Hello there! I’m Kathy Walterhouse, your host for The Professional Rule Breaker podcast.
Are you ready to up-level your business? Get revealing, success-generating secrets from top breakthrough entrepreneurs.
I started this podcast and my company The Professional Rule Breaker to help entrepreneurs to go from frustrated to flourishing.
Don't waste time and money and miss out on sales. Come listen to The Professional Rule Breaker podcast where we share insider secrets, tools, and resources so you don't have to reinvent the wheel and get where you want to be faster.
What’s in this episode:
- Get to know about me and The Professional Rule Breaker podcast
- How a mentor can help you achieve your goals
- The top 3 aspects that make a professional rule breaker
Please leave us a 5-star review if you liked the episode here! ⭐️ Screenshot your favorite part and tag me on Instagram @theprofessionalrulebreaker and let’s continue our conversation there ❤️
Or, you can also check out my website here: https://www.theprofessionalrulebreake...
Like and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/TheProfessionalRuleBr...
Thank you for listening, see you in the next episode!
~ Kathy Walterhouse ~