What do you do when your toddler is having a meltdown? For me it's so hard not to be sucked into his big feelings he is experiencing. It's very normal that when your child is angry that your anger feelings will come up too. In todays episode we have a Read More
What do you think when you hear the words self care?I used to think its bubble baths, massages, or going to a nail salon. Something that involves spending money. My first thought was 'its expensive, I can't afford it'. Today we have a guest, Sara Miller and we break down the Read More
Do you need some extra energy? Yes please. I wish I had as much energy as my kids do. They don't seem to lack it whatsoever, especially boys. In todays episode, I introduce you to Linsey Dalton. She is a mom to 2 girls. She is also a pharmacist and Read More
Have you ever lost your cool as a mom? Of course you have. We all have. There are no perfect mothers out there. Have you wondered why you lost it? What is actually happening in the brain that you are not able to stay calm and patient? There is a scientific reason Read More
Postpartum stage. It's hard. It's hard for most moms. It's hard for me, especially with the 4th baby. In this episode I explain all the postpartum struggles I'm experiencing and ways that I am coping with them. Mindset shifts are HUGE. There are a few things I am doing now that I don't Read More
This is a positive episode. You get to learn 15 PRACTICAL ways you can support yourself emotionally. Things you can start implementing today to help yourself feel more calm and grounded and less frustrated with motherhood. Grab the list of 15 things bellow!15 positive ways to support yourself emotionally ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Steps: Read More
Last episode we talked about who safe people are. Well, there is also a group of people who are opposite of a safe person. They are called toxic people. So who are they? What do they really do that is so toxic? Should we avoid them or not?Toxic people can really Read More
Have you ever heard of anyone referring to someone as a safe person? Who are safe people and what kind of characteristics do they have?In this episode I explain who safe people are and why it's so important to have them in our lives. In order to support ourselves emotionally we Read More
As a mom, we set the tone in our home. We have great power. What do I mean by that? Well, have you ever noticed that when you are in a bad mood, somehow that transfers into other members of the family? What we do now, how we talk, how we Read More
Depression is so much more common than we realize. So many moms struggle with it. When we feel depressed it will affect our emotional health as well. It will affect how we respond/react to our children. In this episode I have a honest conversation with Brittni who is a mom Read More
Have you ever thought about the fact that your children are experiencing hard emotions for the first time? Emotions like anxiety, sadness, loss, and disappointment. Often we just tell them to stop feeling that, or minimize what they are feeling to help them 'feel better'. But, is that the best approach?I Read More
Postpartum is such a transition. If you have an honest conversation with any mom, each and one of them had something that was hard in that postpartum stage. So many things we can't predict and will just need to figure them out as we go, but there are things we can Read More
Have you ever tried to do it ALL? How about doing it all on your own? Did you feel like that stressed you out? Overwhelmed you? Of course it did. None of us can do it all! In this episode I talk about the biggest myth there is out for mom, Read More
Family of origin: It has so much impact on who we are today. So many of our beliefs, thoughts and behaviors are framed in the family we grew up. So many of those patterns we carry forward into our own families.Some patterns are healthy and some are not. In this episode Read More
Have you ever felt guilty for yelling at your kids or saying/doing something hurtful when you are emotionally flooded? I think we all have been there. So what do we do? When do we give ourselves grace? How do we repair the damage that has been done? There are seasons in life Read More
Life, work, motherhood, children. At times it just gets so overwhelming. It feels like TOO MUCH. We don't know what to focus on because everything seems to need our attention. What do you do when you are SO overwhelmed? When everything seems chaotic? When we try to focus on all the Read More
Have you ever wondered how to teach your kids about feelings? In this episode I discuss ways I taught my kids about feelings and continue to do so. Negative emotions are hard. They are even harder for little ones. Those feelings become so overwhelming and they often don't express them Read More
Have you heard this verse? Ephesians 4:26. Be angry and do not sin. Have you every wondered- how in the world do I do that? Most of us when we experience anger, we tend to say or do hurtful things. So HOW do we help ourselves? In this episode I talk Read More
Do your kids handle their anger well? Most kids don't. Many adults don't. This episode talks about the anger emotion, why it's challenging and HOW we can teach our little ones to handle it in a helpful/safe way. This is a challenging topic because many believe anger is a bad Read More
Have you wondered why its hard for your kids to handle their big feelings in a mature way? Today we talk about emotional intelligence and how our kids need to be taught what to do with their big emotions and HOW we can help them with that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Steps: Download Free Read More