Welcome to a delightful episode of our podcast, where we explore the enchanting world of good manners and etiquette. Join us as we sit down with the charming Elise McVeigh, a true expert in the art of teaching manners in a way that's as enjoyable as it is enlightening.
About Elise
"Elise McVeigh was originally a journalist and then became a stay-at-home mom. Wanting to get “out of the house,” she started Elise McVeigh’s Life Camp seminar company in 2001. Etiquette was something she always had a passion for, and one of the topics that she spoke to parent groups about. During one of her talks, someone suggested she start a children’s etiquette camp. In 2003 Mrs. McVeigh’s Manners became a division of Elise McVeigh’s Life Camp. Since then “Mrs. McVeigh” and her staff have taught thousands of children everyday etiquette.” https://mrsmcveigh.com/about/
Learn more from Elise at:https://mrsmcveigh.com
About Theresa Inman
A wife and a mother to two children and grandmother, Theresa Alexander Inman is a Parenting Coach, Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and Infant Toddler Development Specialist. She was introduced to the field of behavior analysis in 2007 after working in many capacities in the juvenile justice system.
Her goal is to improve the lives of children and families by helping them strategize child develop skills to prevent or reduce the effects of possible delays while having fun!
Theresa is also an author, having published “How Can I Help My Child Communicate?” in 2022.
Connect with Theresa today!
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• BabyBoomer.org | Theresa Inman
• YouTube | Parenting with Confidence
• Tiktok | https://www.tiktok.com/@parentcoachtheresa
• Spotify via Anchor.fm | Parenting with Confidence
Website: https://www.theresaalexanderinman.com/
About Parenting with Confidence
Parenting with Confidence with Theresa Alexander Inman presents you with answers if you are a tired and frustrated parent with a child diagnosed with a developmental delay. We aim to lift you up from the pressure of doing it right and provide you with the resources to set you and your child up for success!