Have you ever been in a conflict with someone who just shuts down or leaves? If you are someone who NEEDS to resolve the issue NOW, that gets so frustrating, right? You feel even more agitated. I feel you. I tend to want to resolve the conflict NOW and I get Read More
Jamal shares deep insights on the distinction between pain and suffering and how pain develops into suffering. He also shares tips to reduce suffering. Biography Jamal Jivanjee is a best-selling author, podcaster, and full time life coach. As an author with over twenty years of experience working with people in Read More
In this episode, we continue last week's conversation about having loved ones who are locked up and how it affects their family.As the caregiver for children whose family members are incarcerated, it can be hard to navigate a relationship with them and this can have a toll on the caregiver Read More
In this episode, Tiffany shares the hard and beautiful of raising 3 children with diagnoses and her own struggles with mental. She has truly made her mess, her message as she gives tips on self care as well as navigating parenting. Biography Tiffany Vaughan is a soul coach, host of Read More
Do I still have hard days? Of course. In this episode I share my personal struggles that are affecting me in my motherhood currentlySometimes things in life are not going the way we plan and things feel out of sorts. I want to remind you that its a season and Read More
The caregiver’s job is a difficult one with many new realities and hardships such as incarceration.Often they need to perform as both mother and father to a child with a parent in prison, teaching skills and caring for them in ways the absent parent would have done as well as Read More
Did you know that some of the stress you experience is actually optional? You have the power to delete things out of your life that create stress. You can chose to be 'not busy'. This episode I teach you on creating a lifestyle that is low stress and more calm. You may have Read More
Anna Maria DiDio shares the joys and challenges of adopting a child from a different culture. She shares tips to help prepare parents who choose to adopt. Biography Anna Maria DiDio, MSW is an adoptive mother and was inspired to write her memoir, Love at the Border, An Adoption Adventure Read More
Are you a people pleaser? I used to be one. I hear so many moms joke about this. Oh, I'm just a people pleaser. The reality is, if you are a people pleaser you will find that it puts so much more stress on you that can be avoided. In todays episode Read More
Lynne Bowman author of the cookbook, Brownies for Breakfast is back! She shares the importance of family mealtimes and how to make it fun! What about school lunches? Biography Lynne has been featured at women's expos throughout the country, teaming with actress Deidre Hall to write and publish Deidre Hall's Read More
Have you been in a position to help a loved one however you are not ready? I totally understand you and this is exactly why I decided to highlight this in this episode.Are you curious to find out how to resolve this? Press play on this episode.CONNECT WITH ROZ JONESYoutube: Jacksonville's Read More
Have you ever had one of those days? Everything just seems off and you are in a negative mood. Your kids annoy you, your spouse is getting on your nerves. Everything just feels off. We all have days like that. I personally don't enjoy staying in that type of mood. In this episode Read More
Glam Grandma, Lynne Bowman author of Brownies for Breakfast shares ways that you can prepare and feed your children real food. She shares great tips for getting children to try new foods. Biography Lynne has been featured at women's expos throughout the country, teaming with actress Deidre Hall to write Read More
Do you feel like you are often impatient with you kids? Does it feel like they sometimes annoy you ALL DAY LONG? Yep, I've been there. I still have days like that. Today I'm excited to share with you 5 healthy habits I do daily to increase my patience meter.I believe its Read More
What is a stress coach?How do you hire one?Do you even NEED one?If you been struggling with feeling like you are failing in motherhood, feeling chronically overwhelmed and stressed, often yelling at your kids and spouse, feeling like you are mean to your kiddos...you may need some support mama. If Read More
Voice over actor and stay at home dad, Maccabee Griffin talks about parenting 2 children diagnosed with autism. He funny and light hearted in his sharing. Biography After being medically retired from the Army in 2015, Maccabee's life has been a rollercoaster of a journey down a road most refuse Read More
Overcome mom guilt Training Sign upAnxiety can mess with you big time! It will drain your mental, emotional and even physical energy! It can totally consume you to the point where its hard to function. I've had anxiety attacks in my life. I remember that as a Christian- I would pray Read More
In this episode Jim shares the importance of connecting with and empowering teenagers. Listen up for some great tips! Biography Jim White is an author, coach and founder of the Family Enrichment Academy. He has been married for 40 years and has 6 children as well as 12 grandchildren. His Read More
Dr. Brassell shares easy tips and tools to teachers and parents to help children develop a joy for reading. Biography A highly-sought after speaker, trainer and coach known as “Jim Carrey with a Ph.D.,” Dr. Danny Brassell has spoken to over 3,000 audiences worldwide and authored 16 books, including his Read More
You feel so agitated and annoyed by your kids. You love them, but you can't be around them for the next hour. Ever felt that? If that is you, in todays episode I discuss what may cause that. Feeling triggered is common, especially when you are running on empty. Being a mom Read More