"You don't know what you don't know." Let us open our minds as our special guest for today, Cindy Arledge, helps business owners understand the importance of Financial Planning for your family and your business.
Join me as we dive deep into Cindy's expertise in Financial Planning. You might just get your mind blown by the topic that our guest has shared today.
Be ready for yet another juicy episode in The Professional Rule Breaker podcast. Let's jump in and listen to Cindy as she shares her tips and tools in manifesting and achieving your dreams.
As always, be sure to listen to The Professional Rule Breaker podcast where we share insider secrets, tools, and resources so you don't have to reinvent the wheel and get where you want to be faster.
What’s in this episode:
- What is G.R.I.P.P. and how it could help your life and entrepreneurial journey
- How important is a Succession Plan for Legacy Family Planning
- Why "We don't know, what we don't know"
Please leave us a 5-star review if you liked the episode here! ⭐️ Screenshot your favorite part and tag me on Instagram @theprofessionalrulebreaker and let’s continue our conversation there ❤️
You can visit Cindy's website at: www.cindyarledge.com
Or you could also directly book a call with Cindy in this link: www.meetcindyarledge.com/meet-cindy
You can also follow her socials:
LinkedIn: Cindy Arledge, MBA
Facebook: @CindyDArledge
Thank you for listening, see you in the next episode!
~ Kathy Walterhouse ~