This month's read was chosen by one of our damsels, Thea.
Lissianna Argeneau is a 202-year-old vampire with a slight problem: she faints at the sight of blood. Luckily, her mother has found the perfect solution, kidnap and convince, Dr. Gregory Hewitt, a renowned psychologist who specializes in curing phobias, to help her daughter.
Lissianna Argeneau is a 202-year-old vampire with a slight problem: she faints at the sight of blood. Luckily, her mother has found the perfect solution, kidnap and convince, Dr. Gregory Hewitt, a renowned psychologist who specializes in curing phobias, to help her daughter.
When Lissianna finds a hot guy tied to her bed wrapped in a bow, mistaking him for a different type of birthday gift, she decides to unwrap him a little early. But when a quick bite turns into something more, Lissianna and Gregory find themselves drawn to each other testing their ethical boundaries.
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