The future of connection online is not what you may think. It's going to be created by niche online communities.
The Future of Online Community and Why it Matters with Gina Bianchini
Throughout history all progress has come through the collaboration of small groups of people that are going deep to master something interesting together. This is the definition of community.
The way things are today with big social media, this will no longer happen. The algorithm that big social media uses favors negativity and boosts it more than positivity. Because of this, we see a lot of negativity and hate in our feeds. As a result, we’re more isolated than ever before. It’s time for us to change this.
The future of online community and connection is going to happen in niche communities, not on big social media. If you’re looking to progress in your life and in a community, you have to move away from big social media. If what you’re doing is bringing people together to accomplish something together, things are going to get done.
Here are some questions that Gina answers throughout the episode:
- How can I build my own successful online community?
- How can you transition your following from big social media platforms to these smaller community platforms?
- What does the future of online community look like in 5 years?
To learn more about Gina, Mighty Networks and to see full show notes and resources, please visit: https://creatingabrand.com/what-online-community-means-for-future-creators-with-gina-bianchini