Dear Passenger, What are you manifesting today and how do you plan to achieve it? Today's episode discusses vision boards, setting goals and declaring manifestations. I share some of my personal experiences with these and reflect on their effects on my self-growth journey. Are they effective? And, is there a recipe to Read More
Would you like to make more room for happiness in your life? Many of us entrepreneurs have very little room for anything other than the work we’re doing. In this episode, my guest is a happiness expert, Gretchen Rubin. During our conversation, Gretchen explains simple ways that we can increase Read More
Have you intentionally devoted time to learn how to make your conversations more meaningful? Both in the business world and in our personal lives’ conversations are rarely getting past just face value anymore. Although our intentions are good, we don’t want to offend or upset anyone, we are missing a Read More
Leadership can be difficult to navigate, especially during times of crisis or challenge. As a leader, people rely on you and look up to you, what you do matters. In this interview, Walt Rakowich walks us through what he calls the 3H core from his new book, Transfluence. Walt’s 3H Read More
Doing your most creative work doesn't come with a guarantee of success. But there is a pattern to who succeeds and who doesn't. The pattern is this: Engaging in the consistent practice of shipping your creative work. In this episode, I have the honor of speaking with the legendary marketer Read More
What is the very next action you need to take that will grow your business? Questions like this one, are not asked enough among entrepreneurs. And because of this, we end up spending our time working on the wrong things.In this episode, I talk with Jay Papasan about his book, Read More
Are you busy? Simple question, I know. But almost anyone would immediately respond by saying yes. The problem is this, when we’re busy, it’s nearly impossible to grow our businesses, busyness can be a trap that can keep us from making progress at all. In this episode I talk with Read More
Have you ever wanted to meet your hero? There is a system and strategy for connecting with the people that we look up to the most. In this episode, Travis Chappel; (Host of Build your Network and World Class) shares his effective 5-step framework for meeting your hero. For full Read More
Do you avoid discomfort? Or do you embrace it? The fact is, the more comfortable we become with being uncomfortable, the more we enable ourselves to succeed in life and in business. In this episode, I interview Navy Seal Combat Veteran, Brent Gleeson. Brent was part of multiple tours with Read More
Work-Life balance has been called unobtainable, or even a myth by many business professionals. But Dr. Travis Parry has a different perspective. According to Dr. Travis and his 10+ years of research, achieving balance is possible, and should be pursued by every entrepreneur. Dr. Travis Parry is the creator of Read More
Sales is a topic that I consider to be a lost art. Being a great salesman or saleswoman is a rare skill to find in today’s world. We prefer to hide behind our marketing and funnels. But the ability to sell is a skill that leads to success. In this Read More
Have you ever considered hiring a Virtual Assistant? There are many entrepreneurs who take full advantage of the benefits that VAs have to offer, while others have never explored what a VA can do for them. In this episode, Nathan Hirsch shares a 4-part system for hiring a great VA. Read More
Do you know what you are meant to do with your life and work? Is what you’re currently doing what you know you are meant to do? In this episode, Jeff Goins shares his story of leaving a comfortable life to step into what he was made to do which, Read More
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Chandler Bolt on his book "Published".Here are a few points they cover. (See full show notes at our blog link at the bottom.)Looking for Your WhyYou need to define “why” from a reader’s perspective and “why” from the writer’s perspective. This is where you Read More
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Michelle Tillis Lederman on her latest book the Connectors Advantage.They highlight 3 points from the book. 1. Connectors are open and accepting. 2. Connectors believe in abundance.3. Connectors have a generous spirit.Michelle Tillis Lederman's final thought:There is no natural tendency to be a connector Read More
Many entrepreneurs wonder how to land speaking engagements; especially paid speaking gigs! In this episode, we cover 4 steps for becoming a successful public speaker.In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo talks with Grant Baldwin about his book The Successful Speaker and how to land speaking engagements!They discuss the acronym S.P.E.A.K. S Read More
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Joey Coleman on the 8 phases of customer experience.The 8 phases of the customer experience:· Phase 1: Assess· Phase 2: Admit· Phase 3: Affirm· Phase 4: Activate· Phase 5: Acclimate· Phase 6: Accomplish· Phase 7: Adopt· Phase 8: AdvocateFor full show notes visit:
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Vanessa Van Edwards on becoming the most captivating person in the room.Vanessa answer's the following questions.What is the best way to work a room?How do you make a great impression?How should we position ourselves socially?How can you be the most memorable person in the Read More
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo and Alan Stein Jr. talk about Alan's book "Raise Your Game" and self-care as an entrepreneur."Success is what you do all the time"What does this mean? Whatever you are trying to achieve will be a direct result of your habits, which are what you do Read More
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Dr. Ivan Misner on his book "Who's in Your Room?"“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with - Jim Rhone?”Dr. Ivan Misner, what is the metaphorical room?Imagine, you spend your whole life in one room and that one Read More