Marketing and sales in freight are having a challenging time. Not only are we facing a recession and coming to grips with new B2B buying methods but these our roles are becoming more demanding with a limited budget. How are freight companies managing these challenges? That's why we have Sol de Read More
In our previous episodes, we’ve covered the digital marketing tactics for the nation’s top 3PLs and carriers—but what about the freight tech space?Freight tech arguably has a stronger focus on media, marketing, and its website so we’re going to analyze some of the companies at the top so the SMBs Read More
For a lot of us who work in freight, we know about the relationship between carriers, shippers, and brokers. But very few talk about the government contracting side of freight--which can be incredibly demanding but also lucrative.Joining us for a second time is the amazing Melanie Patterson who is the Read More
In this keynote episode, Todd Cochrane (Founder of Blubrry Podcasting and one of the first 40 podcasters ever) delivers The State of Podcasting Address for PodPros Q3, which contains details of the past, present, and insights into the future of the podcasting industry. Additionally, Alex brings up the topic of Read More
For two years we've heard about the evolution of work with workers largely dictating the new terms. But as the economy continues to evolve what does the current job landscape look like? Is now a good time to be looking for a job? How do you develop a relationship with Read More
You might have witnessed a viral video going around that showed a man in the jungle harvesting tiny beatles into a red paste. Turns out that red paste is used to make red lipstick and is also the main ingredient for red food coloring. In today's episode, we're diving into that process Read More
On last week’s show we talked about the digital marketing strategies for the top carriers in the US–so this week we’re doing the same for 3PLs. By looking at their websites and social media, we can get a good idea of how these companies strategize their marketing efforts so you can Read More
Rocket Shipping CEO Gabe Pankonin joins the show to talk about the nuances of LTL shipping, crappy TMS systems, and how the company is diving head-first into TikTok and content marketing. Connect with Gabe Pankonin on LinkedinFollow Rocket Shipping on TikTok, Linkedin and their website. Everything is Logistics is hosted by Blythe Read More
In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo shares something that has been bothering him about the podcasting experience; on both sides of the mic. And it's that there's a lot of friction involved with podcasting and life when it comes to balance. Alex shares an alternative way to view, produce, and share Read More
Most logistics companies are blessed to have one person in charge of marketing. But at Odyssey Logistics, their marketing department is not only thriving--but growing. That's why we're excited to have Eileen Curran, Odyssey's VP of Marketing Communications, on the show to talk about how the company embraces storytelling and evolving Read More
There are plenty of logistics data points that industry folks love to analyze but why are there so few data points when it comes to freight marketing? Well, in today’s show we’re changing that with a first look into how 20 of the top carriers in freight treat their website Read More
In this keynote interview, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Jordan Harbinger about his podcasting journey. Jordan shares about how he got started, the struggles he faced along the way, and ultimately what has led him to the success he has seen today with more than 15 million downloads on The Jordan Harbinger Read More
Trucking Social Media Strategies with Magnum Transportation Social media has been around since the mid-2000s but it's still widely considered a "new" trend in freight. Magnum Transportation and its rockstar marketing manager, Katie McPherson, are proof of the benefits of having a creative and results-driven social strategy. Katie was at the Transportation Marketing Read More
The Story Behind Hirschbach's Graffiti-Style BrandingThe Hirschbach tagline is "not your typical trucking company" and when you see one of their trucks driving down the road, you know exactly what I'm talking about. From their trucks to the company building, Hirschbach uses graffiti-style branding that draws attention in all the Read More
Most podcasters don't have a huge audience. But they still want to make an impact and sell their services using this platform. Listen as Ina Coveney shares how she was able to monetize her business to 6 figures without ever cracking the 1K follower mark on any social media platform. Read More
What a Shipper Wants with The Produce Industry PodcastMost of us in shipping know how complex the busy produce season can be. Which is why many freight brokers go above and beyond to try to reach those shippers. In this episode, we're talking with citrus farm owner turned shipper turned Read More
In this Freightwaves Now mashup, I'm sharing 4 different clips from previous appearances discussing how freight companies can prepare their marketing plans now should a recession hit our industry hard. It's not all doom and gloom but if the last two years have taught us anything, it's that we gotta be Read More
You are guesting on podcasts but your authority, leads, and conversions aren’t growing as quickly as you’d like. Discover the podcast guest tracking system that will help you leverage your interviews and optimize results. Join as Lyndsay Phillips shares the system she uses for her clients that tracks what shows Read More
There's a lot of doubt running rampant in the markets but as logistics professionals--staying on top of those moments that can shift consumer behavior can mean the survival of your company. And what better way to stay on top of those shifts than to hear insight from some of the Read More