The dreaded "friend zone"...when you really like someone and they like you too, but they are unsure or too afraid the friendship will change, they "friend zone" you. I mean sometimes they just aren't into you and you are in the "friend zone", LOL! This song may be able to help you out. Or this song may be able to say what you want to say. Amani Roberts, a true hopeless romantic, my guest today, suggested that if you get the girl with this song...it'd be a pretty slick move to play it on your anniversaries too! He's smooth ladies!!
I talked to Amani about his song choice "Where Will You Go" by Babyface. Amani can remember being in high school when he hears this song. He can remember her name, his crew, the school dances, and even his childhood bedroom. Amani is a DJ so he was able to recall a lot of popular artists at the time he was in high school. He reminisced about all the different posters and record albums on the ceiling of his, in the attic.
Amani loved the B side of this album with all the slow songs. All those songs that make you feel. And now when he hears them he feels, he feels nostalgic. I'm sad to report no additional information about this song on Song Facts.