Have you ever asked yourself if you were doing the right decision? Questions like, "Am I investing in the right upgrade?", or "Will this upgrade even generate more sales in the long run?" Entrepreneurs face these questions a lot, and if you have, THIS episode is for YOU!
Proactively asking questions is a must-have trait of an entrepreneur. After all, decision-making is a big factor in your success. It dictates the FUTURE of your business and creates steps for the PRESENT. You don't just want to survive the beginning of your journey. You want to FLOURISh and SUCCEED with what you are doing. This is how entrepreneurial minds are wired. You don't just settle for less. You always strive for MORE! 💪
Join me in this episode as my friend and business expert Denis Fourie helps us learn how we can make the right investment and how to convert leads into sales. Denis is the Founder & CEO of Upstart Entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience and has successfully started 7-8 figure businesses. He has helped thousands of entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses and he delivers lessons for entrepreneurs every day.
As always be sure to listen to The Professional Rule Breaker podcast where we share insider secrets, tools, and resources so you don't have to reinvent the wheel and get where you want to be faster.
What’s in this episode:
• 3 Questions that develop the entrepreneurial mindset
• How do you turn your business around when it's not making money
• Why you should know your rate per hour
Please leave us a 5-star review if you liked the episode here! ⭐️ Screenshot your favorite part and tag me on Instagram @theprofessionalrulebreaker and let’s continue our conversation there ❤️
You can visit Denis' website at: [email protected]
And you can also follow him on his social media accounts:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/denisfourie/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denis-fourie/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/upstartsecrets/
Thank you for listening, see you in the next episode!
~ 💕Kathy Walterhouse ~