Dr. Foojan Zeine talks about Awareness Integration Therapy and how it can be used with children as young as 2 years old. She highlights the importance if integrating all of the areas of our lives that make us who we are. Get a pen and paper and take notes! Please share!
Dr. Foojan Zeine is a Psychotherapist, Radio/podcast host, International Speaker, and author. She has her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist practicing online and in her office in Southern California. Dr. Zeine is the originator of “Awareness Integration” educational and psychological theory and intervention, and the author of 6 books including Life Reset – The Awareness Integration Path to Create the Life You Want. She has authored and co-authored 5 books. She is the host of A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan at KMET1490AM/ ABC Radio. She appeared on the Dr. Phil show is a guest speaker in universities including Harvard.
Learn more from Dr. Zeine through her podcast at Inner Voice - Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan, where ever you listen to podcasts. Also go to https://foojanzeine.com/
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