Welcome to The Professional Rule Breaker Podcast! Join us every Tuesday for Pocket Ninja episodes packed with quick tips for entrepreneurs, and tune in on Thursdays to hear from rule-breakers who've transformed success by thinking outside the box. Get inspired twice a week with us!


‘’Failure is only the end if you decide to stop.’’ - Richard Branson

Did you ever consider that accepting failure might be your pass to success? We're turning the tables on defeat in this Pocket Ninja episode of #TheProfessionalRuleBreakerPodcast. Come learn with me how to welcome failure and use it as a springboard for your sales success. Inspired by none other than Richard Branson, this episode teaches the skill of failing forward—where every setback is a setup for an even more remarkable comeback. We're not just talking about bouncing back; we are learning how to use each setback as a lesson that advances us. Tune in, transform how you view failures and start winning more by fearing less. 



  • 00:22: The secret weapon in sales and how to embrace it
  • 00:52: Learning from Richard Branson's failure journey
  • 02:29: Real talk and relatability through imperfection
  • 03:10: Kathy’s million-dollar order
  • 03:44: Sweet potato incident and a lesson to be real
  • 05:12: Failing forward is your pathway to success
  • 07:25: Embrace failure for faster growth


Key Topics Discussed:

  • How failures can become stepping stones to success
  • Learning from Richard Branson's approach to failure and success
  • The benefits of learning and evolving from mistakes
  • The role of authenticity in building trust with clients
  • How quick adaptations from failures can lead to success
  • Techniques to ease the fear of failure and use it to fuel growth


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