In this episode of You First, hosts Maddie and Keith dive into disability voting rights and the upcoming 2024 election with experts Michelle Bishop, Monica Wiley, and Jack Rosen from the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN). The discussion explores voting accessibility, challenges faced by disabled voters, and new support resources in Florida. Emphasis is placed on the importance of local elections, the power of the disability vote, and the critical need for inclusivity and accessibility from the start. The conversation also highlights the politicization of disability in elections and the necessity of advocacy and allyship for voting rights. The episode concludes with an insight into an upcoming documentary on these vital issues.
Relevant Links
- Voting Rights Hotline: Call 877-352-7337 if you have an issue with voting or registering to vote due to a disability.
- Election Protection Hotline
- English: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
- Spanish/English 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682)
- Asian Languages/English 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683)
- Arabic/English 844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287)
- Website: https://866ourvote.org
- National Association of the Deaf’s ASL Voter Assistance Hotline
- 301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683)
- Website: https://www.nad.org/2018/09/28/asl-voter-assistance-hotline-available
- Disability Rights Florida’s voting resources
- Main website: https://DisabilityRightsFlorida.org/voting
- Know Your Rights Fact Sheet: Making a Voting Access Complaint: https://disabilityrightsflorida.org/publications/publication_info/HAVA_complaint
- Know Your Rights Fact Sheet: Supervised Facility Voting: https://disabilityrightsflorida.org/publications/publication_info/fact_sheet_supervised_facility_voting
- Your Disability Voting Rights Brochure: https://disabilityrightsflorida.org/publications/publication_info/voting_brochure
- Voting Machine Explainer Videos: https://disabilityrightsflorida.org/disability-topics/disability_topic_info/voting_explainer_videos
- Know what’s on your ballot: https://www.vote411.org/ballot
- Florida’s Rev Up chapter ‘Access the Vote Florida’: https://www.accessthevote.org
- Find your P&A: https://www.ndrn.org/about/ndrn-member-agencies
- Rutger’s Disability Vote Research: https://smlr.rutgers.edu/faculty-research-engagement/program-disability-research/voter-turnout-and-voting-accessibility
- Accessing Democracy Documentary Virtual Premier: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuc-ugqzksGNBHggVvDOiyio-S29EWgca5#/registration
- Accessing Democracy Trailer: https://youtu.be/j74zs8N8OLs
- #CripTheVote and Voting Advocacy - with Andrew Pulrang and Gregg Beratan: https://disabilityrightsflorida.org/podcast/story/episode_66