Integrative Wellness & Life Transformation Coach, Integrative NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, and divorced father of 3, Jude Sandvall said that he did not do it right. As a result, he works passionaltely so that you don't make the same mistakes that he made.
Has your life been turned upside down due to divorce? Does everything feel chaotic and stressful? Men experience divorce differently than women and it is my mission to help dads create a healthier and less traumatic divorce and create an amazing life for themselves and their children.
I am Jude Sandvall, a divorced, single father of 3 children. My divorce and the subsequent years are a case study in facing and overcoming the most difficult challenges in learning to thrive after divorce including the court process, parenting skills, co-parenting, dating with kids, and more!
As an Integrative Wellness & Life Transformation Coach and Integrative NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, I use cutting-edge approaches to coaching dads. I assist them in creating a healthier and less traumatic divorce by envisioning a crystal clear vision for their life after divorce, uncovering any hidden challenges that may be sabotaging them, and leaving them renewed, re-energized, and inspired.
Learn more from Jude at: http://www.thedivorceddadvocate.com
Want to parent with confidence? Find me at: flowcode.com/p/1v3hLWFG5?fc=0