“The days are long but the years go fast...” “they” say. This weekend I was reminded of this truth. My daughter needed me and it felt great! But I know it won’t be like this for long! I got this song stuck in my head by Darius Rucker. ”It Won’t Read More
"It was the encore song. We had finished out set. We were the last band. And it was the last day of the festival...and uh, as we began the second verse I heard what I thought were fire crackers..." Christian told me in this interview about the song he and Read More
When Claudia lost her father last year...she found herself being reminded of him by lots different songs due to her dad's indulgence of blaring her favorite songs in the car. She remembers lots of trips to the cabin in her dad's awesome, mid life crisis car while she and at Read More
In the midst of scavenging the grocery stores late at night for his daughter's specialty formula ... this song instantly caught Shaun O'loughlin's attention and turned a long line at the grocery store into a pleasant and successful trip! Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uizQVriWp8M Shaun's Social: Read More
Meet my zanny, fun, positive friend Jena! Jena has relied on Jim Croce and his music to get her through her life. He was a great story teller with upbeat songs for the good times and songs with lots of emotion for the not-so-easy times. @Jena.Jake (IG & FB) I Read More
Who loves Christmas Music? Nicole loves Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas because she experienced a similar move as the little girl in this movie. She comforted herself, alone in FL, with this song as she worked through a lost relationship and moved on to new opportunities! Who knew she’d Read More
Let the River Run by Carly Simon is a classic 80’s movie song. Did you see “Working Girl”? Dana shares how River Run is more that just a song...it has so many memories attached to it including more to be made with her daughter’s upcoming ventures! Dana on FB: @DanaDamianiDOrsi Read More
Who knows the beautiful musical artist Maxwell? Tiffany shared a song released in 2002 called "Lifetime" about not giving up and shares how she graduated from college about the time her son did. She persisted through challenges of raising her son and working full time just to graduate as a Read More
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! Martina McBride takes the words out of my heart in her song Blessed. I hope you are feeling blessed and have a lot to be thankful today! 13:38 Blessed by Martina McBride: https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tFP1zcsNjAtTis2MTJg9JJKykktLk5NUUiqVMhNLCrJzEtUyE1OKspMSQUAGMkOCw&q=blessed+by+martina+mcbride&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS903US903&oq=blessed+by+martina&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46j0i22i30l5.7260j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Other Songs Mentioned 13:49 Alright by Darius Rucker 14:00 Sounds Like Life to Me Read More
Grace got you? Ever sang loud enough for the back row to hear you? Ever glided because dancing just wouldn't do? Laughed till your side hurt? Have you ever heard a song that just lifts your spirits and makes you get up a move? Because of the grace of God, Read More
What if you were a vampire with your spouse and got to live eternity together? All joking aside, I think that would be awesome! I don't want a life without my husband! What a tender song Blake shared with me! Jason Isbell is certainly a new artist on my radar! Read More
From a young age I have just loved the song by Lee Greenwood "God Bless the USA." I hear that song and pride just beams out of me! It's important that we all remember what a truly great country we live in despite the recent election/results and the men and Read More
Have you ever met someone with magnetic energy? That's Lisa Robertson! She picked a great song about starting new a new adventure away from home to become her own person and write her own story! To find Lisa Robertson on Social media... @LisaRoberton (FB) @lisasparklyclean (IG) Gonna stalk me on Read More
Well hallelujah! The Airstream Oracle AKA Shannon Pinkston overcame some big challenges in the past few years because she was tired of being afraid and proved to herself that she can do tough stuff! She sang Hallelujah to a large group of ppl - basically a concert - but how? Read More
Are you expecting? Have you had a miscarriage? Unfortunately I had two miscarriages of my own. Listen to songs I chose for my babies while I was still pregnant and how I sang them in anticipation of their arrival and then to calm my babies once they were born. Gonna Read More
Disney fanatic Jordana Izzo shares why Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts speaks to her life in all aspects from being a new home owner, a new Autistic diagnosis for her two year old and ramping up her travel business with Travelmation-best Disney travel team...all during covid!!! Life is Read More
You're doing what Debbi? Oh, tell. Me. More! Do you know who Joni Mitchell is? I do now because Debbi shared a very old song with the title of, The Circle Game, with me. Funny how there is still relevance to draw from it! All things social for Debbi: @BehindtheGems Read More
She wanted to run away after a very traumatic event. Listening to Fast Car Emily dreamed of leaving it all but didn't because she was mature enough to know as one of the oldest kids in her family, she needed to stay to help with her siblings. Unfortunately, she revisited Read More
Alison Hughey shares techniques she uses to help herself and patients cope with stress and anxiety as a Music Therapist in Spartanburg, SC! Listen to hear her gentle accent and lots of insight into the song The Once and Future Carpenter by the Avett Brothers! The song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmnVKc7JdUM 1:18 Carolina Read More
It's the mighty L.O.V.E. Culture! Mr. Al Pete catches the gang after a week of releasing their EP 'Vol. 2' (which is FLAMES, PEOPLE)! There are talks about the project, their strengths, and what's next for them, individually and collectively. Stream/purchase the project 'Vol. 2' on all streaming platforms or Read More