Is your mindset on success holding you back? A remarkable MINDSET will lead anyone to reach their business and life goals.
Today I am joined by Dani Kenney, International Life & Business Coach, dedicated to helping you master your energy and mindset so you can make more money. She will be sharing her knowledge on what T.F.A.R. is all about and the missing gap in making this principle more efficient.
As always, be sure to listen to The Professional Rule Breaker podcast where we share insider secrets, tools, and resources so you don't have to reinvent the wheel and get where you want to be faster.
What’s in this episode:
- Mastering your money mindset
- What is T.F.A.R. and how you should make it generate success in your business
- Identifying the missing piece to achieve your goals
Please leave us a 5-star review if you liked the episode here! ⭐️ Screenshot your favorite part and tag me on Instagram @theprofessionalrulebreaker and let’s continue our conversation there ❤️
You can visit Dani's website at: https://www.danikenneycoaching.com/
And you can also follow her on her social media accounts:
IG: @danikenney
FB - Dani Kenney (https://www.facebook.com/danikenneyco...)
Thank you for listening, see you in the next episode!
~ Kathy Walterhouse ~