Dr. Kristic shares powerful information with parents to be present and available to their children. About Milica Through 1:1 guidance, Milica helps entrepreneurs identify, understand, and shift their body, mind, soul, emotions, and overall lifestyle with aim of reducing unhealthy behavioral patterns including anxiety, depression, imposter syndrome, overthinking, and more. Read More
As a caregiver, should you trust your gut when making decisions that affect your loved one?Research has shown that when people base decisions on their instincts, they often come up with the correct answers to problems. In this episode, I share why you should trust your gut when responsible for Read More
Are you a perfectionist? Is it transferring into your motherhood?Do you feel like your kids need a perfect mom? Do you hold an unrealistic standard over yourself?This can create massive heavy load on your shoulders and cause so much stress. The good thing, it's all in your MIND and you Read More
Agape Garcia shares her story of transforming from trauma into growth. About Agape Be Your Incredible Self (BYIS) best describes Ms. Garcia’s tenacious attitude towards empowering others. Garcia, over the past 35 years has navigated through domestic violence, privacy, safety, vulnerability, and the mindset to endure personal adverse events Read More
It can be overwhelming to face the fact that your elderly loved one can no longer live independently. Finding a facility that can provide the assistance and care that your loved one deserves can be challenging, and there is a lot at stake.Elder abuse and neglect are very real concerns Read More
Have you looked at another mom and thought to yourself....How in the world does she do all? How is she able to go out with all her kids and not loose her mind? I must be such a failure.In todays episode I share my story about comparing myself to another Read More
Parenting starts with honoring yourself. Biography Sara Deacon is a Life Balance Coach for Better Adulting, Black Belt Martial Arts Instructor, artist, wife and mother of three. She enjoys painting, drawing, writing, crochet, occasional basket-weaving and exploring new ways to express herself. Sara has years of experience working with young Read More
Tess shares her views on parenting infusing humor to keep the joy in it! About Tess I’ve lived through multiple divorces, married my husband twice and raised a brood of boys which only goes to prove God is full of grace and mercy. He has guided me through breast cancer, Read More
So much shame and guilt when we experience mom rage. I know I'm not the only one with this. In todays episode I share my experience with mom rage. It is not an easy story to share. I get very open and vulnerable. This is the kind of stuff I never wanted Read More
The 5 love languages as shared by Gary Chapman have been transformational in the lives of many individuals who are looking to build relationships with their loved ones and these are also applicable in caregiving.In this episode, I share how love can be expressed in caregiving. The caregiver role is Read More
Molly DeFrank shares great tips from her book Digital Detox. Get your family back! Biography Molly DeFrank is the author of Digital Detox: The Two-Week Tech Reset for Kids. She helps free families from their addictions to devices. She has a degree in international relations and worked as a press Read More
D. Neil Elliot is back talking about the power of our thoughts. You and create the life you want for yourself and your family by changing your thoughts. I have learned that everything begins with a thought. Upgrade your life and your children's by changing your thoughts as they become Read More
'I'm such a hot mess all the time'.....'I feel like I'm a disaster....I guess that's just how mom life is...'Maybe you've heard those phrases from a friend. Maybe you've even said them yourself. There is this 'hot mess mom culture' around us and it is not helpful for you. Did you know Read More
In this episode, we continue our conversation about caregivers in a health crisis with Dr. Herbert and we discuss our love for God, Why God, and Who is gonna help me, God.Much of our love for God can lead us to take up caregiving roles, it may affect our physical Read More
D. Neill Elliot shares his journey to transformation and spiritual perfection using meditation Biography To any outsider, D. Neil Elliott was highly educated, owned a profitable consulting firm, and had a successful career and an amazing wife and family. But things were not all they seemed to be … Neil Read More
The caregiving experience is not a light-hearted one, caregivers need care too and sometimes may lose their way. However, your faith in God is always a reminder that He will come through for you in times of need. So what happens when the faith is deteriorating and a caregiver is Read More
If we are honest, most of us have a child with BIG emotions. I have a couple :) It can become very draining quickly. Especially when our child is experiencing an angry episode. I think the harder part is- KNOWING how to handle it. That is what has been my Read More
Do you travel with your child who had different needs? If you answered no, Dawn will show you how to make it easier. Biography Dawn M. Barclay has spent a career working in various aspects of journalism, starting with corporate communications work (brochures, profiles, newsletters, press releases, web content) and Read More
David Alston shares the trauma he experienced of being abducted as an infant, later molested and how he triumphed. Biography David Alston has over thirty-five years of experience as an educator, motivational speaker and public figure. David is the 3rd cousin of Harriet Tubman. He has dedicated his life to Read More
In this episode, we speak to Chris Giles who is preparing to care for his mother, and how he is working towards it. Preparing for the role of the primary caregiver is not a finger snap and Chris shares what led him to make this decision.Are you transitioning to the caregiver Read More