Do you also struggle with leading your specific clients directly to your business online? The right SEO message would serve - and that's what THIS EPISODE is about.
Exposing your business online is daunting, right? Many entrepreneurs even think that this is too technical for them. But guess what? This puzzle that small business owners want to solve is already simplified for us by our special guest for today, Andrea Rainsford, the SEO Angel.
So be sure to listen to The Professional Rule Breaker podcast where we share insider secrets, tools, and resources so you don't have to reinvent the wheel and get where you want to be faster.
What’s in this episode:
- What revenue-generating results does SEO do in your business
- What steps should you take to boost your SEO messaging
- What SEO tools and tips do you need to optimize your website
Please leave us a 5-star review if you liked the episode here! ⭐️ Screenshot your favorite part and tag me on Instagram @theprofessionalrulebreaker and let’s continue our conversation there ❤️
You can visit Andrea's website at: https://www.seoangel.co.uk/
And you can also follow her on her social media accounts:
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-ra...
IG: https://www.instagram.com/_seo_angel/
FB - https://www.facebook.com/theSEOAngel/
FB personal - https://www.facebook.com/andrea.rains...
Thank you for listening, see you in the next episode!
~ Kathy Walterhouse ~