticket sales and streaming and whatever, then I'm going to be like well, why don't I just be an indie artist and release my stuff on soundcloud?
Speaker 3:
you know like so I think they've got to change and I'm hoping that this is like the first steps of seeing some of that change.
Speaker 5:
So yeah, it's like watching kesha now like launch her own record label and put out some fucking bangers on it and holding her own against established artists who have been around as long as her with these major labels, but her branching out on her own after decades literal decades of financial and other abuse at the hands of the industry and saying, no, I can still do what I'm here to do and do it my way and play it. You know, play this game a better way. Um, and being able to hold her own and it's just, I don't know like, it's just, it's an exciting era in music to see like I was just talking to one of my friends who you know is is about my age and you know, in the 90s it was just like, oh my God, britney Spears is crazy and like Kesha's, whatever. And now I'm just like I owe all of these women an apology and I hope they're doing great, I hope they're having a great day.
Speaker 4:
So yeah, yeah, what do you think? I know you have a very diverse music palette, so you know, know, what do you think about this? Uh, hopefully this turned into more. You know artist empowerment that we're seeing and also you know they're speaking up a lot more in terms of other other issues as well I do.
Speaker 2:
I do like saying, uh, I was, I was chapel roan's like one of my hipster picks. I listened to hot to go. When it came out, like when she wasn't popping off, I'm like, yeah, this is really good. And then I blinked and out of nowhere, it's just global phenomenon. I'm like hell, yeah, so, uh, yeah, no, I love chaperone, um, and I I just love seeing all like artists in mass, it doesn't matter what media is standing up for themselves, because they are the impetus of the industry, they are the focal point.
Speaker 2:
And see, just knowing the history of just the exploitation in the entertainment industry just makes the fight even more worth it. And so, like you said, phil, I like you mentioned all the other young women specifically in the entertainment industry and in the music industry standing up and calling out you know bullshit, practices and stuff. It's just, it's such an inspiring thing. It's such an inspiring thing just seeing again Roan and Carpenter and Dochi and just all these young women in the entertainment industry putting their foot down and saying like we demand our value. Yeah, no, it's very inspiring.
Speaker 2:
I like that she took the lead on this. And also, like you know, chapel Roan is just so ingrained in the culture too. With, like the way social media is now, she seems to be really tapped in so the message can spread even more. She's not just yelling you know from the rooftops and nobody's hearing her, it's actually making an impact, like Kate said. So no, I think I mean Chapel Rowan. She's making great music. She's making you know, donating to great causes, causing great movements. I think she's on a roll and I just I keep rooting for her and all the artists in any media. That's like fighting for, for their fair share?
Speaker 4:
Yeah for sure. Another artist that I think of is Lil Russell. He's a hip hop artist and I know he at one point had like conversations about signing with a label, but he also wanted to be able to release music whenever he wanted to, and they told him no. So he was like, well, why would I, why would I do that, why would I want to have, why would you be allowed to, like, filter my music? I don't, it doesn't make any sense. So, yeah, um, hopefully we continue to see some more of this, um, snowball and and um, and make things better. So yeah, shout out to Jabberwong. Great story. Kate, definitely love that. But Eric, now we're down to two. This is so jarring because they're both new names.
Speaker 5:
I know I was like is there a different name?
Speaker 2:
They're down to two, but there's six slides.
Speaker 1:
You also couldn't just put Eli, I didn't even realize. Eli, I didn't even realize.
Speaker 4:
Honestly, I didn't even realize that I wrote Eli Crazy, All right guys.
Speaker 1:
All right, we're pros at this now, so I'm going to count it down.
Speaker 2:
You've got to go faster.
Speaker 5:
We're going to do this thing. You've got to go faster, come on.
Speaker 1:
Three two. One Spin that wheel.
Speaker 5:
Three two one Spin that, that Real, real A little bit.
Speaker 4:
You did that on purpose Maybe a little bit more than is good.
Speaker 1:
Oh, oh, oh damn.
Speaker 2:
I genuinely did not know who that was we all lean in to see who Homestead. Well, he's not here, eli, do you like to go? Sure, I will.
Speaker 2:
I will go next uh yeah, so my story is something uh, pretty near and dear to me. It's been a home, home state pride I wanted to talk about and that is the loss of a legend of Bob Euchre. Um, you know spring training has started up down in Florida. You know Brewers baseball is back and that just I've always looked forward to baseball season because that's the start of spring. That's really, you know, the season's changing doesn't matter. It's when baseball starts, is when winter is over and spring can finally begin.
Speaker 2:
And it's just such an odd feeling not having Bob Uecker there anymore, because he's been there, as many people talk about. He was the voice of Wisconsin summers for just decades and decades and you know, watching the playoff loss last year and seeing how much it hit like impacted the players, I don't think a lot of people realize that Bob Uecker was like the impetus for that and so when he passed away, you know it hit really hard just because a lot of people in Wisconsin, like you said, the voice of the summer, he was there. Baseball seasons are long and he was just there that whole time and it's almost like part of your household. So him not being there anymore it's it's a very strange feeling, you know, with baseball coming around and just knowing that uke is not going to be there, um, but I, I feel with such pride as I see, not just like people in wisconsin celebrating uker, I see uker like tributes everywhere in media. I wasn't even anticipating like national news, you know, because he was in many sports films, the, the weird, like sports or film forums, I go on they were paying tribute to him. Um, just niche subreddits were quoting him and I'm just like it, just it's filled with just this like this wisconsin pride in me of just like because he was ours. He was born, born in wisconsin, born in milwaukee.
Speaker 2:
Specifically had his career in Milwaukee, uh, stayed there to announce games and, yeah, I, I just it, I just love what a just a positive impact he had on the game and a positive representation for for my home state.
Speaker 2:
And yeah, I, just I, I just want to take this moment to just uh, you know, with everything going on, just like in the world news, there's something about baseball coming back that just fills me with hope and then I hope that that hope can extend to you, even if you're not into baseball, having that knowledge that spring is coming and things will get brighter and better. Uh yeah, like I know, a lot of people I know hate baseball and I totally get it. It's not the most exciting sport, but for me, it's a lot of things outside of baseball that make me love it. Like I said, it's the warmer weather, the start of something new, yeah, and so I wanted to take this moment to just pay tribute to Uke and just shout out baseball, spring training. The games don't matter, but but man, it's just. It's just a nice warm feeling of just like knowing that warmer times are on the horizon.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, I love that you brought this up, because there's nobody in my friend group that I can talk to Bobby, uh about Bobby. So, uh, I I now not that I'm a, you know, I'm not a, obviously not a Brewers fan or anything like that but baseball was the first sport that I ever played. I was terrible at it and that's why I quit, but baseball was my first love, and in no other sport than baseball is a play-by-play guy more important than baseball, and Bob Uecker was the voice for so many people and baseball was really the only sport when I was younger that I would listen to on the radio, because those play-by-play guys are so good and Bob Uecker was definitely one of those guys. We're talking about what? 50 years with one team, which is insane. The only other one that I can kind of relate that to is who was the guy for the Cubs, eli?
Speaker 3:
that was there for forever. Why am I blank, harry Carey?
Speaker 5:
Harry Carey.
Speaker 4:
Yep, so that's the other name that I think of. But baseball, specifically, I think, always really lends itself to radio, which is why these guys are so, so important, so I love that that you brought this up. Eric, I know you're not a big baseball fan, but even if it's not, we're talking about Bob Uecker. Is there a voice on the radio you know, back when we used to listen to the radio? Is there a voice that really you know resonated with you from your childhood, whether it be TV or radio?
Speaker 1:
No, I don't know that there's necessarily a voice that I would say resonated. There's obviously some iconic ones in sports that you always can go back to, I know. For me, baseball has never been a big thing because I think it's like one of the most boring sports to watch on TV. However, I'd like to transition that into something positive. I have a wonderful memory.
Speaker 1:
The one time I did get to go to see the Yankees in their stadium in New York was the only time I had ever gone to a major league baseball game. I've seen the Jacksonville team a couple times in my past decade of life, but when I was really young young I got to see the yankees play live and I thought it was extremely exhilarating. I thought it was a lot of fun. The environment there's nothing like it and I think that is something that baseball has had like a timelessness around it. It has lost it over the years and it is losing some of that mass appeal. But there is something really special about going to a baseball game and I definitely at least experienced that once and I do cherish that. But yeah, baseball as a whole hasn't always been my bag and, especially over the years, it's definitely lost its mass appeal.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, I'm planning on going to Atlanta this summer with some friends for a Braves game Very excited. The way they got me there a couple years ago was there was a Torrey Kelly concert right afterwards. So I was like, oh, there's a baseball game before this Torrey Kelly concert, we can go to that. Dylan, what about you? Are you familiar with Bob Bucher's work? But also, same question, any voices that resonate with you from when you were younger?
Speaker 3:
So I'm sure I've heard Bob Uecker because, like Eli mentioned, he's been in a ton of like baseball movies, just kind of as the announcer here. You know, because of the way that they syndicate baseball. You know, most of the people that I hear down here in Mississippi are Braves casters. But I can definitely relate to like sometimes when it's like, oh, this Braves game weirdly is on like Apple TV or whatever, and it's like you have to listen to Apple TV's casters. It's like who are these people? What are they doing? I don't like listening to them. Where are my normal guys, you know? So I definitely can relate to to that.
Speaker 3:
I do love baseball. I do agree that I think being in stadium is definitely like the way to experience it, if you can like. There's just something about the atmosphere of being there, uh. But I also enjoy watching it on TV because it is one of those things that like the rules make sense, they're pretty easy. There's not all this complicated nonsense. Like you can kind of just sit down and be like oh okay, I understand what's going on here, and it's one of those that's like there's a lot of like. You don't have to be focused and paying attention constantly. It's kind of like there's a lot of just like oh, we're gonna bring in a new pitcher and he's just gonna like throw a few practice pitches, you can go to the bathroom, you can go get a drink, you could do whatever, and like the game's not going to have like moved on and you're gonna be lost.
Speaker 2:
Like you can kind of like do other things while it's going on well, um, one thing I love about baseball is that because there's so many games, there's a lot less serious than other sports and that makes it more fun. Like you're watching, you're watching the game and it'll cut to like somebody feeding their like golden retriever, a hot dog, and the and the announcers are just giggling and it's just. You don't get that sort of just goofy fun energy in a lot of other sports.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, there's no dog nights at NFL games. Yeah, yeah, there's no dog nights at NFL games. Yeah, there's no dog nights.
Speaker 2:
There's no bobblehead nights, there's no, just silly gimmick nights. It just feels so corporate and serious a lot of times for me. And baseball just has so much room for just players pulling pranks on each other in the dugout and doing goofy shit all the time. And yeah, when I tell people, like you know, people are like, oh, there's just so many games, they don't matter. I'm like, yeah, that's the fun of it. Like you know, your team gets blown out. You're just like, all right, whatever, I'll go on to the next one, but you have fun. That's the whole point For sure, kate.
Speaker 4:
What about you? You go to any baseball games? Again same question Any voices that resonate with you? And also, were you familiar with Bob Euchre?
Speaker 5:
um, I was a little familiar. I think after, like after he died, I'd look. I listened to a couple clips and I was like I have heard this guy like I'm not not huge on baseball and like listening to it I did. For for me baseball is interesting because I I grew up in Durham, north Carolina, so we have the Durham Bulls and that's a big deal that I found out later, like the stadium that they filmed Bull Durham is still there, that's where Michael Jordan played.
Speaker 5:
Yeah, exactly yeah. That's the most memorable thing that happened there.
Speaker 1:
There's like a statue of Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan played here Exactly.
Speaker 4:
It's like what about Kevin?
Speaker 5:
Costner. No, we don't talk about him, don't worry about it.
Speaker 5:
The House from Bull Durham actually recently went on sale and it was a huge fucking deal, which was exciting. But no, I definitely grew up going to games. It was a big school, functions and scouts and whatever things. Going to baseball games was just. It was just one of the things that you just kind of did. Um, and I, I love that.
Speaker 5:
I love Eli's analogy of it, you know, kind of being the seasons changing and everything like it's.
Speaker 5:
It is definitely and you know, seasons changing as an outdoor thing, like I know, for us, like we're I, I live very close to a NC State's campus now and um, they're, you know, driving by and there are a lot of the the March Madness banners already up and I was like for me that's the season's changing, because I'm in the middle of all of the schools that get mad at each other, which is that's the season's changing for me. But I don't know Like it's just, it is something that the idea of being outside going to a baseball game and you don't go to a baseball game to watch baseball, you go to a baseball game to go to a baseball game but it's one of the things that when my husband moved to close to Durham with me that was one of the first things that we did. I was like, well, we had to go to a Bulls game. I always used to do this and it was super cute and really fun. But yeah, just that little nostalgia of it.
Speaker 4:
Baseball means summer Like when you're baseball on.
Speaker 4:
It is summertime and if there was a professional team closer to us I would definitely go more often. Tampa, unfortunately, is too far and Atlanta is like six hours, so we're and I'm not going to Miami under any circumstances whatsoever. Actually, I do have a name, eli, that is similar and it's Mark Folliwell, who is the play by play guy for the local station, for the Dallas Mavericks. So when I had a year of NBA TV, getting to hear him over those terrible national guys is great. They just put so much passion into it. Like you know, you don't get that from most play-by-play guys when it comes to any sport.
Speaker 2:
So, um, you know, shout out to those local guys that are putting in a lot of work.
Speaker 3:
Yeah for sure. Oh god, go ahead, dylan, I was gonna say I I don't know the names of my guys, but the one the announcers, the sports announcers that I can think of growing up, it's the uh, we live like an hour away from New Orleans so we had like Saints sports casters and there was a period of time where it was just like dudes with like a super thick Cajun accent that were the announcers which like down here, like I understood, but it was. It was one of those where it's like just imagining anyone else that's not familiar with Cajuns hearing the announcing of a football game. It's like, yeah, I don't know how you're going to follow any of this.
Speaker 5:
The away team is just super confused.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, yeah so.
Speaker 4:
You know who it would be actually for us also, eric is Brian Sexton from the Jaguars, remember when he left? And now there's frank. Frangie is a nice guy, but he is just not brian sexton. Nice, he's a nice guy, but he is not brian sexton. So, yeah, love that. Oh, yeah, it's almost added.
Speaker 2:
Go ahead, yeah just one more thing before we move on. It just bob uker is so funny too, like if you need to laugh, just watch his interviews. I've never seen just a more just, quick, witted, dry humor like. I just pulled this quote to give you an idea. He said I knew my career was over in 1965. My baseball card came out with no picture. You just watch interviews. Even like before, like months before he passed away at 90 suffering from lung cancer, he was still like off the cuff just coming up with classics like the equivalent of being in madden or 2k and having no photo, just a blank space there's this famous picture.
Speaker 2:
He was on a team with this pitcher who was I can't think of the name right now, but he was legendary for how serious he was, and if you zoom in on the picture, he's holding the pitcher's hand. They're holding hands and crossing their legs and the pitcher, who never smiles, was smiling. And everybody was like if you want to know Bob, his playing career not of distinction, but this was the best part of his career Getting this guy to laugh love that.
Speaker 4:
Eric didn't know who the savannah bananas is, so are, so I need to take him to a uh.
Speaker 1:
Oh my god.
Speaker 4:
It's crazy to me every time that that's the reaction I'm telling you, man, honestly, we should scrap dragon, it's like, honestly, we should scrap. Dragoncon. It's like a lottery. Yeah, we should scrap DragonCon and go to a Savannah Bananas game.
Speaker 2:
That's a bucket list item. They were here in Jacksonville.
Speaker 1:
Tickets sold out, so fast I didn't know there was a Harlem Globetrotters version for baseball but, I now know that it's a thing I got it Incredible. I get it now. You guys are probably wondering at home why, this is about
Speaker 5:
that time.
Speaker 1:
Everyone's like yeah. Again back to my original statement. Could we just use logic here? We could, but not on this show. We're going to count down one last time and we're going to say spin that wheel Blue Eric or yellow Eric, one last time yeah. We are. So which Eric are we going to get it's?
Speaker 5:
picking a Pokemon game, oh.
Speaker 4:
Who's your starter man, Look at that.
Speaker 1:
Alright, I'm going to count it down and then we're going to do it Three, two, one, spin, spin Wheel. Alright, who's? Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin Spin.
Speaker 2:
Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin.
Speaker 1:
Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin. He throws his phone to the ground.
Speaker 4:
Pokemon Yellow. The best one, Phil. Pokemon Yellow. I don't know. I love silver Soul Silver is my jam, so all right, Yellow, Eric. What did we miss in February?
Speaker 1:
Yes, so I picked a broad, appealing story that I think everyone can get a little invested into. As far as the news that just recently came out In fact, this news was just a couple of days ago Amazon MGM Studios has entered into an agreement with longtime producers and co-owners of the James Bond franchise for Amazon to take creative control over James Bond moving forward. So if you're not familiar, bond moving forward. So if you're not familiar, amazon has held distribution rights to the James Bond franchise since 2022, when it acquired MGM for over $8 billion and its catalog of films shows including James Bond himself. Now, of course, this is an international franchise known in almost every part of the world, with so many fans of the franchise over generations.
Speaker 1:
One of the big concerns coming out of this obviously other than another big corporation getting involved with an iconic character and the rights there is that Amazon is thinking about trying to turn this into a universe, which is what every big company wants to do these days, a la Marvel, star Wars.
Speaker 1:
So I'm curious are they going to move quickly to cast a big name and start pumping out some films? We've heard names be thrown out, from Aaron Taylor Johnson to Idris Elba. The current fan pick is Henry Cavill. At this moment, based off of a poll that Jeff Bezos put out, a crazy sentence to say Are they going to throw millions of dollars and turn this into a television show like some of their other properties Reacher, jack Ryan, lord of the Rings those have all had mixed results and, in my perception, none of those franchises feel smaller than they do now. So my question to all of you guys and Phil, I'll throw it to you first what is your personal experience, if any, with 007? And how do you feel about the news of another iconic character again falling into that major corporation's lap and leaving the future uncertain for another big franchise?
Speaker 4:
I haven't seen any James Bond movies. This is actually a film that we have talked about, a series we talked about for another big franchise. Answer back then was henry golding. Um, I really like henry golding. He's from crazy rich asians. I think he has, uh, the charisma to play the role. Uh, physicality I don't know how physical james bond is, so, um, I know it's a lot of gadgets a lot of stuff like that.
Speaker 4:
So yeah, I mean, oh also I know of when henry cavill, oh no, that's mission impossible. I was like what did henry cavill reload his arms? That's mission impossible.
Speaker 5:
Also another thing we need to watch.
Speaker 4:
Also something I need to watch. As far as the universe stupid, don't need that. Like, what are we going to do? Just get different versions of 007, which I know there are, obviously, but we don't need that whatsoever. But there are so many good choices. Aaron Taylor Johnson would be great. I know people have been throwing it out, like Dev Patel has also been a guy that people have also thrown out for this role, but I don't know a universe like we. Just 007 seems to work as it is, so why mess with that formula? So the fact that Amazon and you know, obviously the company hitting streaming so hard now has control of this is concerning. So, kate, what about you? What's your experience with 007? And do you have any selections as to who should play the next James Bond?
Speaker 5:
I think mostly I just have very spicy opinions about uh the corporations owning uh intellectual property and how they should knock it the fuck off. Um, that's pretty. That's the the biggest, I guess, highlight of my, my opinions. Um, I've seen, I've definitely seen, some Bond movies. I don't I I'm not familiar enough with them to like really remember them. I I always feel bad. I play Framed. It's like one of like the daily, like match games where, like they show you screenshots for things I can. It's like six screenshots from a movie and you have to guess the title of the movie. I can tell within two frames if it's a James Bond movie. I don't know the title of that movie.
Speaker 2:
I never know.
Speaker 5:
I have no idea. It's just, that's just what it is. I know that the discussion of having Idris Elba as Bond happened probably, I feel like, honestly, 10 years ago. I feel like we've always been talking about having Idris Elba and the conversation was like, oh, we, we don't really want, and I'm like, okay, just say you don't want him to be black, that's fine, that's okay. Um, I think as far as that, I, I like I, I don't know if the trend has been to cast James Bond as someone who is already more famous or if the trend has been to pull someone who's a little bit less known into the role. I really don't. I didn't know as much about Daniel Craig. I know for a fact, until you know, until he became James Bond, I think Aaron Taylor Johnson. I loved him in Bullet Train. He was so fucking good in that. I loved that movie.
Speaker 5:
He's incredible in that he's so good. I think that I don't think Henry Cavill needs to be James Bond. Henry Cavill has so much else going on and is too famous to be James Bond. I just I I feel like I don't know, like I don't know, I feel like it's, if it is something that was opened up to a series or a prequel or whatever the Amazon wants to do to, you know, bring as much cash as they can out of it. I think that the option, then the more interesting choice, is to cast more unknown actors. It's to not just use the star power of it. You have the background characters sort of in the Bond universe. I think you know starting there, or you know making it a sort of like, you know getting a little bit more into the universe, because I don't know much about the universe Like, does the previous Bond like train the next one Is there like a Batman Beyond situation that we could have happening?
Speaker 4:
I hate that? That's my. Do they go into a cave and do some sort of bond?
Speaker 1:
I love hearing all of these theories of what it could be.
Speaker 4:
Do they put white smoke from the pillar and that indicates a new bond has been chosen.
Speaker 5:
Exactly and case in point I've seen some of the movies, but there's been enough space in between them.
Speaker 5:
I don't remember what happens. I think Daniel Craig dies. Question mark Spoilers. I'm not sure if he does die. Okay, thank you, dylan, dylan's not. I guess he does die at the end of it. So I don't know if that means like I don't know who the vice bond is, like I don't know how the hierarchy goes. I think that that would be interesting, but that's also not a. You know, that's not a, a full. You know five season series like amazon is gonna make it. I don't think the intellectual property is. I don't. I don't think the, I don't think the well is deep enough for what Amazon wants to do with it, unless they are, you know, like. I think. I think the sort of like through narrative has been interesting and I don't think they're going to keep it interesting if they start splintering it off like that.
Speaker 4:
Dylan authority because I want to know does. First off, I want to say Mr and Mrs Smith works as a TV show. Mr the, the Amazon TV show was fantastic, so that's Donald Glover, though. Right, first off, donald Glover. Let's just make Donald Glover James Bond. Ooh Okay. Does 007, does James Bond? In your opinion, does that work as a TV show? Because to me James Bond is a cinematic character and I don't think he should come to TV.
Speaker 3:
I think James bond works best as a movie character that is like has an arc with three or four movies and then, like that character, that actor's time as james bond is done and we pick a new one. Like I think that's how it works best. Um, because I think if you try to take some of this intrigue and stuff and drag it out over seasons worth, like four seasons of a TV show, I don't think you've got enough there. Now, to be fair, maybe they could. I have watched Reacher and enjoyed Reacher, so that's pretty fun. Um, so it's. But I've also, like I've watched all of the James Bond movies and enjoyed them. And so, like it's not, it's not a like, canon is weird in in the universe, you know it's. It's like, are they connected? Are they? You know it's. It's like, are they connected? Are they, you know, different at like, at times it's been like they've kind of remade some of the movies with, like different actors. So like it, I don't know there's, there's just a lot there. But, like I said, I think the best thing is just, you know, get in, get in there, make a movie.
Speaker 3:
Obviously, I don't think that's what Amazon wants to do, because they, you know, want some reason why you subscribe for you know, months while they trickle out the releases, versus, like you know, subscribe, use a free weekend to watch a single movie or whatever, but I don't know, or whatever, um, but I don't know.
Speaker 3:
I I I'm interested to see what they do with it because I haven't watched like a ton of amazon stuff because, honestly, it's like in, in if I'm looking for something to watch, they're usually like my fourth or fifth like go-to, because I forget that I have access to Amazon so I'm not like going there a ton. But the shows that I have watched on Amazon that I have enjoyed because there are a lot that I've tried on Amazon and not enjoyed but the ones that I have enjoyed have been sort of they're more like thriller-esque, spy-esque shows, so like they do seem to be able to make that kind of interesting. But I I agree with what kate was saying of like don't make that james bond, like, make that focus on like mi6 or someone else in mi6 or like q or you know somebody else who's in that universe, um, also like who's not james bond doing other stuff, kind of like andor is a really great star wars show but it's not focused on like literally anybody from like main star wars.
Speaker 3:
It's kind of just like and here are some other guys doing rebel stuff over here you know, um, and I think that's that's the way to make it successful in In terms of who is going to be James Bond. It doesn't shock me. I assume this Jeff Bezos poll was on Twitter, so since it's mostly Nazis over there now, it doesn't shock me that they didn't want a black man to be James Bond, but I would love to see all of those people that were tossed out there. I think could make great James Bonds.
Speaker 4:
Oh my God, Elon is going to cast himself as James Bond.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, he's going to suggest it at the very least.
Speaker 1:
That was one of those moments where Phil mentioned watching the video is just the maniacal laughter on mute.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, no one's going to know that. Everyone just lost their shit. Yeah, oh my God, no one's going to know that everyone just lost their shit. Yeah, but it is, oh my God.
Speaker 3:
I do think that Henry Cavill got the vote just because it's like attractive British man, you know, like I think there's a lot of other great actors out there that could be James Bond, but I really want Henry Cavill to finish making whatever Warhammer thing he's making.
Speaker 1:
Yes, he signed up for Warhammer, which is going to be a thing Now he did audition and lose out on the role to Daniel Craig because he was too young. So there is some precedent to that, but I will throw in for context. I kind of was thinking of an analogy to help Cade and others that have no idea what this is. Phil as well. It's very much. Everybody understands the concept of of Dr who and there's always a new doctor, but the stories are kind of different. It's still in the same universe, but not really, but kinda that's James Bond, except they never do the doctor transition.
Speaker 5:
Are you telling me James Bond is a time Lord? Well, no no.
Speaker 1:
Are you telling me James Bond is a Time Lord? Well, no, thank you, dylan.
Speaker 5:
No further questions.
Speaker 1:
Because he's not really interacting with the other versions of James Bond. However, it does look like that could be a possibility now, so I don't know. It lends itself to James Bond being a Time Lord.
Speaker 4:
Is there any scene in any of the James Bonds where the new James Bond and the old James Bond run into each other at a coffee shop in Paris and just give themselves a little nod?
Speaker 3:
No, I don't want to watch them. Maybe, I don't actually know for sure Roger Moore could have been in the background of one of these Daniel Craig movies. You don't know. I promise you they have.
Speaker 1:
Sean Connery's face scans right now. Ready to go. Ready to go, eli, where do you stand in all of this? Because, again, a lot of interesting theories and opinions so far.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I was a fan of 007 when I was younger, similar to Kate. I watched a bunch of James Bond. I had no idea what movies you quizzed me on, I would have no idea, but I knew I just liked James Bond. I had no idea what movies like you quiz me on, I would have no idea, but I knew I just, I just like James Bond as the aesthetic. I just love that sort of campy ish spy cold war thriller.
Speaker 2:
I was such a sucker for that and then I sort of fell off when Daniel Craig, uh, that the Daniel Craig version came around and it was like grittier and more grounded and like darker and I was like I like the, I like the campy, I like the more light-hearted fun spy versus this troubled, you know I guess, like gritty and dark version of a spy thriller. So I'm curious, going ahead, what version amazon is gonna go with? Are they gonna lean more into the, to the, you know over-top sort of spy action that's more of just like more of a genre piece like the earlier Bond, or are they going to go more with the typical spy thriller like you mentioned, like the Reachers and what is the Krasinski?
Speaker 1:
Speaker 4:
Ryan, I almost said Jack Reacher.
Speaker 1:
There's Jack Reacher, right Aren't? They both named Jack? Oh, my God, I almost said Jack Reacher. There's Jack Reacher, right Aren't they both named Jack. Oh, my God, I only know either of those because my dad reads these books. They are so terrible and that's it. I had to specifically write that down and read it because. I knew I was going to fuck it up.
Speaker 2:
Amazon releases Jack Bond.
Speaker 4:
I'm pretty sure at 40, a Jack Reacher book shows up on the desk of every dad in the country. So, eric, pretty soon we're going to wake up and there's just going to be a copy of Jack.
Speaker 5:
Speaker 2:
And we're going to open it and be like it's not bad yeah, but but if we're talking about the actors I'm most interested in, I am very much interested in what, like you mentioned like the Idris Elba's, the Henry Golding's, the Dev Patel's, because I would be so much more interested in a James Bond of a different ethnicity, because that represents modern UK.
Speaker 2:
You know what I mean. I feel like James Bond is very much a cultural icon. I feel like James Bond is very much a cultural icon and I'm so curious what Amazon will do as how they view British culture, or at least the writers and producers, or at least how they feel British masculinity should be depicted. I feel like that's almost like a mirror to what Great Britain masculinity is seeing itself as in the 2020s, if that makes sense. Like, like, are they going to go with the earlier james bond, who is pretty faultless, he's charming, he's womanizing, he drinks, he's cool? Or are you going to go with the modern, uh, daniel craig, who is really just troubled and, you know, filled with just all these troubled, you know, emotions and and is damaged? And I'm so curious what just who they pick as James Bond in the tone, I think will really reflect sort of the culture of not just like the UK culture, but masculinity within the UK culture.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, so I love the idea of you know like someone of a different ethnicity playing James Bond such as. Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Anybody thought of Dwayne the Rock Johnson?
Speaker 4:
Don't let him get bored of this, is that?
Speaker 1:
coming to anybody else's mind. No, I paused and I felt silent.
Speaker 4:
Honestly. Dave Batiste said if we give it to Dave, and Dave slimmed down too.
Speaker 1:
It wouldn't be like. It wouldn't be like a weird the other thing that.
Speaker 4:
Wayne refuses to do is get smaller like. Dave looks fantastic and the rock is still. He still has to wear a body suit for Maui large human being. I have a first off, I have a hot take because I think Eric will agree with me. My favorite spy movie is the 2008 get smart, uh, with Steve Carell and Hathaway. And the rock is in that movie and you know what? He's not bad. He's not bad Not the main character, but he is, uh, he is not so comedy Also comedy character.
Speaker 1:
I'll throw out another one If we want to transition to that really quick before we end this. If there's any spy movies that you're like ashamed of saying or you think are like underrated, mine is I Spy with Owen Wilson and Eddie.
Speaker 4:
Murphy. Oh my God, I forgot about that movie.
Speaker 1:
I love that movie. I love it.
Speaker 4:
It's so funny.
Speaker 1:
It is peak Eddie Murphy still and I don't think people respect it. I know in Wilson's hilarious. Does anybody have a spy film like that?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, it actually stars Dave Bautista. I cannot think of the name of it.
Speaker 1:
Is it the one? Oh, it's with the girl.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 4:
I know it's pretty good. It's pretty good.
Speaker 2:
It's not bad, it's not great. I went in with zero expectations. I thought it was going to be really bad.
Speaker 1:
My Spy yeah close enough.
Speaker 2:
With the little girl? Yeah, I think so, but no, I went in with absolute negative expectations. If we're judging on that scale, it blew me out of the water with how much I enjoyed it, so that would be my guilty one.
Speaker 4:
Have you seen my Spy 2? Because I have not seen the sequel.
Speaker 2:
I did not know. There was a sequel Exactly, exactly.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, blue is mine there, kate. What about you?
Speaker 5:
I really loved Spy with Melissa McCarthy. I love that movie. It is Jason Statham chewing the scenery. It is, yeah, it's so good. It's Rose Byrne being real, fucking weird. It's just Jude Law. Yeah, jude Law, but it's I it's. It's one of the more grounded Melissa McCarthy comedy roles. Like it's not the, she's just a full trash human. She's so good in it. I love her. It's very fun. It's a really fun weird movie but it's honestly way more interesting than I thought it was going to be. I really enjoyed that one.
Speaker 4:
I totally forgot about Johnny English. I really loved Johnny.
Speaker 1:
English, oh, johnny English, oh my God, yeah I loved that movie.
Speaker 4:
I got to watch that. You know it's a really bad spy movie Argyle that came out in 2024.
Speaker 1:
If only someone could have told you that.
Speaker 4:
And there's also one with Chris Evans and Ana de Armas that came out on Apple TV and it is fucking terrible. Ghosted is called Ghosted and it is awful. How did two hot people have such bad chemistry? I don't know.
Speaker 1:
Dylan, what about you? Do you have one in mind, the?
Speaker 3:
one. So, first off, because we mentioned Dwayne the Rock Johnson, the first one that popped in my head by word association was Central Intelligence with him and Chris Rock. Oh yeah, oh boy, but I don't know that I would call that good. The ones I tended to gravitate towards were more like the Bourne identity, like the Bourne movies, the Kingsman movies, like those kind of things.
Speaker 1:
So yeah, no, that makes a lot of sense it's unfortunate Phil, no one brought up. Oh, spy kids there we go. One and two, I believe. Yeah Right, it doesn't get bad until the three. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:
That is not bad. That is a cinematic work of art.
Speaker 5:
All right now, All right now.
Speaker 1:
It's cinema, it's cinema. This is pure cinema, phil, I am disappointed that no one brought up 2019 Spies in Disguise, where Will Smith is trying to do a picture.
Speaker 4:
I'm not disappointed in that whatsoever.
Speaker 1:
I'm glad nobody brought that up.
Speaker 5:
I forgot that movie existed.
Speaker 4:
Isn't that, tom?
Speaker 5:
Tom Holland.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, but yeah, so that was my story. If it makes anybody feel better, I don't think it's going to. One of the more recent MGM Studios movies was Red One.
Speaker 4:
So not great. Oh my God.
Speaker 1:
But then they did have other films like Nickel Boys, my Old Ass last year, my Old Ass is so good. So I mean they've had some decent movies. The sequel to my Spy. So I guess, there we go. Did they do the first my Spy?
Speaker 4:
Yeah, it was released on Amazon, didn't it?
Speaker 1:
That's crazy. So yeah, maybe Eli will get children involved in the James Bond franchise. They'll be a little.
Speaker 2:
Are we going to do the young James Bond, James Bond babies?
Speaker 4:
Tom, yes, surprise it's Tom Holland.
Speaker 3:
You joke, but there is canonically a book series of James Bond's nephew that they could do the young Bonds like the Young Avengers, the young Bonds.
Speaker 5:
Oh, you know, they're gonna.
Speaker 1:
They love doing that with those iconic characters.
Speaker 2:
There's absolutely one with Indiana Jones as well.
Speaker 4:
What if James Bond was younger?
Speaker 2:
No, just a legion of scrawny white guy.
Speaker 3:
Timothy Chalamet Just a bunch of Timothy Chalametalamet oh no, I'm assembling a team no
Speaker 1:
we're getting it. Um, the one thing I will say, though, is for anybody out there, including those here that have not watched the james bond field, if you're only going to watch one, I would recommend skyfall. Skyfall is, I think, a movie you can go into without any prior knowledge. Casino Royale comes behind it, but if you don't really know about the character, you're kind of already at a disadvantage. I think even with that disadvantage, skyfall is probably top 100 movies I've ever seen. Maybe I could probably say 50. I really want to watch it a second time to solidify this take, and if we do it late to the party on this podcast, that will be the movie I make Phil watch. So that is my personal recommendation If you ever want to kind of get what the vibe is. Daniel Craig while it is a little more gritty to Eli's point, it's a movie that has stuck with me since I've seen it in theaters.
Speaker 2:
I'll vouch for that If any cinema snobs are listening. Roger Deakins does the cinematography oh my God, drop Dead, gorgeous. Very good Filmmaking in that one.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I think James Mangold directed that one. So, yeah, a lot of, a lot of really good people involved with that particular project. But yeah, that was my story, phil.
Speaker 4:
And I think now we have a game to play, are we not doing? Oh, my god, I do have one question.
Speaker 1:
I saw it was an hour 30, and I was like, oh, we must be at game time, and I didn't realize.
Speaker 5:
No, baby, it's co-host energy.
Speaker 4:
Oh my god, I do have one question for Dylan, because you said you've watched Reacher. Since I saw last year Ministry of Ungeneral Warfare, which I very much enjoyed, I have been casting Alan Richson as Batman. Oh he's great, I love.
Speaker 3:
Alan Richson.
Speaker 4:
Do you think he'd be a good Bruce Wayne? I think he could do it.
Speaker 3:
Especially if they were really trying to hit the animated series Bruce.
Speaker 5:
Wayne I definitely think he could do it, because he is built like a brick wall fucking massive dude.
Speaker 3:
So yeah, so cool yeah anyway, like for those of you that haven't seen reacher, he basically solves every problem by just being like I'm I'm huge and I'm bigger than this, but I've never.
Speaker 4:
I've never watched reacher, but the villain in the new season of reacher is just a big reacher, a bigger reacher and I'm like I gotta watch, I gotta watch this there's a reacher arms race I can't.
Speaker 3:
I can't remember exactly, but because it's been a while since I haven't watched the newest season, but like I'm pretty sure there was a point in one of the early seasons where like a car was in his way and he just like picks it up and moves and that's how we solve the problem.
Speaker 4:
Man, I gotta watch it.
Speaker 5:
I will say my, my dad has, like I said, he's read these books. He refused to watch the jack reacher movie with tom cruise because he was like too tiny, can't, doesn't work, doesn't fit with the books. But now I need to see if he's seen the show, because it sounds like it's more book accurate that he's a brick wall.
Speaker 4:
now Most middle-aged white men have seen it and they just don't talk about it. But they're like, yeah, I've seen Reacher.
Speaker 1:
They get the book and it auto-downloads onto their fire stick.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, they just have like every episode ready to go on mobile.
Speaker 5:
They don't know how to delete it, so they just watch it, they're on the plane, like man, I didn't download anything.
Speaker 1:
All three seasons of reacher and jack ryan oh, thank god, that's great. I forgot my book. Yeah, that's good, I don't know is it?
Speaker 2:
is it like it? It, like a hooded figure, comes to your door and you're just like, oh my God, is this death? And you pull back the hood, and it's just.
Speaker 4:
It's Alan Richen. It's Alan. Richen.
Speaker 2:
It is time and he hands you the whole book series, you get beat up in an alleyway, Wait I was gonna read this fantasy series.
Speaker 4:
Too late. This is too life. Too late, nerd. Here's Tom.
Speaker 5:
Clancy, I was going to read the Dark Tower. Sorry, you dummy Nope.
Speaker 4:
Too late for that. Too late for that dork. Here's Splinter Cell.
Speaker 1:
Should I give it a locker?
Speaker 2:
There's not a locker in my house.
Speaker 1:
Where did this come from? We've lost all sense of the plot here. We've lost. This is the height of what this episode was going to be, right here. Oh, fucking James Bond dude, I can't believe it, not on my bigger card oh boy.
Speaker 4:
All right you want to take control of. Didn't make the cuts, please didn't make the cut.
Speaker 1:
I will go last because I have our discord roundup and I will rapid fire those and and and again.
Speaker 1:
We can talk as long as we want or as short as we want. So if none of this applies to anything, you know, you do not have to feel like you have to give an opinion. However, uh, if you had any stories that didn't make the cut, uh, feel free to throw them in here now. Kate, you had a short one, you said, so we'll start with you. What was any story or stories that didn't make the cut?
Speaker 5:
So I had two very short ones that I kind of just wanted to mention. The quote unquote live action trailer for how to Train your Dragon finally came out. It's the same fucking movie. None of us need to see this movie. Why? Why? It's shot for shot. There's no point. It's not live action. They didn't even get a real dragon. This is stupid. Why, why are you doing this? Move on, it's not live action. Move on with your lives. The second one that I saw is that apparently Taylor Lautner of Twilight fame is leaning in and doing a werewolf show. He's doing a scripted series called Taylor Lautner Werewolf Hunter and basically he's playing himself as a werewolf hunter. It is going to be directed by oh gosh, it is going to be directed by the people who produced and directed such wacky horror movies as the new Scream and Scream 6, abigail and Ready or Not. So I'm kind of ready for this weird horror comedy vibe in this.
Speaker 4:
I fucking loved Abigail man.
Speaker 5:
I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to. I loved Ready or Not, though, I love a good. I love a good for her horror movie. I'm about it, they're so good. But yeah, I think this has the potential to be a very weird kind of what we do in the shadows, like the vibe seems kind of like that for me, just like very self-aware horror comedy I love. I don't know, I just think it's very funny. Also, as a you know girly of the uh twilight zeitgeist, um, I'm fucking here for it.
Speaker 1:
Team jacob, baby, let's go. Yeah, yeah, seems very meta which I think will work. Uh, very well there, uh, eli dylan, any any comments on either of those stories you want to throw in here?
Speaker 2:
I love the.
Speaker 5:
I love, just okay were you team edward or team jacob?
Speaker 2:
you have to tell me that that is just such an insane story with the Taylor Lautner. But I just, I just all these like live action animated movies and just the how, just the unnecessary ness of them, why.
Speaker 5:
I will say with real quick stupid story, with the live action ones. One of my friends said that she worked with this absolute himbo of a man years ago and when they did the live action Beauty and the Beast he was like, oh my god, I can't believe they got a real beast for this. And she was like I didn't want to tell him, I didn't know what else to say Big pardon. They just went uh-huh and then changed the conversation.
Speaker 4:
Bless his heart, bless his heart, bless his heart.
Speaker 5:
Bless his heart.
Speaker 4:
How'd they get those lions to talk? Man, that is crazy.
Speaker 5:
That's so good, that's so good, they put peanut butter in their mouths. It's like the horse. It's fine, don't worry about it.
Speaker 4:
Mr Ed.
Speaker 1:
Totally fine.
Speaker 3:
Dylan, anything to add? No, just echoing what they've already said. You know it. It at a certain point it's like an animated movie was probably animated because they couldn't do it in real life. Uh, and so like just live action andifying it, I mean it's still going to be a better movie than Aragon was. Like a better dragon movie than Aragon was, but like it's not a high bar, I mean it's basically just like hey.
Speaker 3:
So it's basically just like hey, what if, instead of the human characters being animated, they were just people? And it's like I mean, I don't really feel like. It's kind of like PlayStation remastering something. It's like yeah, I've seen this already, like I don't need to play this again. So you know, yeah, but yeah.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, yeah, it's tough.
Speaker 4:
The Taylor Lautner story was one of mine. That was the other one I was thinking about doing, so I love it. Lean into the fun. You know what's his name Robert Pattinson is Batman. He is about to be in a Bong Joon-ho movie and Taylor Lautner is like fucking Werewolf Hunter, so this might be his turn into his Pattinson arc. I'm very excited for him Because I'm definitely going to check that out. Yeah, live action. How to train your dragon? Don't care, only dragons I want to see, eric, are the ones at Epic Universe in 2029. When we get to go, yeah.
Speaker 1:
When we get to go, which you learned about, like the last episode, which was crazy.
Speaker 4:
We'll be there.
Speaker 1:
Phil, since you're already kind of here already talking, what do you got?
Speaker 4:
My other one was that Simu Liu says he's working on getting a Sleeping Dogs film adaptation, which I think could be really cool. Big Simu Liu fan. And that game, eric, is another game. We have kind of circled as far as the game room where it happens, because it is underappreciated and that is a game that deserves a remaster, not some of these that sony arc is cranking out. But if they get the tone right and, um, if simu liu is passionate about the game, then I think it's in good hands. But that was my other one, other than the taylor lager one okay, uh, dylan, any, any thoughts?
Speaker 1:
there is our gaming guru and then kate eli. Feel free to chime in after if you have anything um, I don't think I've played sleeping dogs.
Speaker 3:
It's another one that's like I constantly see is like oh, I should play this one because it's it's what, is it heart? Who? It's a? Isn't it a famous director movie like kind of somehow tied? To it Uh like hard boiled, is what the name that I it keeps coming up for me?
Speaker 3:
Um yeah, I'll, I'll look that up Um but it it seems like a a cool uh setting like a very stylistic, like uh type of movie. John John Woo, that's who yeah, yeah, a like a john woo uh type of story. Um, and I I think that could be a lot of fun to see. You know, uh probably has a chance to be a better crime drama than the, the scorsese film starring johnson, in my opinion, you know, so that's, that's where I'll leave that.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I'll throw in here. It's part of our discord roundup, so I'll save us the time because it's relevant. There's also a Sifu movie in the works at Netflix, so it's going to be produced by the director of the John Wick franchise, so that's another game that very much lends itself to film, if it's done correctly.
Speaker 4:
Also starring Simu Liu. He is the new Asian guy.
Speaker 1:
Might as well. Just a double dip.
Speaker 5:
Pick one, which one gets out first. You got it.
Speaker 1:
Or think about this Dwayne the Rock, johnson, dwayne the.
Speaker 4:
Rock Johnson In a Maui bodysuit In a Maui bodysuit and Simu Liu gets to be James Bond. It's going to be In a Maui bodysuit.
Speaker 5:
In a Maui bodysuit and Simu Liu gets to be James Bond. It's going to be fine.
Speaker 1:
Exactly, yeah, trade-off. But, kate Eli, anything you guys want to add in, otherwise we'll jump to our next one.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I'm a sucker. I like Simu Liu. I love martial arts, crime dramas. I'm a big John Woo fan. So if this and Sifu, Sleeping Dogs and Sifu, I am totally on board. For if these get actualized, I'll excitedly see them.
Speaker 1:
There we go. Eli, you want to take it away? Any, didn't make the cut stories that you had.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I have another sports one. I've kind of given up on the NBA. I like the quality of the games.
Speaker 2:
I just I was watching a game and it was like 114 to 86 and I just was like this sucks. And so I have diverted all my attention to getting into hockey, getting into the NHL. And, man, I I bought, I got um espn plus so I can watch hockey games, and I have, I've really grown to love the game. It is so fun to watch. There's something kind of the opposite with baseball, where it's on like grass and it's green. This is on ice, so it feels so wintry, perfect for the winter season. And just the, the, the, just the of play, the skills that are being done and just the intensity. There's no NBA players just jacking up three-pointers and just casually running up and down the court. These guys are flying and drilling each other and hitting slap shots that go up to 90 miles an hour. It's so fun. And then the Four Nations face-off, which was the replacement for the all-star game. Holy shit, that was awesome. Like just the quality of play. Uh, all the context around going on. If you watch the the first canada us game, there were three fights in the first, like eight minutes. It's just insane. So I've really grown to love hockey. I've picked the Red Wings as my team because, yeah, I know Phil's doing the fist bump, but yeah, I'm on the Red Wings bandwagon, dylan Larkin is my king and yeah, I'm just happy I've gotten into hockey. It's so fun.
Speaker 2:
My other story is movie-related, but I just wanted to shout out one of my favorite franchises across all media Wallace and Gromit. They got some BAFTA love and I just wanted to shout them out. Vengeance Most Foul was wonderful. My heart is just glowing with all the praise the movie's gotten. Wallace and Gromit was one of the first media franchises I loved as a kid. Growing up and just seeing all the love and affection with the latest movies, seeing all the reception, the BAFTA awards and hopefully an Academy Award We'll see, but I don't know I just just the Wallace and Gromit love has just made me all warm and fuzzy.
Speaker 1:
So I think what's funny about both of those stories first one you thought you were going to have to talk about Luca getting traded, which again Sorry. And then the second one is just the Joy of the Wallace and Gromit story. Like you and me will be like really Pissed if the wild robot like doesn't Win the Oscar For best animated picture and Eli's just like any Wallace and Gromit fan, which is like we're just really glad to be here this is their first film in 16 years.
Speaker 2:
I am so happy right now we're eating over here yeah, wallace and Gromit fans, we're in our best lives right now, flo is a good movie.
Speaker 4:
it is not better than it's, probably not better than Wallace and Gromit, and it's definitely not better than the's probably not better than Wallace and Gromit, and it's definitely not better than the wild robot. So, yeah, but to piggyback on what I was saying, hockey is the best sport to watch live. It's the best sport to watch in person, even if you have like a local, like double A or independent team. It is so much fun. We have one here in Jacksonville. I haven't been in a while, but I definitely want to go. It is a lot of fun. It's indoors, like Eli mentioned, so during the summer it's nice and cool, and that is definitely.
Speaker 4:
I wish the Tampa Bay Lightning were closer to me. I could probably see myself getting really invested in them, or the Florida Panthers. Obviously, they've had a really great run, as of late too. So, but the four nations was incredible. Shout out to Canada for booing the national anthem. We are with you, so it was really great. So, yeah, the NBA right now is a mess and honestly, I do not know what they can do to fix it.
Speaker 1:
so Dylan, kate, anything you guys want to add.
Speaker 3:
Well, I'll shout out I don't watch the NBA, but you can fix it by watching the WNBA. That's probably like a way better thing you could do.
Speaker 3:
So if you want to get your basketball but you don't want to watch the NBA, there's a better version of it called the WNBA, so I'll throw that out there. But then also, I love hockey. I grew up with hockey which may be shocking because I'm from Mississippi, but we have like a local double-A team, like down here in town, basically. So I grew up going to those games all the time, so that was a lot of fun. I played hockey as a kid, so I'm a fan of hockey. I don't watch it a ton as much like on TV or whatever anymore, but I was following the, the, um, the, the recent games, cause those were pretty, you know, cool to see, and also, like I was like, yes, support for the things that are going on in these games, um, but uh, so I'll, I'll, I'll shout that out. And then also, as someone who grew up with Wallace and Gromit, I'm also pumped that they have, because wasn't there that thing where, like, they ran out of the clay to like, do it, like, wasn't that a thing?
Speaker 2:
um, and there was a full-blown panic. People were just like there was like a five alarm, like uh code five alarm in the uk of just like what are we gonna do? And aardman is like, guys, we're, we're fine, we'll figure it out. But yeah, that's. That just shows how much like uh the world and like great britain, specifically, bristol specifically, that is such like walson gromit is just like their thing.
Speaker 5:
So yeah, all of my friends in the UK are so fucking hype with the Wallace and Gromit movie. It was very funny watching, like all of my friends from like other fandoms go, there's a new fucking Wallace and Gromit and I'm like, oh, I did not. It's like sleeper agents of a fandom. It's just like you guys. I'm like, oh, my god, it's so good and I love practical animation. I think it's delightful, it's so cute. I have not watched this new one yet, but it looks very, very cute and I like that. It's getting awards and attention.
Speaker 5:
I am very close to the Carolina Hurricanes, which is very fun. As far as hockey, my husband used to play hockey when he was younger and then we went to a game. We had terrible nosebleed seats. I was like we're, you know, we'll go, it'll be fun. The Hurricanes scored in the first three seconds of the game. It was buck wild that I looked at him and I was like, does this always happen? He goes, he goes. No, this is a big deal and it just it's so much fun to watch. It's something where, like I, it's literally the opposite of baseball. Something is always happening um, it's cold and um, no one's really nice to each other. Uh, it's real fun.
Speaker 4:
You can still get ice cream in hockey. Exactly, you can still get ice cream and and especially, you know, in in north carolina.
Speaker 5:
We know we're a bunch of jerks, like we're just kind of assholes about it, but it's very fun being a fan of a good local team that are kind of dicks about it. It's a little fun.
Speaker 4:
I have a friend that's trying to go to every NHL arena and I think she's about 10 to 15 through, so she's doing pretty good.
Speaker 5:
That's fun, yeah I'll.
Speaker 4:
I'll leave it at this here, eric, because, um, this is my. To bring it back to video games, I understand why, like, blitz isn't a thing anymore because of the violence and the steroids. I understand why, uh, mlb sluggers and and hits and all that stuff, um, is not a thing anymore. But nhlits is ripe for a revival. That game needs to come back and I miss it. So there's my annual NHL Hits plea to deaf ears.
Speaker 1:
All right, let me go ahead and jump into the Discord roundup, which will wrap up mine, phil. There's a lot, so I'm going to actually throw these if you want them. I threw them in the chat that we're using to record. That's just a convenience, if you want it. But here's my rundown. If something sounds interesting at the end, throw your thoughts.
Speaker 1:
So in our Discord we have a pop culture news channel where we talk about everything going on and it's very much the Discord version of this episode. So a couple of things that came through that channel were the reactions to the trailers to both the fantastic four. Uh, first, uh, first steps, I believe. First, new steps, something like that. I forgot what that it was already. Uh, jurassic world rebirth as well was a huge thing for all of us talking about. There was also a limited time Subway Oreo footlong cookie that was released. So if you missed out on that, there you go. The Rooster Teeth founder buys the brand after the closure, giving it new life. If you know anything about Rooster Teeth, that is a very much a deep cut for all of us, especially us 90s babies. All of us, especially us 90s babies. Matt Damon has officially been announced and casted as Odysseus for the Odyssey movie that Christopher Nolan is doing and it will be releasing in theaters July 17th 2026. I am extremely excited.
Speaker 1:
Marvel Rivals Seattle team was laid off with the company claiming that this was for organizational reasons. If you know anything about Marvel Rivals, it's one of the biggest games that have come out in some time, especially in the live service space for a game not named Fortnite. Then, shortly after, it was reported that the founder of the company that runs it almost canceled Marvel Rivals because it didn't use original IP. So the cost of licensing Marvel IP almost caused the game not to be made at all, which is crazy. To look back in hindsight, a new Avatar the Last Airbender sequel is happening at Nickelodeon. Avatar Seven Havens is going to be consisting of 26 half-hour episodes over two seasons.
Speaker 1:
We also did get confirmation from a Marvel TV exec that Moon Knight is coming back, but not for a season two. James Gunn confirmed a Teen Titans movie is in the works and the news that dropped today as of recording Boletro, the hit game that was nominated for Game of the Year last year, is now on Game Pass. This comes after the really good news that they also successfully appealed having a Peggy 18 rating over simulated gambling being the big deterrent for that. So a lot of good things happening for Balotro and all of those stories. Guys will wrap up the Discord roundup, so, phil, I'll throw it to you first Any of these stories. If you want to run down all of them, like you usually do, is fine. What?
Speaker 4:
did you want to talk about Fantastic Four? Sure, rebirth boo Oreo, footlong Cookie, fuck yeah. Rooster Teeth, founder Vise Afterclosure amazing Matt Damon as Odysseus okay, marvel Rivals team laid off. That sucks, almost didn't happen. Crazy Avatar Seven Havens need to finish the original. Very much enjoyed it. Moon Knight we're never going to get a resolution to his fourth personality. Teen Titans movie, but with Dwayne the Rock Johnson and Paul Latreau on Game Pass, still don't want to play it.
Speaker 3:
Crazy, crazy behavior, dylan, any of those stories that you want to uh chime in on uh, I mean, I'll just shout out like the rooster teeth, like I was a big fan of rooster teeth back in the day. Um, I didn't watch as much of this stuff uh in the more recent years, but I still listen to like some of the podcasts uh, specifically like fuckface and like some of those that had some of the personalities that I liked on them sorry what thank you, eli, we were gonna just let it go.
Speaker 2:
No, I knew, Rooster Teeth were like Red vs Blue and Achievement Hunter.
Speaker 5:
You just didn't know that, Dylan.
Speaker 1:
I was with you.
Speaker 3:
I know.
Speaker 5:
You're fine, I'm familiar.
Speaker 4:
Yes, fuckface is not the alliteration show that I'm familiar with it's.
Speaker 3:
Camp Camp. Yeah, so Fuckface is hosted by Jeff Ramsey, who plays Griff on Red vs Blue, and it's got Gavin Free, who is the British guy at Rooster Teeth, and their friend Andrew. It started off as like a sort of sports collectibles talk show. It's got its name because there is a baseball card.
Speaker 3:
I forget what player it is, but they took the picture and on the bottom of his bat is written the word fuckface and they had to like recall all of them, so it got its name based on that, and also like the running joke is like we can't advertise this because, no, no brand wants to be like part of, of like advertise on a show.
Speaker 4:
I can this card on ebay for 80.
Speaker 3:
It's a psa8 yeah, yeah, so it's, but it's it's become kind of like they just get together and hang out and like chat and it's a lot of fun. Um, it reminds me a lot of like old rooster teeth, um, and like I still enjoyed some of their newer stuff, but it was one of those where it's just like the people that I enjoyed watching became like faded more into the background. Um, and so Reese the, the guy who bought it, is Bernie Burns, um, who has a show right now called uh it's morning, somewhere that I also listened to like on a daily. It's a daily like half hour show that he releases. Um, it's a lot of fun, it's.
Speaker 3:
You know he was one of the him and jeff and gavin and like those people were ones that I enjoyed listening to um, and so I've been following more of their stuff. So it's cool to see him coming back and at least buying the brand, after warner brothers basically did what warner brothers does to all things um, so I'll shout that out I'm excited for like seeing what he does, even if what he does is basically just having the brand. So but I think he's, you know, smart about it and will probably fund more things like I don't see it coming back in the same way that it was, but I think it's more of like an umbrella of you know, kind of like uh, college humor almost, maybe, where it's like you know college humor kind of got run into the ground and then sam re got it and it is now like over Dimension 20 and all of these other shows. I can see it becoming something like that.
Speaker 1:
So, yeah, and Kate, anything you want to add, or any of the stories from their Discord roundup, you want to. You want to chime in on?
Speaker 5:
Yeah, yeah, that was Dylan. That was actually exactly the point that I was going to make as far as, like you know, the Bernie buying rooster teeth after this, like it really does feel like you know, sam Rice rescuing dropout and then sort of you know, picking the sort of wreckage of college humor back up from from what that is and just making it, in my opinion, the best streaming service that's available right now. Um, I think I think the whole subway footlong cookies are an abomination. They are in a front towards god. Um, the jurassic world trailer. It's why just watch jurassic park. Why are you? It's the same movie. It's the exact same movie. I don't, I don't understand. Um, I'm bummed about Moon Knight. I should just stop watching TV shows and getting attached to them because they all get cancelled. I haven't enjoyed a TV show since, I think, 2019 that was not purposely one season or got cancelled. I should just start watching anime because I won't get my feelings hurt. That is my. Those are my thoughts and feelings about all of this Watch more anime.
Speaker 1:
Eric's ears this yeah, watch more anime. Eric's ears perked up when he heard anime.
Speaker 4:
I was like what he wasn't listening to anything you said, up until you said anime. No, I got it, that's okay. That's fine, I've been zoned out.
Speaker 1:
since the first Spin that Wheel. It's been a blur I have no clue what happened.
Speaker 4:
Activated like the Winter Soldier over there, jesus Christ, yeah, the winter soldier over there.
Speaker 1:
Jesus Christ, yeah Eli, any of those stories you want to chime in on.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, shout out Rooster Teeth. I watched them in the past. I would love to see what they do in the future.
Speaker 2:
Let's see. Yeah, avatar, I'm a big Avatar fan. I love Last Airbender, I love Korra. I'm very interested. I want to go back to that world. I just love that setting so much. I want to see what, how it will look um in the future about. That was one of my favorite things about core was seeing the advancement of time and sort of the, the world not just staying static but moving forward, and I want to see almost is it going to be like a modern like? Are they going to have um like modern tech that we have now, or like automobiles and like airplanes and things? I would love to see that.
Speaker 3:
so I'm very excited for avatar yeah, don't get your hopes too up. I think they've said that it's set. It's like ang in the gang. It's set in between Korra and. God damn it. Yeah, sorry, sorry.
Speaker 1:
It is actually Okay, so it's actually after Korra, so it is a series set in the world Wait what A world shattered by a devastating cataclysm. What?
Speaker 3:
did. I see then.
Speaker 1:
A young Earthbender discovers she's the new Avatar after Korra, but in this dangerous era that title marks her as humanity's destroyer, not its savior.
Speaker 2:
Oh dang, I didn't read anything else. I just saw a new series. I'm like ooh cool.
Speaker 1:
So it's gonna basically be like Korra fucked this all up for everybody. What's gonna happen?
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
Which is like the worst possible outcome for fans of Legend of Korra. From my understanding and I've never watched the show.
Speaker 2:
I like Korra. I'm not a diehard fan. I feel bad for diehard Korra fans. They just keep taking Ls Every time. No, I am excited. I like Avatar. I'm going to be interested. I am very interested in this Teen Titans movie because I am so unbelievably hyped for the James Gunn Superman. I love Superman and that vibe from that trailer sold me immediately and I'm so curious how, how him being essentially a showrunner for the cinematic universe, how what the Teen Titans are going to look like in that vision, and if he keeps it colorful and fun. I am 100% on board.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, dc can absolutely take over in this genre. I mean, there's an opportunity here, whether or not they execute that.
Speaker 4:
It's more open than it's ever been.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, especially, I mean, even with the superhero fatigue, which is real. But that is our Discord roundup. And now is our final stage of what Did I Miss, where we jump into a game and Phil has a new game that we have no clue what it is. We have no idea. So this is going to be really exciting.
Speaker 4:
Pull up the fucking Kahoot website, just pull up Kahoot.
Speaker 1:
Apparently it's Kahoot. Hold on.
Speaker 4:
Let me pull this up here. Is this large enough for everybody? Can everybody see? Has everybody played Kahoot before Everybody. No Okay, eli.
Speaker 1:
no, eric, you've been in a corporate setting. No, Okay, when I heard Kahoot I was like what, Are you going to send a link through Teams? Like what?
Speaker 4:
Has everybody downloaded Teams? Eric, if you could just get into this breakout room with me really quick, no, I don't want to go to the breakout room.
Speaker 1:
Don't put me in a breakout room.
Speaker 4:
So you can either go to this website or, I believe, you can scan the QR code. Would anyone like me to expand the QR code Look at that. Oh my gosh. This is already better than Factile Yahooit. There we go, and then there's your code, Eric. There's not as many characters to choose from here. I apologize.
Speaker 1:
What the?
Speaker 4:
Speaker 5:
But you can put a hat on your character if you'd like.
Speaker 4:
I don't think you could do that in Factile.
Speaker 1:
All right, I don't want to be a frog.
Speaker 2:
You can change it. There's a lot of options.
Speaker 1:
We're going to be here for a minute. Cowboy Earth.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 4:
Winter Earth Okay.
Speaker 2:
Winter Earth.
Speaker 4:
Okay, that works too.
Speaker 2:
I'm going to run to the bathroom quick.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, go for it.
Speaker 1:
Look at this Elvis fish.
Speaker 4:
Is that the thing from Shape of Water?
Speaker 1:
I wasn't 100% sure. Oh, he's got an eye patch.
Speaker 4:
All right. So for those of you listening while we're getting set up here, if you've never played Kahoot, it is typically used in like teaching or corporate settings and basically everybody playing here today will have a certain amount of time to answer the question on the board. Now the more. I guess I have to re-explain this when Eli gets back. I forgot he was. No, he's on his own, he's gotta learn somehow. I forgot that he had stepped away. But, um, yeah, if you have not been watching the episode thus far, this is definitely a good place to transition to the youtube page, because there is there. There are visual elements to this part. Um, for you guys to to check out I figured out what it was.
Speaker 3:
I got got by some stupid ai bullshit article that only read that it was like an yeah, it read that it was a new avatar, the last airbender thing, and then made up the rest of it because it's like the last airbender. That obviously means that it's a continuation of ang's story and I'm like so yeah, that's why I had to jump in.
Speaker 1:
I was like, oh no, yeah I did.
Speaker 3:
I did find that story and I was like what the fuck? It might have even been like google's, like ai summaries, so yeah that's my rabbit. Ai, AI is ruining everything.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, that's, that's. You know it looks at like terrariums on YouTube. I'll just, I'll look up, I'll be in like a.
Speaker 3:
My phone turned off.
Speaker 1:
I'll be in like endless tick tocks of like franchises I know have no business being a part of or listening to. So yeah, I've been a part of the Avatar discourse for like a few days on how people feel about the fact that basically, the Avatar doesn't stand for what it did the last two shows and that it's probably Korra's fault. Getting to learn that has been crazy.
Speaker 4:
Eli, I started explaining the rules and I was like, oh yeah, I'm gonna have to do this again, so let me stop. So it's very similar, it's all trivia. It's all pop culture trivia. They're just different styles of games. Some of them are multiple choice, some of them are.
Speaker 4:
You have to pick something out of a picture. Some of them you have to type in your answer. That'll be. It'll show up on your phone. Now the question itself is only going to be up here on the screen. So on your phones is where you will answer, but the question will not be on there. So you will have to pay attention to that. But otherwise it's pretty self-explanatory the quicker you answer, the more points you get. So there are 20 questions and if somebody's doing really well, you can pull away pretty quickly. We use this at my current job in training and I am terrible at it. So I was pretty excited to put one together myself. And yeah, but you guys will figure it out as you go. The first question is purposely very easy, to kind of give you guys an idea of what the layout will look like on your phone. So, with that being said, are you guys ready to kahoot? Yeah, yes, all right, let's do it. Look at that. Oh, I can't see you guys anymore, can you see?
Speaker 5:
the screen. Fine, okay, yeah.
Speaker 4:
All right, first question is a quiz. What is the name of Thor's hammer? Does spelling count?
Speaker 2:
No, it's multiple choice. Oh, I see, Okay, all right. Who picked Jonathan?
Speaker 1:
You put the Paul Rudd image. I thought it was a trick question. Are you kidding me? Why wouldn't you put a picture of his hammer?
Speaker 5:
if I wasn't supposed to select Jonathan.
Speaker 1:
Are you fucking kidding me. Are you for real?
Speaker 4:
Oh crap, I'm sharing the wrong screen. I'm just the wrong screen.
Speaker 1:
Don't look at my Amazon card, Phil for real, though, phil for real, though Tell me this is a joke.
Speaker 2:
No, there is a clip of the Ant-Man characters, the.
Speaker 4:
Ant-Man actors and actresses being asked what is the name of Thor's hammer? And Paul Rudd goes Jonathan. I'll share it with everybody in the chat later.
Speaker 1:
Well, Eric is behind. That's the biggest show I've ever taken in these games.
Speaker 2:
Don't worry, eric, there are some questions.
Speaker 1:
I want to go back to Jeopardy.
Speaker 4:
Nope, not going to do that. Uh, all right. Next question this is a puzzle. You have to put them in order.
Speaker 2:
Place these studio ghibli films in release date order.
Speaker 4:
Oh okay, so for those of you listening, we have ponyonyo, my Neighbor Totoro, howl's Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke. We need them in release date order.
Speaker 5:
Oh, I think I messed that up oh.
Speaker 4:
There we go. All right, who got it right? It doesn't tell me who got it right and who got it wrong. I got it wrong.
Speaker 2:
I did too. Yeah, let's hide that Fist bump. Okay, I did too. Yeah, let's hide that Fist bump Okay.
Speaker 3:
I had Princess Mononoke and my neighbor Totoro reversed.
Speaker 4:
All right, there we go. Let's check out the scoreboard. Eric, is this okay? There will be some opportunities for you to catch up, don't worry.
Speaker 1:
Will there? No, we'll see.
Speaker 4:
You're screwed. Next question A slider, we'll see You're screwed. Next question A slider You'll see a sliding scale on your phone. How many feet tall is Monsterverse Godzilla? Oh, no, what you do get points for being close, so you don't have to be exact.
Speaker 5:
Without going over. Is it price of right?
Speaker 4:
Yeah, it's between 200 and 500. I believe it should say, or it says like 203 to 499 or something like that.
Speaker 5:
My screen says solid effort. Mine said correct, excuse me, there's no way.
Speaker 4:
There's no way. Who picked 393?
Speaker 1:
I did. That's the exact amount what? That's fucking go that's crazy, that's insane, but like it's hard oh my god, give me a harder question.
Speaker 5:
Speaker 2:
got 405 who did that?
Speaker 4:
that was me so you got points for that.
Speaker 3:
I feel like this was a trick question, because his size varies wildly based on the shot.
Speaker 2:
That is true. Well, how can you explain Kate getting it right exactly? She's a mind reader.
Speaker 5:
I'm a witch. I'm so sorry.
Speaker 4:
Next one here, let's go to the scoreboard again. All right, so sorry. Next one here, let's go to the scoreboard again. All right, kate has taken the lead.
Speaker 3:
Scoreboard scoreboard.
Speaker 4:
All right, we have a quiz. Which of these animated Disney films did not win Best Animated Feature at the Oscars? Did not win. For those of you listening, we have WALL-E six and wreck it, ralph I don't think I nope, I didn't, I okay, I didn't wreck her ralph. Who got record? Who got record, ralph? Right I I chose wreck it, ralph, because I think that it's underappreciated and I agree I think the year ralph lost brave one, which is pretty annoying. So it kind of they were suffering from their own success, basically.
Speaker 4:
I figured soul would get some people because that was like the weird year for the COVID year, so alright, next question hey, so that comeback?
Speaker 1:
at what point does that happen? You've got to get at least one right.
Speaker 5:
I'm trying, eric, you picked the brain and everything. You came in so strong, I know, and he's got a little sweater too, keeping him warm.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, a little brain heat there.
Speaker 3:
You just have a fever. That's what that is. You're actually sick.
Speaker 4:
Alright, next question Pin the answer which one of these Fast and Furious characters is named a cypher?
Speaker 2:
What? Oh, no, Got it. Oh, this is awful yeah.
Speaker 5:
Kate's got this one who the fuck, looks like a cypher.
Speaker 1:
This jackass looks like a cypher. I'm going to give it. Two of you picked it, that's the main character from.
Speaker 3:
Tokyo Drift. That's why you looked familiar.
Speaker 5:
Okay, no, it's Dreadlock. Charlize Theron, yep.
Speaker 4:
Cultural appropriation. Charlize Theron yeah, oh God, she is a hacker. She's in.
Speaker 3:
All I could think of was the guy from the Matrix, that's all. He's not here.
Speaker 2:
I literally just scrolled around and whoever I landed on, I picked.
Speaker 5:
Did you pick Han? I picked Han, oh Han.
Speaker 1:
Phil, you know how usually, when we both make the games we put in like a freebie for the other person, is my freebie coming up at any point.
Speaker 3:
It was Majol. I gave you Ghibli.
Speaker 1:
Thor's hammer. No, it couldn't have been Ghibli. It was supposed to be Jonathan. I cannot get over that.
Speaker 4:
Oh God. Okay, Kate is establishing a lead here. Next question.
Speaker 2:
He's running away with it.
Speaker 4:
Type the answer. What song are they singing in this scene from Step Brothers? Which song are they singing?
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
I know this one. Oh damn, oh, I know. Oh damn, oh, I don't know, Shit.
Speaker 1:
How will it know that I got it right?
Speaker 4:
I typed in the answer and I gave a couple alternates in terms. I can't, I'm blanking Seven seconds, you can, yeah, okay, there we go. One more.
Speaker 5:
I'm giving a bullshit answer.
Speaker 1:
know, I'm right, yeah let's go bohemian if somebody typed out bohemian rhapsody I did I knew it was
Speaker 2:
somebody like oh okay, I can sing oh god, did you not get a point for that?
Speaker 1:
sweet child. Child of what did you type? We both got it right.
Speaker 2:
No no Sweet child of. Oh yeah, I counted it, yeah, oh okay, don't stop believing.
Speaker 3:
I was so sure that that was what I feel like, that my memory is. Don't stop believing.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, even though that's not All right. Eric is on the board. Yeah, all right. Next question here Another puzzle. Put them in order. Place these Pokemon video games in release date order.
Speaker 5:
Emily will disown me if I don't know this Pokemon video games.
Speaker 4:
We have Pokemon Snap, hey you Pikachu, pokemon Black and White and Pokemon Ruby Sapphire. Put them in release date order.
Speaker 5:
I think that's it.
Speaker 2:
Oh wow, oh hey, you Pikachu.
Speaker 5:
Oh, that one. I flipped those first two. That was it.
Speaker 2:
Wasn't there a newer Pikachu one?
Speaker 3:
It was Wait. Was it going from top?
Speaker 5:
to bottom.
Speaker 2:
You're thinking are you thinking let's Go Pikachu, let's Go Pikachu. Yeah, that's the newer Switch one. No, the hey you Pikachu had the terrible microphone.
Speaker 4:
It was the one with the microphone.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 5:
He never listened to you. It was amazing.
Speaker 4:
Gosh no movement there. Next question we have another slider how many Land Before Time films are there?
Speaker 1:
This is a large slider.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 5:
I am a large. Now I'm settling the range.
Speaker 1:
I'm scared that I don't know.
Speaker 3:
I'm trying to remember the Jenny Nicholson video I watched.
Speaker 4:
Shut the fuck up. No way, no way. Who did?
Speaker 3:
14? Yes, no, man.
Speaker 4:
Me and.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 4:
That's crazy.
Speaker 1:
There's actually no way. That's crazy. Yeah, two people got that.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, that's insane. You guys are cracked.
Speaker 4:
Wild. All right, all all right. Next one here we got another quiz. What profession does monica's boyfriend from friends, uh pete, pursue, eventually resulting in their breakup? No, I don't know. So friends shout out to jean favreau and his friends cameo, I'm so confident about it.
Speaker 1:
Oh, thank God. Ultimate Fighter. All right, gary, is that Eric? Yeah?
Speaker 4:
All right, yep.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I only remember that because he's in like a full cast, full cast.
Speaker 4:
Full body cast.
Speaker 1:
No, he is. He's like he got fucking shit on.
Speaker 4:
And at the end of the episode he was like I just have a question for you, monica. Am I the ultimate? Fighter Craziest question yeah, all right, there you go, eric, let's go All right, 600 behind Eli.
Speaker 2:
Uh-oh, uh-oh, all right. Next question.
Speaker 4:
Whoa, whoa, another pin answer Indicate which member of the Encanto family that can shapeshift what?
Speaker 1:
the fuck would I remember these? I think I know it.
Speaker 4:
The shapeshifter in Encanto. Who is it? Eric's favorite film?
Speaker 2:
Wait, was it.
Speaker 1:
Ah fuck.
Speaker 4:
Did I fuck this up? We need one more.
Speaker 5:
I like when we answer and just know we're like oh shit, Two people got it, Damn it.
Speaker 4:
The little boy he can speak to animals. That is his power. Yes, that's his thing.
Speaker 3:
I almost picked the cat.
Speaker 1:
Maybe they are shapeshifted. I don't know. Trick question. Eric is back in it, eric, maybe they are shapeshifted in this picture? I don't know Eric. Trick question. Eric is back in it. Oh no, oh God.
Speaker 5:
Come on, I'm burying you.
Speaker 1:
Eli take my hand.
Speaker 4:
I'll save you.
Speaker 1:
It's coming for me. Is there a final Jeopardy?
Speaker 4:
No no.
Speaker 1:
Just 20 questions. We can't bet it all.
Speaker 4:
We can't bet it all. We can't bet it all. I can make it so that later questions are different point values.
Speaker 1:
Let's bump those up.
Speaker 4:
Speaker 5:
I can't do it right now.
Speaker 4:
Alright, a puzzle Put them in order. Please place these films from highest to lowest. Rotten Tomatoes score. Rent In the Heights Moulin Rouge and Chicago.
Speaker 5:
Highest to lowest.
Speaker 4:
Highest to lowest. Critic or Critic Critic score yeah, critic score, okay, critic score. Once again audience. We have Rent in the Heights, moulin Rouge and Chicago.
Speaker 1:
So for these we don't get any points. For being even close, you have to get them all in.
Speaker 4:
Speaker 1:
That's a bummer.
Speaker 5:
That's what. Damn. I was pretty surprised to see it has a 94%.
Speaker 4:
Oh, my God and I love In the Heights and I was like that's too high.
Speaker 2:
I knew In the Heights was the best one, but I thought Chicago was the lowest.
Speaker 4:
Okay, Was everybody correct in getting Rent 2005 last oh?
Speaker 1:
100%. No, I put In the Heights behind that.
Speaker 4:
Oh no, and I also hate that movie. So Okay, well, that's your own fault, it's bias.
Speaker 5:
All right, don't move it there on the board. I know it's bad.
Speaker 4:
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5:
All right.
Speaker 4:
Next question we have a type the answer which anime won best continuing series at the 2024?
Speaker 2:
Anime Awards. God damn it what.
Speaker 4:
Which series won the best continuing series at?
Speaker 1:
the 2024.
Speaker 4:
Anime Awards.
Speaker 5:
Wait, oh no, oh wait, I know.
Speaker 2:
Oh God, how do you?
Speaker 1:
spell it Hold on, hold on.
Speaker 2:
I hope I spelt it right.
Speaker 1:
I'm going to go against my gut here because I know what the answer should be, but you're an asshole, damn Nope. So if I didn't put this Really, man Wow, wow Okay.
Speaker 3:
It seems so obvious now.
Speaker 1:
No, but Demon Slayer wins so many awards. I typed it in and then I literally was like why would Phil pick this? Oh, because if I don't pick one piece he's going to shit all over this whole episode. So, no, you don't get to do that, eli, you're done.
Speaker 2:
You're done. Oh, he's got me, I got you. It's over, it's over.
Speaker 4:
Speaker 3:
Oh, he's still going.
Speaker 2:
Oh wow, Dylan, Dylan, you want to make a pact?
Speaker 5:
Do you want to set up?
Speaker 1:
Eli and I are just going to type our answers in the chat. All right, Eric you have come to challenge the master. Why are they taking double the time? All right.
Speaker 4:
Next up, we have a true or false. Triceratops was the first dinosaur cloned for Jurassic Park. True or false? Triceratops was the first dinosaur cloned for.
Speaker 5:
Jurassic Park yeah.
Speaker 4:
That is true, it seemed too obvious.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, it seemed too obvious. No, yeah, it seemed too obvious.
Speaker 5:
Yeah, he's really good yeah it seemed obvious because it was right to you guys I'm so sorry, I was just.
Speaker 3:
I was just like no talk your shit kate, talk your shit yeah all right, I will say this is the worst.
Speaker 2:
The feeling when you're playing trivia is like all your like 50-50 guesses are just wrong, all the time it's so defeating like, statistically, I should get one of these I have to get one alright, next question here, question 14 coming up.
Speaker 4:
We got a quiz. Which of these podcasts is currently ranked number one on spotify's tv and film category? We have the severance podcast with ben stiller and adam scott. Pod meets world.
Speaker 1:
That was us and how we made your mother I'm gonna tell you right now the fact that you didn't put us on here as just an honorable mention is crazy I don't, I don't see Game of Growns actually on here, so I don't really. Yeah, I went against my gut, I finally got one right.
Speaker 3:
You picked Podmeat's.
Speaker 1:
World Podmeat's.
Speaker 4:
World was somewhere in the 30s.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, they're fairly popular. I didn't think the Severance podcast was that popular, oh yeah 100%.
Speaker 4:
I think it's just because it's in the zeitgeist.
Speaker 1:
I was thinking right now, but number one that's. I mean good for them.
Speaker 4:
I didn't know how we Made. Your Mother was a podcast today. I might actually take a listen to that because it's got Josh Radner in it, so I might actually go back and listen to that.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, that was a tough L. I'm going to sink down to the bottom.
Speaker 4:
Dylan left you. Yeah, he left you behind remember that, remember this feeling alright, let's get to the next question. Here we have another slider. How much money did Demon Slayer, the Mugen Train movie make in worldwide box office earnings? So this is in hundreds of millions, as far as the numbers you're seeing there. How much money did the Moog and Train movie make worldwide in box office earnings?
Speaker 5:
Can I do this a third time?
Speaker 2:
This would be insane. That would be insane. I don't think I.
Speaker 5:
Nope. It says almost there Damn it.
Speaker 1:
Oh my God, I undershot it. God damn it. Let's go back.
Speaker 5:
Whoa, what is this? It's sassy. Okay, you're like damn, I did 511.
Speaker 1:
That was it. Oh, my god, god, it was so close. I put 559. I definitely thought it was. I knew it was over five.
Speaker 4:
I just didn't know it was just over. Yeah, 507. I think you're still. Oh no, you were right outside of a yes at no point. Alright, you got an answer. Shriek too. Look at this down here.
Speaker 3:
Look at that fire look at that little icon. That's horseshit yeah.
Speaker 4:
I haven't even been answering any of these this character from Ryan, the Last Dragon is named Tuk Tuk. True or false? Which one from Ryan. The Last Dragon is named Tuk Tuk.
Speaker 3:
True or false? Which one? Which character? This one, because I'm pretty sure that's Ryan on the right there you mean the last dragon.
Speaker 2:
You know, I was like there's no way that magnificent dragon is named Tuk Tuk.
Speaker 4:
It has to be true.
Speaker 1:
I was like my gut has been wrong so much. You mean Awkwafina the dragon?
Speaker 4:
No the dragon's name is Sisu.
Speaker 2:
That's just fucking with me at this point, Unfortunately voiced by Awkwafina, tuk Tuk is whatever is named.
Speaker 5:
Whatever is voiced by Alan.
Speaker 4:
Tudyk right. Yeah, tuk Tuk is like the little kind of roly-poly character. Okay.
Speaker 1:
Eli, respectfully, you can't lose to the guy that picked Jonathan in the first round.
Speaker 2:
I know.
Speaker 1:
I don't know what I'm telling you. You're going to have to step up now For those of you listening.
Speaker 4:
Kate has doubled the second place score, Just so you guys know. She is in first place with well over 8800.
Speaker 1:
It has to fall off.
Speaker 4:
There needs to be a.
Speaker 1:
Unless there will be a Final Jeopardy, and we don't know it, there is not.
Speaker 5:
I would say I'll just stop playing now, but I'm too competitive and I know I won't.
Speaker 4:
All right, just a few left. Next question we have a type of the answer what game is this? What game is this? What game is this? For those of you listening, we have a picture slowly revealing itself on the screen. Players have to type in their answer. All right, I hope. Is that? Oh okay, I was like there's one of us got it. Oh okay, I was like there's one of us got it.
Speaker 5:
Oh no, as soon as I typed it in, I was like he better not be pedantic about this and be like pocket cam.
Speaker 4:
I was going to do the same thing, but it ran out of characters and I was like I'm fine, okay, no, I was just going to. That's why I put just Animal Crossing.
Speaker 5:
Thank God. All right, everybody got that one uh, it's new horizons actually, no, it wouldn't fit. I know acna joke actually okay.
Speaker 4:
Next question we have another pin the answer which one of these characters is huntress I forgot all about this I love this movie so fucking much. It's a good time. Yeah, let's go with that one. They sent it out to die.
Speaker 1:
It's my whole heart. I know she has a no, that can't be her.
Speaker 5:
This is one of the last movies I saw before the world ended. It was this and Detective Pikachu and I was like these are great.
Speaker 4:
Yep, yeah, I enjoyed the Harley.
Speaker 5:
Quinn movie.
Speaker 4:
I love it so much. I enjoyed the Harley Quinn movie. Again, convoluted name and bad marketing yeah, all right.
Speaker 1:
Oh, we split it Okay. Oh no, I didn't get it right, Damn it.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, I saw the girl with the bat. After I picked it I was like she's got a bat.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 3:
Oh yeah, I narrowed my chances down to 25%.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
I know it's not Harley Quinn.
Speaker 1:
I know that one. Yeah, I was just kidding. You got to be at the bottom, all right.
Speaker 4:
Second place is up for grabs here. We got a couple of questions left.
Speaker 3:
Is anybody game, you guys. Third place is up for grabs, second place is mine.
Speaker 4:
Whoa 500 points isn't very many To give you guys, to give the listening audience an update. Kate is well in the lead with 10,161 points Dylan has 5,322. Eric has 4,822. And Eli has 4,623.
Speaker 1:
And Kate has a streak of six, Just so you know. At the end of this.
Speaker 4:
There is a podium and one of you will be on the ground looking up at everybody else on the podium.
Speaker 5:
It's like Mario Kart, where they make you drive away. Yeah, literally.
Speaker 4:
Alright, next question we have a quiz. What does Dexter call his urge to kill? Is it the passenger dark shadow, the code or the dark passenger?
Speaker 5:
I don't know if that's right, I don't know this Aha.
Speaker 2:
It is right.
Speaker 4:
The code is in the show.
Speaker 1:
I'm the only one who got it right, eli. No, why are my guesses so wrong?
Speaker 4:
The code is in the show. That's his code to who he can and cannot kill. But the dark passenger is what he speaks to Dark Shadow is from my Hero Academia.
Speaker 2:
You explaining it doesn't make me feel better, Okay.
Speaker 4:
I tried. Dark Shadow is from my Hero Academia. I don't want your stupid podium. I want to be on the ground.
Speaker 2:
Alright, my phone says no one said it would be easy. Winky Face, Winky Face. I love this.
Speaker 1:
That's so condescending.
Speaker 5:
You gave them that marble rivals. You can't win them all. I know that.
Speaker 4:
Alright last question. I know that All right, last question, here we go All the marbles, another puzzle, put them in order Place these MCU films from highest to lowest box office gross. Highest to lowest box office numbers Place them in order we have Guardians of the Galaxy, volume 2, captain Marvel, thor, ragnarok and Captain America the Winter Soldier, highest at top Yep. So we got our contestants putting them in order. Which made the most money out of these four films. The results will shock you.
Speaker 5:
I Well shit, Then I don't think I'm right, I almost said submit, and then you said the results will shock you, and I just stopped. Think I'm right, I almost hit submit. And then you said the results will shock you, and I just stopped.
Speaker 1:
Oh shit, no, I didn't get to yet.
Speaker 5:
Oh no.
Speaker 2:
That's incredible.
Speaker 4:
Captain Marvel is a top 10 MCU. You know what Good for her Made over a billion. Yeah, I did, made over a billion worldwide.
Speaker 1:
I flipped Ragnarok and fucking Guardians. Dude, I knew that was going to be it, oh no, I got every placement wrong.
Speaker 5:
I did too Honestly.
Speaker 1:
You getting it wrong is a little different than.
Speaker 2:
Eli getting it wrong right now yeah.
Speaker 1:
Eli's been living in the Jonathan realm for a while now Because Thor Ragnarok and Winter Soldier are the two best movies on this list.
Speaker 5:
That's what I thought.
Speaker 2:
My Earth profile picture looks so sad as you should. It looks sick.
Speaker 4:
All right, let's check the podium folks. Here is the podium. Third place goes to Eric. He made a comeback there. Second place goes to Dylan. He made a comeback there. Second place goes to Dylan Look at that happy pug. And first place, the first Kahoot champion of what Did I Miss Is Kate with her raccoon in her what's that movie?
Speaker 2:
with Florence Pugh.
Speaker 4:
What's the Florence Pugh movie in her?
Speaker 2:
Speaker 4:
Midsommar, midsommar flower.
Speaker 5:
My May Queen crown. Yeah, let's go, baby so there we go.
Speaker 4:
Oh, I can view summary okay interesting look at all this stuff practice makes perfect.
Speaker 2:
We didn't see Eli on the ground oh hold on, I'm going to start my own with blackjack and hookers oh man.
Speaker 4:
So there you go, guys. First ever time we play Kahoot. Like I said, eric, I think this has a lot of potential for not only this, but also for conventions. So, if you are listening, we hope to bring this to you know, if we ever get to do more panels, anime game time, et cetera. So a lot of fun, eric. Anything else that we need to mention before we let our guests say goodbye one last time, anything that we missed for this, before we head out of here, what are we approaching? Two and a half hours, yeah.
Speaker 5:
It's like a Game of Thrones episode.
Speaker 1:
Maybe three now in total, but yeah, no, a lot of fun getting an extra person in there added to the the madness, but in a very good way. So thank you guys for joining. And yeah, no, Phil, nothing from me All right, let's go in order.
Speaker 4:
On my screen, eli, let us know I Green. Eli, let us know, I know there is some heavily anticipated stuff coming down the pipeline as the hard work is being put in by your counterparts. So please let us know about Super Racker Bros and anything else you want to talk about before we get out of here.
Speaker 2:
I love. On the co-host episode, all the co-hosts have to plug, which is just. It's good practice.
Speaker 5:
It's a test we didn't study. No, no, yeah.
Speaker 2:
I am one half of Super Bracket Bros with my friend Jay, who is the Bracketologist. He's currently finishing up editing the mammoth. That was the GURP season of Super Bracket Bros, but he's getting done with that and then we are moving on to season seven of Super Bracket Bros. I don't want to spoil what the theme is, but we're turning back to form no role playing, no dice rolling, no narratives. We're just going straight, fight to fight, host to host and just good, old-fashioned, easy to edit Super Bracket Bros. So, yeah, if you want to give us a listen, you can find us on any place you catch your podcasts. That's Super Bracket Bros. So, yeah, if you want to give us a listen, you can find us on any place you catch your podcasts on that Super Bracket Bros. We also have Instagram if you want to follow us there. So, yeah, we hope to see you soon.
Speaker 4:
Kate throwing it over to you. What's going on with you guys in Game of Thrones?
Speaker 5:
Hey, I am the freeloading co-host of Game of Growns, a Game of Thrones watch podcast that my sister, emily, had never seen Game of Thrones. She watched the entire thing with me as her co-host and now we are both watching House of the Dragon, aka Dragon House, for the first time. We're both very confused, but it's been a good time. And then we're going to figure out what we do after that, because Dragon House season two only came out about six months ago, so it's really weird. But yeah, we are on Facebook, instagram and Blue Sky because we don't do Twitter anymore. We are at Game of Growns pod and you can come talk to us about Game of Thrones over there. We are spoiler free. We are only up to, I think, episode four, so please don't send us spoilers for new stuff. But also, if you like me and you want to, you know, talk to me and watch me gloat about beating all of these guys. I'm on, I'm literally everywhere at Ophelia Swims, ophelia like from Hamlet 5WIMS.
Speaker 4:
Awesome, and Dylan, what's going on over at your friendly neighborhood gamers? You guys just had a really awesome opportunity to jump into a very highly anticipated game as well.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, so we you can find us basically wherever you find podcasts, your podcast platform of choice at your friendly neighborhood gamers. That is me as the co-host and Andrew as the main host over there. We recently got a chance to try out Elden Ring Night Rain early. We got a chance to be part of the network test, so that episode is live. It went live today as of when we're recording this, so it'll probably have been out for like a week or two by the time this. I don't know when this episode comes out.
Speaker 4:
Um, but yeah, friday, yeah, okay, well, yeah, it'll be, so so if you're interested in night rain, go check that out.
Speaker 3:
Uh, we also have, uh, as phil mentioned, a ton of episodes. Uh. Well, with that, I think everybody who is here has been on the the show at some point, um, and so, uh, if you're interested in any of the people here, we've got episodes with them and a bunch of episodes with the Wait For it guys, including a fantasy critic draft, where we all just kind of draft various video games and try to make the best roster of games that gets the highest scores. So that is something that you might be interested in checking out. So we're on all podcasting platforms. We're on YouTube. So if you have room in your life for another podcast or whatever, maybe you'll check that out. I don't know, we're a co-host. We're not good at plugging.
Speaker 4:
Perfect. Well, again, everything will be in the show notes of this episode. We had such a fun time with this group, eric. We just could not wait until December to get at least some of them back together. So we'll have to run this back with the regular hosts and see how that goes, and we'll just compare and contrast. And Kate will be up to Emily to claim the Kahoot crown.
Speaker 5:
It's going to be a tight 45 minutes it's going to be tight. Guys can we sit on high. We have an outline.
Speaker 4:
It will be great to see the juxtaposition between the two episodes and the run time. Specifically, eric, it will be amazing to compare.
Speaker 1:
We'll do a compare contrast episode of those two episodes.
Speaker 4:
Oh boy. So if you need anything from any of the shows that were just mentioned again, the Linktree link in the show notes, which is also where you can find the Wait For it podcast Linktree you can keep up with us over on social media the most important ones Instagram, TikTok, Discord. We stream every other week over on Twitch and we also are on YouTube. If you want to support the show and every show you hear here today that is represented, go on over to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, whatever it may be Five-star reviews, A+, thumbs up, whatever the hell it is that you do on that podcast app of choice. All of that is extremely beneficial to the lifeblood of a podcast and we very much appreciate it if you would do that for all of us. Um, and if you find yourself wanting, uh, maybe some extra content, and if you wonder what the fuck is a weight watcher, well, eric will tell you a little bit more about that yeah.
Speaker 1:
So, listen, we're about, uh, almost three hours into this episode. If you're here, you you're committed, you're here already. So, uh, to become a weight watcher, all you have to do is join our Patreon and you're able to become a patron and subscribe for extra bonus things like behind the scenes access, early access to episodes like this one. So shout out to our current patrons Briar, stefan, t3, kato Corey from the world is my burrito and vintage and bridget from retro av rewind. We really appreciate your support and we also just set up a private discord channel in our servers. So if you want to join in that and see the craziness going on, make sure to do that. But, with that being said, name is Mr Eric Almighty that is my co-host, phil the Filipino and Dylan, kate and Eli from the Super Bracket Bros universe that we love to continuously plug and promote. We release episodes every Wednesday for the Wait For it podcast, and we also do bonus content on platforms like TikTok and Twitch, and all you got to do is wait for it.
Speaker 4:
So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment Wait for it.
Speaker 2:
Gaming Wait for it. Anime Plus Ultra.
Speaker 3:
Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered, and all you got to do is wait for it. This is the wait for it podcast.